11 research outputs found

    Constraints on hadron resonance gas interactions via first-principles Lattice QCD susceptibilities

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    We investigate extensions of the Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) Model beyond the ideal case by incorporating both attractive and repulsive interactions into the model. When considering additional states exceeding those measured with high confidence by the Particle Data Group, attractive corrections to the overall pressure in the HRG model are imposed. On the other hand, we also apply excluded-volume corrections, which ensure there is no overlap of baryons by turning on repulsive (anti)baryon-(anti)baryon interactions. We emphasize the complementary nature of these two extensions and identify combinations of conserved charge susceptibilities that allow us to constrain them separately. In particular, we find interesting ratios of susceptibilities that are sensitive to one correction and not the other. This allows us to constrain the excluded volume and particle spectrum effects separately. Analysis of the available lattice results suggests the presence of both the extra states in the baryon-strangeness sector and the repulsive baryonic interaction, with indications that hyperons have a smaller repulsive core than non-strange baryons. We note that these results are interesting for heavy-ion-collision systems at both the LHC and RHIC.Comment: Contribution to the 20th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2022

    Lattice-QCD-based equations of state at finite temperature and density

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    The equation of state (EoS) of QCD is a crucial input for the modeling of heavy-ion-collision (HIC) and neutron-star-merger systems. Calculations of the fundamental theory of QCD, which could yield the true EoS, are hindered by the infamous Fermi sign problem which only allows direct simulations at zero or imaginary baryonic chemical potential. As a direct consequence, the current coverage of the QCD phase diagram by lattice simulations is limited. In these proceedings, two different equations of state based on first-principle lattice QCD (LQCD) calculations are discussed. The first is solely informed by the fundamental theory by utilizing all available diagonal and non-diagonal susceptibilities up to O(μB4)\mathcal{O}(\mu_B^4) in order to reconstruct a full EoS at finite baryon number, electric charge and strangeness chemical potentials. For the second, we go beyond information from the lattice in order to explore the conjectured phase structure, not yet determined by LQCD methods, to assist the experimental HIC community in their search for the critical point. We incorporate critical behavior into this EoS by relying on the principle of universality classes, of which QCD belongs to the 3D Ising Model. This allows one to study the effects of a singularity on the thermodynamical quantities that make up the equation of state used for hydrodynamical simulations of HICs. Additionally, we ensure that these EoSs are valid for applications to HICs by enforcing conditions of strangeness neutrality and fixed charge-to-baryon-number ratio.Comment: Contribution to the 37th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2103.0814

    Thermodynamics of an updated hadronic resonance list and influence on hadronic transport

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    Hadron lists based on experimental studies summarized by the Particle Data Group (PDG) are a crucial input for the equation of state and thermal models used in the study of strongly-interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions. Modeling of these strongly-interacting systems is carried out via hydrodynamical simulations, which are followed by hadronic transport codes that also require a hadronic list as input. To remain consistent throughout the different stages of modeling of a heavy-ion collision, the same hadron list with its corresponding decays must be used at each step. It has been shown that even the most uncertain states listed in the PDG from 2016 are required to reproduce partial pressures and susceptibilities from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics with the hadronic list known as the PDG2016+. Here, we update the hadronic list for use in heavy-ion collision modeling by including the latest experimental information for all states listed in the Particle Data Booklet in 2021. We then compare our new list, called PDG2021+, to Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics results and find that it achieves even better agreement with the first principles calculations than the PDG2016+ list. Furthermore, we develop a novel scheme based on intermediate decay channels that allows for only binary decays, such that PDG2021+ will be compatible with the hadronic transport framework SMASH. Finally, we use these results to make comparisons to experimental data and discuss the impact on particle yields and spectra.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, 2 table

    Long Range Plan: Dense matter theory for heavy-ion collisions and neutron stars

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    Since the release of the 2015 Long Range Plan in Nuclear Physics, major events have occurred that reshaped our understanding of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and nuclear matter at large densities, in and out of equilibrium. The US nuclear community has an opportunity to capitalize on advances in astrophysical observations and nuclear experiments and engage in an interdisciplinary effort in the theory of dense baryonic matter that connects low- and high-energy nuclear physics, astrophysics, gravitational waves physics, and data scienceComment: 70 pages, 3 figures, White Paper for the Long Range Plan for Nuclear Scienc

    Equation of State and Net-charge Fluctuations for Strongly-interacting Matter

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    Exploration of the phase diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) matter is an exciting undertaking that will elucidate the underlying fundamental theory of the strong nuclear force. The strong force, one of the four forces of nature, is responsible for binding together the protons and neutrons, collectively hadrons, that occur throughout the Universe. This dissertation seeks to characterize the transition in the QCD phase diagram through both theoretical models and first principle methods, thereby leading to an increased understanding of the fundamental strong interaction. The QCD phase diagram, the primary object of study, is intimately related to the early Universe and the mechanism through which it evolved to the current state that we observe today. Namely, this study seeks to understand the transition that happened just after the Big Bang when protons and neutrons were created from their constituent quarks and gluons by mapping out the phase diagram of strongly-interacting matter. In this dissertation, I will describe the various Equations of State for QCD that I have developed along with my efforts to characterize the low-density transition region of the QCD phase diagram. The Equation of State is a crucial input for the simulations of strongly-interacting matter produced in the laboratory during heavy-ion collisions (HICs). Furthermore, the transition between dense, deconfined quark-gluon matter and hadronic matter is investigated through the study of the chemical freeze-out stage in HICs. By understanding the medium produced in these collisions, we study the primordial liquid of the Universe, the Quark-Gluon Plasma, and as a result, the mechanism by which quarks and gluons combine to form hadrons. These results are not only impactful for studies of the early Universe through heavy-ion-collision physics, but they are also important for the astrophysics community for studies of neutron-star mergers that also traverse paths across the QCD phase diagram in the low temperature, high density regime

    Constraining the hadronic spectrum and repulsive interactions in a hadron resonance gas via fluctuations of conserved charges

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    We simultaneously incorporate two common extensions of the hadron resonance gas model, namely the addition of extra, unconfirmed resonances to the particle list and the excluded volume repulsive interactions. We emphasize the complementary nature of these two extensions and identify combinations of conserved charge susceptibilities that allow to constrain them separately. In particular, ratios of second-order susceptibilities like χ11BQ/χ2B\chi_{11}^{BQ}/\chi_2^B and χ11BS/χ2B\chi_{11}^{BS}/\chi_2^B are sensitive only to the baryon spectrum, while fourth-to-second order ratios like χ4B/χ2B\chi_4^B/\chi_2^B, χ31BS/χ11BS\chi_{31}^{BS}/\chi_{11}^{BS}, or χ31BQ/χ11BQ\chi_{31}^{BQ}/\chi_{11}^{BQ} are mainly determined by repulsive interactions. Analysis of the available lattice results suggests the presence of both the extra states in the baryon-strangeness sector and the repulsive baryonic interaction, with indications that hyperons have a smaller repulsive core than non-strange baryons. The modified hadron resonance gas model presented here significantly improves the description of lattice QCD susceptibilities at chemical freeze-out and can be used for the analysis of event-by-event fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, version published in Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamics of an updated hadronic resonance list and influence on hadronic transport

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    Hadron lists based on experimental studies summarized by the Particle Data Group (PDG) are a crucial input for the equation of state and thermal models used in the study of strongly-interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions. Modeling of these strongly-interacting systems is carried out via hydrodynamical simulations, which are followed by hadronic transport codes that also require a hadronic list as input. To remain consistent throughout the different stages of modeling of a heavy-ion collision, the same hadron list with its corresponding decays must be used at each step. It has been shown that even the most uncertain states listed in the PDG from 2016 are required to reproduce partial pressures and susceptibilities from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics with the hadronic list known as the PDG2016+. Here, we update the hadronic list for use in heavy-ion collision modeling by including the latest experimental information for all states listed in the Particle Data Booklet in 2021. We then compare our new list, called PDG2021+, to Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics results and find that it achieves even better agreement with the first principles calculations than the PDG2016+ list. Furthermore, we develop a novel scheme based on intermediate decay channels that allows for only binary decays, such that PDG2021+ will be compatible with the hadronic transport framework SMASH. Finally, we use these results to make comparisons to experimental data and discuss the impact on particle yields and spectra

    Thermal-model-based characterization of heavy-ion-collision systems at chemical freeze-out

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    We investigate the chemical freeze-out in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) and the impact of the hadronic spectrum on thermal model analyses [1, 2]. Detailed knowledge of the hadronic spectrum is still an open question, which has phenomenological consequences on the study of HICs. By varying the number of resonances included in Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) Model calculations, we can shed light on which particles may be produced. Furthermore, we study the influence of the number of states on the so-called two flavor freezeout scenario, in which strange and light particles can freeze-out separately. We consider results for the chemical freeze-out parameters obtained from thermal model fits and from calculating net-particle fluctuations. We will show the effect of using one global temperature to fit all particles and alternatively, allowing particles with and without strange quarks to freeze-out separately