33 research outputs found

    FLightR: An r package for reconstructing animal paths from solar geolocation loggers

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    © 2017 British Ecological Society.Solar geolocators are relatively cheap and simple tools which are widely used to study the migration of animals, especially birds. The methods to estimate the geographic positions from the light-intensity patterns collected by these loggers, however, are still under development. The accurate reconstruction of the annual schedules and movement patterns of individual animals requires analytical methods which provide estimates of daily locations, distances between the locations and the directions of movement, with measures of their uncertainty. The new r package FLightR meets all these requirements. It enables refined and statistically validated estimations of movement patterns of birds. Here, we present main features of this advanced package

    Annual chronotypes functionally link life histories and life cycles in birds

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    © 2018 The Authors. Functional Ecology © 2018 British Ecological Society Life-history responses to ecological selection pressures can be described by a slow–fast life-history axis. Along this axis, fast-living animals usually invest in high breeding output, whereas slow-living ones prioritize their own survival. Birds may solve the trade-off between reproduction and survival by optimizing their seasonal schedules. Breeding early tends to facilitate reproductive success, whereas breeding late increases the chances to survive. On the basis of this argument, short- and long-lived birds should benefit from initiating spring activities earlier and later, respectively. The timing of seasonal activities, all else being equal, depends on the architecture of endogenous circannual clocks. Particularly, the length of the circannual period relative to the 365-day environmental year either facilitates the anticipation of seasonal activities (in case of periods shorter than 365 days) or represents a responsive mode (when periods are longer than 365 days). The two alternatives will be manifested by early or late annual chronotypes, respectively. We hypothesize that in birds, annual chronotype will correspond with position on the “pace-of-life scale.” Species with low survival probability, and thus a poor chance of breeding in a next season, should show early annual chronotypes facilitated by circannual-clock periods shorter than 365 days. In contrast, species with high survival rates should benefit from relatively long circannual periods. We predicted that circannual-period lengths should correlate positively with species-specific adult annual survival rates. Using published data for 16 wild bird species, we confirmed the predicted correlation. In our analysis, we accounted for the possible metabolic nature of circannual clocks, a correlation between rate of metabolism and survival, and phylogenetic relationships. On the basis of our finding, we propose that evolutionary responsive circannual clocks help birds cope with temporal variation in the environment in ways that are most appropriate for their life-history and life-table attributes. A plain language summary is available for this article

    Differences in size between first and replacement clutches match the seasonal decline in single clutches in Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor

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    © 2016 British Ornithologists' UnionThe seasonal decline in clutch size in birds can be a response to the environmentally conditioned decrease in prospects for offspring or a consequence of a lower physical ability of late-breeding females. To find out which of the explanations apply in Tree Swallows Tachycineta bicolor, we assessed whether replacement clutch size in this species is affected by an individual female's ability to lay a certain number of eggs. To do this, we measured the decline in clutch size as a function of laying date between first and replacement clutches in individuals that re-nested following natural failure, and compared this with the rate of decline in clutch size with laying date for Tree Swallows that laid only a single clutch in that season. Additionally, we assessed whether the clutch size and the rate of its seasonal decline varied across years. We accounted for the truncated and under-dispersed nature of clutch size data by using a Bayesian approach in the analysis. We found little variation in the rate of clutch size decline across years at our breeding site. Accounting for this seasonal decline in clutch size, mean clutch size was similar between single-time breeding females and those that laid replacement clutches, implying that the number of eggs laid on the second attempt by female Tree Swallows is determined by laying date, rather than by the female's physical ability to produce a clutch of a certain size

    A global population redistribution in a migrant shorebird detected with continent-wide qualitative breeding survey data

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    Aim Over the last two decades, thousands of northward migrating ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) have disappeared from western European staging sites. These migratory ruffs were partly temperate breeding birds, but most individuals head towards the Eurasian Arctic tundras where 95% of the global population breeds. This regional decline may represent either: (1) local loss of breeding birds in western Europe, (2) a global decline, (3) shift(s) in distribution or (4) a combination of these.Location Northern Eurasia.Methods To put the declines in western Europe in context, we analysed Arctic monitoring data from the last two decades (Soloviev & Tomkovich, 2009) to detect changes in regional breeding densities across northern Eurasia. We used a novel approach applying generalized additive modelling (GAM) and generalized estimations equations (GEE).Results We show that the global breeding population of ruffs has made a significant eastwards shift into the Asian part of the breeding range. In the European Arctic, ruffs decreased during the last 18 years. At the same time, in western Siberia, ruffs increased. In eastern Siberia, no significant population changes could be detected. These changes corroborate the finding that during northward migration, growing numbers of ruffs avoided staging areas in the Netherlands and Sweden and started migrating along a more easterly route leading into western Siberia.Main conclusions We detected an unprecedented large-scale population redistribution of ruffs and suggest that this is a response to loss of habitat quality at the traditional staging site in the Netherlands. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    現行民法典を創った人びと(3)起草委員 : 穂積陳重・富井政章・梅謙次郎

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    Aim Over the last two decades, thousands of northward migrating ruffs (Philomachus pugnax) have disappeared from western European staging sites. These migratory ruffs were partly temperate breeding birds, but most individuals head towards the Eurasian Arctic tundras where 95% of the global population breeds. This regional decline may represent either: (1) local loss of breeding birds in western Europe, (2) a global decline, (3) shift(s) in distribution or (4) a combination of these.Location Northern Eurasia.Methods To put the declines in western Europe in context, we analysed Arctic monitoring data from the last two decades (Soloviev & Tomkovich, 2009) to detect changes in regional breeding densities across northern Eurasia. We used a novel approach applying generalized additive modelling (GAM) and generalized estimations equations (GEE).Results We show that the global breeding population of ruffs has made a significant eastwards shift into the Asian part of the breeding range. In the European Arctic, ruffs decreased during the last 18 years. At the same time, in western Siberia, ruffs increased. In eastern Siberia, no significant population changes could be detected. These changes corroborate the finding that during northward migration, growing numbers of ruffs avoided staging areas in the Netherlands and Sweden and started migrating along a more easterly route leading into western Siberia.Main conclusions We detected an unprecedented large-scale population redistribution of ruffs and suggest that this is a response to loss of habitat quality at the traditional staging site in the Netherlands

    When a typical jumper skips:Itineraries and staging habitats used by Red Knots (<i>Calidris canutus piersmai</i>) migrating between northwest Australia and the New Siberian Islands

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    The ecological reasons for variation in avian migration, with some populations migrating across thousands of kilometres between breeding and non-breeding areas with one or few refuelling stops, in contrast to others that stop more often, remain to be pinned down. Red Knots Calidris canutus are a textbook example of a shorebird species that makes long migrations with only a few stops. Recognizing that such behaviours are not necessarily species-specific but determined by ecological context, we here provide a description of the migrations of a relatively recently described subspecies (piersmai). Based on data from tagging of Red Knots on the terminal non-breeding grounds in northwest Australia with 4.5- and 2.5-g solar-powered Platform Terminal Transmitters (PTTs) and 1.0-g geolocators, we obtained information on 19 route-records of 17 individuals, resulting in seven complete return migrations. We confirm published evidence that Red Knots of the piersmai subspecies migrate from NW Australia and breed on the New Siberian Islands in the Russian Arctic and that they stage along the coasts of southeastern Asia, especially in the northern Yellow Sea in China. Red Knots arrived on the tundra breeding grounds from 8 June onwards. Southward departures mainly occurred in the last week of July and the first week of August. We documented six non-stop flights of over c. 5000 km (with a maximum of 6500 km, lasting 6.6 days). Nevertheless, rather than staging at a single location for multiple weeks halfway during migration, piersmai-knots made several stops of up to a week. This was especially evident during northward migration, when birds often stopped along the way in southeast Asia and 'hugged' the coast of China, thus flying an additional 1000-1500 km compared with the shortest possible (great circle route) flights between NW Australia and the Yellow Sea. The birds staged longest in areas in northern China, along the shores of Bohai Bay and upper Liaodong Bay, where the bivalve Potamocorbula laevis, known as a particularly suitable food for Red Knots, was present. The use of multiple food-rich stopping sites during northward migration by piersmai is atypical among subspecies of Red Knots. Although piersmai apparently has the benefit of multiple suitable stopping areas along the flyway, it is a subspecies in decline and their mortality away from the NW Australian non-breeding grounds has been elevated

    Publisher Correction:Fuelling conditions at staging sites can mitigate Arctic warming effects in a migratory bird (Nature Communications, (2018), 9, 1, (4263), 10.1038/s41467-018-06673-5)

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    In the original HTML version of this Article, the order of authors within the author list was incorrect. The consortium VRS Castricum was incorrectly listed after Theunis Piersma and should have been listed after Cornelis J. Camphuysen. This error has been corrected in the HTML version of the Article; the PDF version was correct at the time of publication

    Fuelling conditions at staging sites can mitigate Arctic warming effects in a migratory bird

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Under climate warming, migratory birds should align reproduction dates with advancing plant and arthropod phenology. To arrive on the breeding grounds earlier, migrants may speed up spring migration by curtailing the time spent en route, possibly at the cost of decreased survival rates. Based on a decades-long series of observations along an entire flyway, we show that when refuelling time is limited, variation in food abundance in the spring staging area affects fitness. Bar-tailed godwits migrating from West Africa to the Siberian Arctic reduce refuelling time at their European staging site and thus maintain a close match between breeding and tundra phenology. Annual survival probability decreases with shorter refuelling times, but correlates positively with refuelling rate, which in turn is correlated with food abundance in the staging area. This chain of effects implies that conditions in the temperate zone determine the ability of godwits to cope with climate-related changes in the Arctic