47 research outputs found

    The Effect of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) and Artificial Intelligence on Defense Industry Performance

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) on the performance of the defence industry and the influence of artificial intelligence on the performance of the defence industry during the disruption era. This study uses a quantitative research approach. The samples processed were 160 defence industry employees. The primary data collection technique is done by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The questionnaire uses a Likert scale as a measure of data. Data analysis was carried out through structural equation modelling with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The dependent variable is the employee performance variable, and the independent variable is the HRIS and job satisfaction variables. The results of data analysis in this study and the significance value obtained prove that HRIS is significantly related to employee performance. The more accurate, precise and complete the HRIS application, the higher the employee's performance in completing their work assignments and improving the process of the defence industry in making human resource decisions through systematic HRIS procedures, which include data collection, data storage, data maintenance, data retrieval, and data validation. Its strategic plan influences the progress of the defence industry in utilizing human resources quantitatively, and understanding environmental conditions can provide an overview of the future of the defence industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly related to employee performance

    E-commerce on the move - Malaysian scenario

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    One of the fastest growing areas of E-Commerce today is mobile commerce. There are more users of mobile devices such as laptops, palm PCs, cellular phones and personal digital/data assistants (PDAs).A mobile device is a personal unit that is within reach and provides anywhere and anytime access to the user.The penetration rate of cellular phones in most developed and developing countries is much larger than that of personal computers.Recent roll-outs of public wireless broadband infrastructure of 2.5G and 3G networks have made opportunities for mobile commerce become a reality and will affect our daily lives in work, leisure and recreation.This analytical paper attempts to study the development of E-commerce in Malaysia.A part from this, the paper will also construct SWOT analysis and identify the impact of M-commerce on the political, economic, social and technological environment.Finally, recommendation will be given of the best alternate strategies for the promotion and development of M-commerce in the nation

    Abridgment of traditional procurement and e-procurement: definitions, tools and benefits / Noraizah Abu Bakar ...[at al]

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    The main aim of this paper is to contribute to our understanding of traditional procurement and electronic procurement process. Through the study of the literature, this paper concentrates on the traditional procurement and e-procurement from the perspectives of its definitions, tools and benefits. Considering the apparent shift from traditional procurement to an electronic procurement environment, public and private sector agencies worldwide can improve their procurement process, with the use of Internet-based technologies to procure goods and service. As stated by Neef (2001), if there is one sector in the economy where e-procurement can and will have an enormous effect, it is in the government. Thus, this paper makes a significant contribution to e-procurement field in rural areas development studies and research

    Warehouse Operations Measurement in Hypermarket Retailers. A Review of Literature

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    This paper aims to explore the warehouse operations measurement with the deployment of the Warehouse Management System of Hypermarket retailers in Malaysia. The warehouse operations measurement is vital for the organisation that manages the total distribution network in hypermarket retailers. A qualitative research approach to be adopted in conducting an in-depth case study in top of the hypermarket retailers in Malaysia warehouse operations located in northern and central Malaysia, offering most of logistics services including transportation and serving a large number of retail customer outlets in Malaysia. The sustainability of the Hypermarket retailers solely depends on the performance of its supply chain process and a balance between responsive and warehouse operations performance with the deployment of the Warehouse Management System. The Hypermarket retailer’s warehouse operations are striving to gain a competitive edge, such as fast market penetration, product availability at the right price and at the right place, warehouse productivity and cost competency having alternatives. Presently, there are some general guidelines to measure warehouse operations with the deployment but not specifically towards to Hypermarket retailing industry. The lack of clear measurement and comparability concerns resulted in a study to be carried out in determining the warehouse operations measurement in Malaysia hypermarket retailers, Based on this study, new sustainable Hypermarket retail warehouse operations measurement conceptual framework is proposed to enhance the body of knowledge of warehouse operations measurement in Malaysia, especially in hypermarket retailer

    Supply Chain Cost Reduction using Mitigation & Resilient Strategies in the Hypermarket Retail Business

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    Retail businesses have become more challenging owing to the external and internal forces due to the ever evolving nature of the environment. Various measures are being taken to address the need to manage cost. The supply chain factors must not be ignored as the entire link along the retail supply chain play vital roles. This article is an attempt at presenting an overview of the current situation of the retail environment particularly in the hypermarket sector and the forces affecting their business cost which include knowledge, forecasting, procurement, and sourcing. The paper concludes through literature review that recognizes risks associated with each force that could potentially determine the cost of business for the hypermarkets. As such, an empirical study is to follow this conceptual study to analyse the hypotheses developed and to significantly identify the factors and strategies that retailers could use to reduce the impact of supply chain disruptions to their overall cost

    Future Directions of Reverse Logistics in Gaining Competitive advantages. A Review of Literature

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    Logistics management is known for its complexity, dynamics and uncertainty. The advent of rapid technology development, intense business competition and changing customer needs and requirements, has forced companies to reshape their business model and strategies. Numerous new terms such as Global Supply Chain, Third Party Logistics, Green Logistics, E-Logistics and Reverse Logistics are becoming issues that have to be deal with by all companies, local, multinational and global. Lately Reverse Logistics start to get attention by most of the firms. The purpose of this assignment is to review and identifies clear definition of Reverse Logistics, comparison Reverse Logistics with Forward Logistics in order to have a better understanding and finally future direction of Reverse Logistics in gaining competitive advantages

    Expatriate job performance and adjustment: Role of individual and organizational factors

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    The expatriate literature has highlighted many individual and organizational factors which effect expatriate job performance and adjustment but the role of some individual and organizational factors is still not clear and/or has been ignored by past researchers. For example, the role of direct and indirect support has not been well conceptualized in past studies. In addition, only a few studies have explained the importance of self-efficacy, cultural sensitivity and social networking in the related expatriate literature.Furthermore,the role of previous international experience has conflicting results in past research.The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical grounding and highlight the importance of those individual and organizational factors which have been ignored by past researchers.In this regard, researchers have reviewed journals/articles from different databases, books, and magazines.This paper proposes a comprehensive framework based on the gaps in the literature and suggests propositions.The proposed conceptual framework provides a theoretical grounding for individual and organizational factors that includes individual factors (self efficacy,previous international experience, cultural sensitivity, and social network) and organizational factors (direct and indirect support). This paper suggests that expatriate adjustment (work, general,and interaction adjustment) mediates the relationship between individual factors (self-efficacy, previous international experience, cultural sensitivity, and social network), organizational factors (direct and indirect support),and expatriate job performance (rated by peer and supervisor). The proposed framework is developed based on past theoretical and empirical studies in order to cover the gap and contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of the literature. Based on the proposed framework, this paper invites researchers to empirically test the suggested propositions in order to further strengthen and develop understanding about individual and organizational factors as predictors of expatriate adjustment and job performance

    The Role of Supply Chain Integration on Green Practices and Performance in a Supply Chain Context. A Conceptual Approach to Future Research

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current research relationship between green supply chain management practices, supply chain integration and the manufacturing firms performances in Malaysia. Also, to improves the conceptual knowledge by compare and contrast the relationship between each dimension. The study thoroughly analyzes, reviews and explains each dimension in detail and their relationships from various previous literature perspectives. The paper is one of the first to identify and discuss conceptually the use of green supply chain management practices and supply chain integration in measuring the manufacturing performance in a single setting in a developing country

    Trade liberalization and manufacturing growth in Malaysia : a cointegration analysis / Karunagaran Madhavan, Deviga Vengedasalam and Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram

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    This study examines the impact oftrade liberalization in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia. The theoretical framework for this study employs the Lucas model of "human capital model ofendogenous model". This study also uses the cointegration test and error correction techniques to measure the impact oftrade liberalization on Malaysian manufacturing sector during the period /963 - 2003. The empirical results ofcointegration test suggest that there exists a long run relationship between manufacturing output and its determinants of trade liberalization, labour, capital and education level. This study uses the error correction model (ECM) to determine the short-run dynamics around the equilibrium relationship and suggest that labour and trade liberalization have emerged as significant determinants for the manufacturing output in Malaysia