36 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of SSK-NOMA

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    In this paper, we consider the combination between two promising techniques: space-shift keying (SSK) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) for future radio access networks. We analyze the performance of SSK-NOMA networks and provide a comprehensive analytical framework of SSK-NOMA regarding bit error probability (BEP), ergodic capacity and outage probability. It is worth pointing out all analysis also stand for conventional SIMO-NOMA networks. We derive closed-form exact average BEP (ABEP) expressions when the number of users in a resource block is equal to i.e., L=3L=3. Nevertheless, we analyze the ABEP of users when the number of users is more than i.e., L3L\geq3, and derive bit-error-rate (BER) union bound since the error propagation due to iterative successive interference canceler (SIC) makes the exact analysis intractable. Then, we analyze the achievable rate of users and derive exact ergodic capacity of the users so the ergodic sum rate of the system in closed-forms. Moreover, we provide the average outage probability of the users exactly in the closed-form. All derived expressions are validated via Monte Carlo simulations and it is proved that SSK-NOMA outperforms conventional NOMA networks in terms of all performance metrics (i.e., BER, sum rate, outage). Finally, the effect of the power allocation (PA) on the performance of SSK-NOMA networks is investigated and the optimum PA is discussed under BER and outage constraints

    Threshold-based Selective Cooperative-NOMA

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    In this letter, we propose threshold-based selective cooperative-NOMA (TBS-C-NOMA) to increase the data reliability of conventional cooperative-NOMA (C-NOMA) networks. In TBS-C-NOMA, the intra-cell user forwards the symbols of cell-edge user after successive interference canceler (SIC) only if the signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) is greater than the pre-determined threshold value. Hence, the data reliability of the cell-edge user is increased by eliminating the effect of the error propagation. We derive closed-form end-to-end exact bit error probability (BEP) of proposed system for various modulation constellations. Then, the optimum threshold value is analyzed in order to minimize BEP. The obtained expressions are validated via simulations and it is revealed that TBS-C-NOMA outperforms C-NOMA and full diversity order is achieved

    Derivation of the closed-form BER expressions for DL-NOMA over Nakagami-m fading channels

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    NOMA is as a strong candidate for the Future Radio Access Network (FRA) due to its potential to support massive connectivity and high spectral efficiency. However, the most important drawback of NOMA is the error during Successive Interference Canceller (SIC) is implemented because of the inter-user interferences. In this paper, we derive closed-form exact Bit-Error Rate expressions for Downlink(DL) NOMA over Nakagami-m fading channels in the presence of SIC errors. The derived expressions are validated by the computer simulations. It is shown that the m parameter still represents the diversity order like as OMA systems. Besides, the BER performances of users for NOMA have substantially depended on the power allocation coefficient.Comment: 26.IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference,Izmir,Turke

    Kürzeste Wege im Wikipedia-Linkgraph

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit unterschiedlichen Beschleunigungstechniken zur Suche kürzester Pfade in einem Graph. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Weganfragen wird jedoch kein geographischer Graph als Datenquelle genutzt, sondern der manuell extrahierte Wikipedia-Linkgraph. Um eine Vergleichsgrundlage für Beschleunigungsalgorithmen zu erhalten, wird eine Auswertung der Breitensuche als Basis geschaffen. Zur optimalen Auswahl eines Beschleunigungsalgorithmus ist es unabdingbar, ein grundlegendes Verständnis über die Struktur des Graphen zu erhalten. In Folge dieser Untersuchung und einer Vorstellung unterschiedlicher Beschleunigungsalgorithmen wird das Transitknotenkonzept, welches in der Arbeit von Bast u.a. [BFM+07] vorgestellt wurde, auf den Wikipedia-Linkgraph angewandt. Um das Konzept auf einen nicht geographischen Graph anwenden zu können, wird nach der Arbeit von Eisner/Funke [EF12] die Suche nach einer passenden Transitknotenmenge als Hitting-Set-Problem formuliert. Die Qualität der ausgewählten Transitknoten wird mit unterschiedlichen Konstruktionen zur Transitknotenbestimmung verglichen und die verschiedenen Lösungen werden anhand der vorhergehenden Untersuchung der Graphstruktur erklärt. Schlussendlich wird gezeigt, warum die verschiedenen Konstruktionen der Transitknotenmenge schlechte Ergebnisse liefern, wodurch das Transitknotenkonzept angewandt auf den Wikipedia-Linkgraph fehlschlägt