2 research outputs found

    Der Fall des Reiches oder Wartend auf die Barbaren

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    Hungarica KĂ©zirat-kataszter (HKK) = Hungarian Manuscript Database

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    A kutatĂĄsi ciklusban rĂ©szben sikerĂŒlt „lezĂĄrnunk” olyan gyƱjtemĂ©nyek körĂ©t, ahol mĂĄr korĂĄbban is kutattunk (KolozsvĂĄr). EzekrƑl teljeskörƱ ĂĄttekintĂ©st szereztĂŒnk, illetve az elkĂ©szĂ­tett jegyzĂ©kek, valamint az adatbĂĄzisba vitt rekordok (Mokka MS - OTKA HKK) rĂ©szletes kutatĂĄst tesznek lehetƑvĂ© az anyagban. A többi feltĂĄrĂĄs a magyar kutatĂĄs elƑtt eddig nagyrĂ©szt ismeretlen gyƱjtemĂ©nyeket cĂ©lzott meg (MĂŒncheni Magyar IntĂ©zet, Brno – VĂĄrosi KönyvtĂĄr, VĂĄrosi levĂ©ltĂĄr, Morva Állami levĂ©ltĂĄr). Ebben a csoportban olyan hagyatĂ©kok magyar vonatkozĂĄsĂș anyagait tĂĄrtuk fel Ă©s rögzĂ­tettĂŒk, amelyrƑl sem a szakirodalom, sem a rendelkezĂ©sĂŒnkre ĂĄllĂł hungarica-kutatĂĄsi dokumentĂĄciĂł nem tud. | In this cycle, we managed to bring our research to the end in the collections where we had carried out research before (Cluj-Napoca). About these collections, we have acquired a complete overview. The inventories of the Hungarica material we have prepared will considerably facilitate specific studies of any kind within this material. The other destinations of our study such as Munich: Hungarian Institute, Brno: Municipal Library, Municipal Archives, and Moravian State Archives have remained unexplored for Hungarian scholars so far. In these collections, we have uncovered Hungarica documents, hidden in various bequests, which form an entirely new material for the scholarly literature and for the documentation of Hungarica research