4 research outputs found


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    A purpose of this study is I am biodynamical, and to make a posture control structure of the movement to wipe buttocks in the cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia clear. In addition, I limited the person of object because the obstacle image of the cerebrovascular accident was complicated. The support characteristics of paralysis side lower limbs are low this time, and monitor examines a person of sibgle paralysis of a necessary level in real movement. As a result, the characteristic of the movement to wipe buttocks was to control posture by letting a Trunk side moment and the hip joint extorsion moments of the side to wipe increase. It was to centralize a change of the working weight feeling in the non-paralysis side lower part, and it was it with a movement method to reduce unrest of the weight feeling to be concrete. In addition, I triggered it for braking for sagittal plane by generating a knee joint extension moment greatly at the same time. The movement of the cerebral apoplexy hemiplegia was different from the movement to unfold effectively of the physically unimpaired person and made much of safety most as things mentioned above

    高校吹奏楽部所属学生の楽器練習における身体症状の発生状況 : 演奏楽器別での症状特性について

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    高校吹奏楽部所属の1~3年生160名に、楽器の練習が影響していると考えられる身体症状についてアンケート調査を実施した. 結果は、チューバ奏者の多くが腰痛を訴えていた. サックス奏者やチューバ奏者には顎関節の痛みが発生していた. サックス奏者やチューバ奏者ならびにパーカッション奏者では利き手側の手関節や手指関節に関節痛が集中していた. また、整形外科的症状以外にも、頭痛、めまい、過呼吸、耳なり、倦怠感などの内科的症状が多くの学生に発生していた. これらの症状が改善できないまま学生は練習を継続していることもわかり、予防や対処法を検討していく必要があると考える.I carried out questionary survey about the physical symptom that it was thought that the exercise of the musical instrument influenced 160 1-3 year students of the high school brass band club position. Most of tubists appealed to the result for low back pain. To a saxophone player and a tubist, the pain of the temporomandibular joint occurred. In a saxophone player and a tubist and the percussion players, arthralgia concentrated on a wrist and finger joint of the handedness side. In addition, as well as an orthopedic symptom, medical symptoms such as a headache, dizziness, hyperpnoea, ringing in the ears, the lassitude occurred to many students. The student practices being able to improve these symptoms and thinks that it is necessary to examine the prevention and actions to be taken