15 research outputs found

    Plasma cell myeloma – therapeutic opportunities

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    Introduction: Plasmocytic myeloma (PCM) is a neoplastic disease with a multistage course. Monoclonal plasmocytes undergo uncontrolled, multifocal growth in the bone marrow, which results in the production of monoclonal immunoglobulin or its fragments that damage the bone marrow. Aim: The aim of this study is to present selected therapeutic possibilities of multiple myeloma. Materials and methods: The work uses the method of non-systematic review and analysis of the available scientific literature. Databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Arianta, Scopus, Web of Science were searched. The years 2005-2022 were assumed as the review period. Discussion: Multiple myeloma accounts for 1-2% of all cancer cases, and 10-15% of all hematological cancers. It is the third most common lymphoid neoplasm after chronic lymphocytic leukemia and large B-cell lymphoma. The diagnosis of PCM requires the presence of a minimum of 10% clonal plasmocytes in the bone marrow or biopsy confirmed plasmocytoma. Moreover, the CRAB and SLiM CRAB criteria are also important. Treatment should be initiated in all symptomatic patients meeting the SLiM CRAB criteria. The first stage of treatment is to induce remission of the disease.   Conclusions: Thanks to the progress of medicine, an increasing percentage of patients achieve permanent remissions. The success of the therapy is a component of the earliest possible detection of the disease and the use of appropriate, individually selected drugs

    Head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma in a 4 year old girl – case report

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    Introduction: Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue naoplasm in the peditric population. Its diagnosis may prove to be a dauting task due to non-specific symptoms it tends to produce, which is explainable by the fact that it may arise in any part of the body. Both histology and the place of origin of the tumour significantly affect the prognosis. Case report: A four year old girl with a history of non-painful, heamopurulent ear discharge which was initially diagnosed as chronic granulomatous otitis media presented at the Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology upon the recurrence of these symptoms. The biopsy results showed an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma-like infiltration and the patient was referred to the Department of Pediatric Hematooncology at the Children's Hospital. The patient underwent a resective surgery that had been preceded by a course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Following the surgery, a course of chemoradiotherapy was implemented. Currently the patient remains in remission. Conclusions: An early diagnosis is crucial in any neoplastic disease and rhabdomyosarcoma is no exception. Such diagnosis should be entertained in any instance of otolaryngological symptoms that are refractory to standard treatment

    The case series of baclofen intoxication

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    Baclofen, a gamma-amino butyric acid type B (GABAb) inhibitor, is commonly used in management of spasticity and other medical conditions, such as alcohol dependency. However, given its mechanism of action, increasing usage of baclofen raises concerns about possibility of intoxication. The authors present herein three cases of baclofen intoxication of patients in various age and general condition

    Therapeutic methods in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer - a review

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    Breast cancer is a common female malignancy characterized by the presence of multiple subtypes taking into account, among other things, hormonal activity. The purpose of this study is to show the therapeutic options for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). A review of the literature in databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science by keywords was performed, taking into account papers from 2017-2022. The main therapeutic approaches are surgical intervention and systemic chemotherapy (neoadjuvant and adjuvant). Unsatisfactory results from chemotherapy have prompted researchers to work on other methods to combat TNBC. Clinical trials are being conducted on the use of immunotherapy focusing mainly on molecules against PD-1, PD-L1, and CTLA-4. Targeted therapy is the latest proposed form of therapy, which offers the possibility of introducing a drug in the future that will be tailored to the patient's needs limiting the negative therapeutic impact

    A big Wilms tumor in a 14-months-old boy

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    Introduction. Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma) is a malignant neoplasm located in a kidney. It is typical for children and it occurs almost exclusively in a childhood. Purpose of work, material and methods. The aim of the study is presentation of symptoms, diagnostics and treatment of the massive Wilms tumor in a 14-months-old child. Results. In the paper it was presented the case of 14-months-old boy with the Wilms tumor. The patient did not present typical symptoms of a nephroblastoma, except from a perceptible tumor in a abdomen. US and CT scan confirmed a preliminary diagnosis of the neoplasm. After US, a parasitic cyst was taken into account in a differential diagnostics. Despite a growth the tumor after a pre-operative chemotherapy and a radical nephrectomy was successful. A complete remission was achieved. Discussion. The age of the boy was standard for Wilms tumor. The patient presented the main symptom for nephroblastoma – a large, painless abdominal mass, but without other symptoms (haematuria, malaise and hypertension). A protocol involves a primary treatment with chemotherapy, next surgical resection and later post-operative chemotherapy. The prognosis and survival rate of Wilms tumor depends on pathologic pattern. Relapses are rare in nephroblastoma. Conclusion. The case was not typical form of the Wilms tumor. Doctors should take it into account while diagnosing other illnesses with similar symptoms

    Media as a determinant of the sexuality of young Poles

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    Objective of the work: The aim of this study is to learn about the influence of the media on the sexuality of young Poles. Material and methods: The diagnostic survey method and the survey technique were used, based on the research tool which was the original questionnaire. 310 respondents, different in terms of sex, faith, place of residence and education, current family situation, aged from 16 to 21, participated in the study. Statistical analysis was carried out with the use of Exel 2019 and the SPSS Statisctics package, version 25, using the ANOVA analysis of variance and the Mann-Whitney and H Kruskal-Wallis t-tests. The data collection stage was carried out in the period from October to December 2019, via the Internet. Results and conclusions: Both men and women participating in the study view sexual, erotic and pornographic content in the mass media available to them, but women viewed pornographic content significantly less often than men. The main source of knowledge about sexuality for young Poles is the Internet. Television is relatively rare. Most of the respondents find it difficult to assess whether the media is a credible source of information on human sexuality. Most of the survey participants believe that the media content does not accelerate sexual initiation and does not affect their attitude towards sex. Believers were much less likely to support the credibility of mass media in the context of sexuality than non-believers. Key words: sexuality, sexual behavior, youth, medi

    The problem of tissue and organ transplantation in the light of the dogma of world religions

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    Background: Transplantation affects almost everyone, often affecting many almost directly, whether as donor or recipient.  The presence of an incurable disease, failure, or irreversible damage to a particular organ leads the patient and his or her treatment team to seek effective life-saving methods, including the possibility of tissue or organ transplantation. The development of the field of transplantology has enabled many patients to continue living. Paradoxically, the death of one person can offer life to another. Aim of the study: To analyse the attitude towards transplantation about the dogmas of the main world religions. Material and method: A non-systematic review of Polish and English-language scientific literature was carried out according to keywords: transplantation, transplantology, religion, denomination, and attitude. No time or methodological limitation (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) was indicated to qualify publications for review. The following databases were searched: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Results and conclusions: The Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Orthodox Church, Islam, Judaism, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not directly oppose organ transplantation, although some denominations place certain conditions on the acceptance of transplantation. Gypsies, followers of Confucianism and Shintoism are opposed to performing transplants from deceased persons. The religions presented do not promote among their followers either to be donors or recipients of transplants. The level of transplantation worldwide varies. So far, there is a perception that undergoing this procedure is against one's religion and tradition.

    Standards of conduct in residential long-term nursing care in view of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic

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    Introduction: SARS - CoV - 2 virus, which causes COVID - 19 disease, is transmitted mainly by droplets. The symptoms of infection are: fever, wet cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, pain in muscles and bones, general malaise accompanied by exhaustion. Anosomy (loss of smell) and dysgeusia are also common, as well as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. The diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is based on molecular tests involving the detection of fragments of the viral genome in real time PCR (real time polymerase reaction) in nasopharyngeal swabs, less often throat swabs. Objective of the work: The aim of the study is to summarize the guidelines for long-term nursing care for a patient infected with SARS - CoV - 2 in the patient's home environment. Material and methods: The work was based on the method of non-systematic review of scientific literature. The following databases were searched: PubMed, EBESCO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, according to keywords in Polish and English: SARS - CoV - 2, long-term care, nursing, recommendations. The annual limits 2019 - 2020 were assumed as the search period. Results and conclusions:The SARS-CoV-2 virus appears in residential long-term care facilities primarily through its transmission from the external environment by the entity's employees. Proper management of long-term care facilities is the basis for reducing COVID - 19 transmission, and thus the number of confirmed cases. The knowledge about the recommendations and recommendations of authorized bodies regarding the proceedings limiting the transmission of the virus should be regularly updated

    Massive bilateral Wilms tumor and an effective therapy – case report

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    Introduction. Wilms’ tumor is one of the most common cancer arises into an abdomen and it is estimated to be over 90% of all pediatric kidney tumors. The tumor usually arises in a single kidney. Aim of the work. The aim of our study was to present diagnostics and treatment of massive bilateral Wilms’ tumor in a child with abdominal enlargement without any other symptoms. Material and methods. The case repot is about the 10-months-old boy hospitalized due to enlargement of the abdomen. All diagnostics and treatment was managed by University Children’s Hospital in Lublin. Case report. A 10-years-old boy was admitted to the hospital due to rapid abdominal enlargement. CT scan revealed massive bilateral tumor derived from kidneys. Considering clinical picture and additional tests it was decided to recognize the bilateral Wilms’ tumor and implemented chemotherapy according to SIOP 2001 and changed to Umbrella protocol because of inefficiency. A right partial and left nephrectomy was conducted. Post-surgical chemotherapy was applied and finished without complications. There is no recurrence of disease. Kidney functioning is good. Discussion. The case is asymptomatic abdominal enlargement what is common in patients with Wilms’ tumor. Abdominal pain is the most common initial presenting symptom. Picture diagnostic as a CT and US, gives first tip for diagnosis. Clinical picture and CT scans allow to apply chemotherapy. Surgery is essential in the treatment. In bilateral disease kidney function is essential. NSS is recommended. Conclusions. The only symptom the of the huge tumor was enlargement of the abdomen. In a few cases Wilms’s tumor is bilateral and not responding to standard chemotherapy. Partial nephrectomy can provide complete remission and good kidney function

    Ischemic stroke as a rare cause of seizures in a newborn – case report

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    Background: Identifying etiology of seizures is the primary clinical objective in the management of neonatal seizures (NS). About 85 % of NS cases occurr as a consequence of a specific, identifiable etiology. Causes of symptomatic NS can be broadly categorized as: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, electrolyte or metabolic disturbances, CNS or systemic infections, developmental defects and acquired structural brain lesions, including hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke is characterized as a sudden focal or generalized brain function disruption, whose symptoms tend to last longer than 24 hours (or cause death) and have no other reason but a vascular one. The reported annual incidence is estimated at one per 4000 live births for neonates. The aim of this case report is to present diagnostic difficulties in case of ischemic stroke in apparently healthy neonate. This case concerns a patient – a full-term male newborn, who was in a good condition in the first 3 days after birth. At the beginning of the 4th day of life 3 episodes of right-sided clonic seizures with right-sided nystagmus occurred and which was the reason for admitting the patient to the Department of Neonate and Infant Pathology. Shortly after arrival the seizures appeared again. Laboratory tests showed slightly lowered glucose level and elevated serum concentration of lactic acid. The ultrasound examination of the head revealed a small right-sided subependymal cyst. The patient’s condition was deteriorating, with recurring righ-sided clonic and tonic seizures accompanied by apnea and desaturation that required resuscitation efforts. Because of worsening state of the patient, CT scan was performed. The CT examination revealed a hypodensic area in the left parietal region and cerebral edema, which indicated a possible ischemic stroke. Conclusions: The absence of visible pathologies in the ultrasound examination of the head does not necessarily indicate a lack of CSN abnormalities. More precise imaging tests are needed to identify the cause of NS