4 research outputs found

    Simulation of the Process of Training the Future Primary School Teachers for Organizing Extracurricular Activities

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    The purpose of the article is to develop and validate the model of training future teachers for the organization of extracurricular activities in the conditions of innovative educational environment. The leading method of research of the problem is the simulation, which allows  to present systematically the process of preparation of the future primary teachers for organizing extracurricular activities. The article presents the theoretical and methodological bases of preparation the future primary teachers for organizing extracurricular activities in elementary school. It was found that extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process in the school, which contributes to the full implementation of the requirements of the federal educational standards of primary education. The model of training future teachers for organizing extracurricular activity of younger pupils is developed and has a block structure: methodological unit including key scientific approaches and pedagogical conditions; diagnostic unit consisting of the criteria and the levels of indicators; meaningful unit comprising the steps of target work form

    Analysis of Articles on Education and Instructional Technologies (Scopus)

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    It is an indisputable fact that technology is a part of our lives. It is known that research and education technologies are concentrated. By examining the articles and dissertations published in the field, the scope, strengths and weaknesses of the studies were determined. An important gap has been filled in to guide researches what kind of studies may be needed in the future. Many studies for this purpose were found in the literature. However, since similar studies dealing with educational technologies are outdated, this study is considered important in terms of gathering current research trends and results. The aim of this study is to analyse the articles published in the Scopus database on educational technologies and instructional technologies, thematically and methodologically. The study was designed by adopting a case study from qualitative research models. The sample has not been determined for postgraduate dissertations to be included in the study, and it was aimed to reach the whole universe. In this context, all articles have been accessed through the library system of the university in the Scopus database included. The keywords ‘educational technologies’ and ‘instructional technologies’ were used in the article search. The document types have been examined by year, by country, by authors, by field research and by place of publication

    Взаимосвязь использования социальных сетей с удовлетворенностью жизнью и одиночеством у подростков

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    Abstract: Introduction. Active social media use has both positive and negative effects on psychological well-being. Recently, research in this field has explored the links between psychological well-being and social media use by considering various factors such as personality traits and motives for use. A question of particular relevance is how indicators of social media use, characteristics of psychological well-being and the extent to which social media is incorporated into the daily lives of adolescents are related. The novelty of the current work is the study of the mediating role of loneliness in the relationship between life satisfaction and social network use, which is particularly important for adolescents as active users. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between life satisfaction, loneliness and the incorporation of social media into daily activity, as well as the formal parameters of social media use. Methods. The study sample consisted of 391 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18. Formal indicators of social media use were identified as follows: time spent using social media, the number of social networks used and the number of friends in social networks. The Social Media Integration Scale (M. A. Jenkins-Guarnieri et al.), the Life Satisfaction Scale (E. Diener; adapted by D. A. Leontiev, E. N. Osin) and the Three-Point Loneliness Scale (A. Sirola et al.) were also used. Results. Life satisfaction was found to decrease and the experience of loneliness increase with increased incorporation of social media into the daily activities of adolescents. Formal indicators contributed little to overall life satisfaction and loneliness. Loneliness and life satisfaction were found to mediate reciprocal relationships regarding the incorporation of social networks into daily activities. Discussion. Overall, the avoidance of loneliness through active social media use reinforced life dissatisfaction, especially for girls.Введение. Активное использование социальных сетей оказывает как позитивное, так и негативное влияние на психологическое благополучие. В последнее время тенденцией в исследованиях связей психологического благополучия и использования социальных сетей является учет различных факторов, таких как личностные черты, мотивы использования. Актуальным является вопрос о том, как связаны формальные характеристики использования социальных сетей, характеристики психологического благополучия и интенсивность включения социальных сетей в ежедневную активность подростков. Новизна работы заключается в изучении опосредующей роли одиночества в связях удовлетворенности жизнью и использования социальных сетей, что имеет особое значение для подростков как активных пользователей. Цель данного исследования – анализ связей между удовлетворенностью жизнью, одиночеством и интеграцией социальных сетей (медиа) в ежедневную активность, а также формальными параметрами использования социальных сетей. Методы. Выборку исследования составил 391 подросток в возрасте от 13 до 18 лет. Диагностировались формальные характеристики использования социальных сетей (время, проводимое в социальной сети, количество социальных сетей и количество друзей в социальных сетях). Также использовались: «Шкала интеграции социальных медиа» (M. A. Jenkins-Guarnieri et al.), «Шкала удовлетворенности жизнью» (Э. Динер; адаптация Д. А. Леонтьева, Е. Н. Осина) и «Трехпунктовая шкала одиночества» (A. Sirola et al.). Результаты. Удовлетворенность жизнью снижается, а переживание одиночества усиливается при более высокой интеграции социальных сетей в ежедневную активность подростка. Формальные характеристики вносят небольшой вклад в удовлетворенность жизнью и одиночество. Одиночество и удовлетворенность жизнью опосредуют взаимные связи с интеграцией социальных сетей в ежедневную активность. Обсуждение результатов. В целом, стремление уйти от одиночества за счет активного использования социальных сетей (медиа) усиливает неудовлетворенность жизнью, причем данный эффект сильнее выражен для девушек