17 research outputs found

    Intelligent Buffer Management Algorithm to Prevent Packet loss in Mobile Adhoc Network

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    In a mobile ad hoc network, which is self-organized and operates without any fundamental infrastructure, packet transmission from the source node to the destination node is completed after sending the route request and route reply. A reliable path is then selected depending on the protocol choice.  Data that the sender intends to deliver is broken up into packets and given sequence numbers before being transmitted over the channel. With the aid of an internal buffer that helps to receive packets and forward them to the next destination, each and every packet travels along the allotted path until it reaches its destination. If there is more traffic on the MANET, the buffer may overflow, which will result in packet loss during transmission..  The source node must retransmit to the destination if any packets were lost during the initial transfer. This article proposes the Intelligent  Buffer Management (IBM) active buffer management algorithm to prevent such a scenario by enhancing the MANET nodes' buffers to prevent packet loss. The Network Simulator is used to help build this suggested approach, and the results are compared to those of the current buffer management method to show that IBM is superior

    Challenges on Missing Packet Detection or Packet Dropping Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Network -A Survey

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    Collection of wireless nodes forms together to communicate each other in the network without infrastructure less and any access point along with the characteristics of freedom in mobility is called Mobile Adhoc Network. Transmitting of packets from source to destination plays the vital role in MANET. When a Packet is not delivered properly at the destination , its affects the performance of the MANET.  Due to this characteristics of the mobility nodes can subject to falls on the packet missing also the various packets dropping security attacks take part in the dropping the packets while communication to achieve the decreasing the performance of the MANET. This article focus on the survey about the missing packet assembly as well the packet dropping security attacks in MANET

    On Skolem odd and even difference mean graphs

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    Let G=(V,E) be a simple, finite and undirected (p,q)-graph with p vertices and q edges. A graph G is Skolem odd difference mean if there exists an injection f:V(G)→{0,1,2,…,p+3q-3} and an induced bijection f∗:E(G)→{1,3,5,…,2q-1} such that each edge uv (with f(u)>f(v)) is labeled with f∗(uv)=f(u)-f(v)2. We say G is Skolem even difference mean if there exists an injection f:V(G)→{0,1,2,…,p+3q-1} and an induced bijection f∗:E(G)→{2,4,6,…,2q} such that each edge uv (with f(u)>f(v)) is labeled with f∗(uv)=f(u)-f(v)2. A graph that admits a Skolem odd (or even) difference mean labeling is called a Skolem odd (or even) difference mean graph. In this paper, first, we construct some new Skolem odd difference mean graphs and then investigate the Skolem even difference meanness of some standard graphs. Keywords: Mean labeling, Odd mean labeling, Skolem difference mean labeling, Skolem odd difference mean labeling, Skolem even difference mean labeling, AMS Classification (2010): 05C7

    Evaluation of Power Delay Product for Low Power Full Adder Circuits based on GDI Logic Cell using Mentor Graphics

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    Abstract- This paper presents high speed and low power full adder cells designed with an alternative internal logic structure and Gate Diffusion Input (GDI) logic styles and hybrid CMOS logic style that lead to have a reduced Power Delay Product (PDP). The main design objective for this adder module is not only providing low-power dissipation and high speed but also full-voltage swing. In the first design, hybrid logic style is employed. The second design is based on a different new approach which eliminates the need of XOR/XNOR gates for designing full adder cell and also by utilizing GDI, technique in its structure, it provides Ultra Low-Power and high speed digital component as well as a full voltage swing circuit. The work carried out makes a comparison against other full adders reported for low PDP in terms of speed and power consumption. All the full adders were designed with 180nm technology, and were tested using a comprehensive test bench that allowed measuring the current taken from the full adder in-outs, besides the current provided from the power supply. Post layout simulations are expected to show that the full adder’s output from its counterpart’s exhibiting an average PDP advantage of close t

    Comparative evaluation of the toxicological effect of silver salt ( AgNO 3

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    The widespread use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) results in the unintentional release into the water body. Therefore, understanding of the potentially harmful impacts of AgNPs and Ag-salt on aquatic animals is a need of time. This study was design to analyze the oxidative stress and histopathological damages in Cyprinus carpio. The synthesis of AgNPs from Halymenia porphyraeformis and by reduction of chemical was done. Nanoparticles were characterized with UV-Visible spectroscopy, SEM, XRD, and FTIR analysis. The comparative toxicological effect of chemically synthesized silver nanoparticles (Ch-AgNPs), green silver nanoparticles (Gr-AgNPs), and Ag-salt on C. carpio was analyzed. For oxidative stress analysis, different tests Lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase, glutathione reduction (GST), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) were performed. The highest LPO 245.168 +/- 0.034 was recorded in Ch-AgNPs-treated gills and the lowest 56.4532 +/- 0.02 was found in Gr-AgNPs-treated liver. Maximum GSH 56.4065 +/- 0.13 was observed in Gr-AgNPs liver and minimum 40.781 +/- 0.54 was recorded in Ag-salt gills. The maximum quantity of catalase 68.0162 +/- 0.09 was noted in the Ag-salt-treated liver and the minimum was calculated 17.3665 +/- 0.01 in the liver of Ch-AgNPs and highest values of GST 765.829 +/- 0.11 were recorded in gills of Gr-AgNPs and lowest 633.08 +/- 0.26 in the liver of Ch-AgNPs-treated fish. In conclusion, maximum destruction was found in the gills and liver of the fish treated with chemical and green AgNPs followed by Ag-salt as compared to control. The adverse effects of AgNPs and Ag-salt were probably related to the oxidative stress in the fish that lead to histopathological damage of its vital organs

    Voltametrické stanovení sumy ethylvanilinu a methylvanilinu ve vybraných vzorcích potravin pomocí uhlíkové pastové elektrody modifikované dodecylsíranem sodným

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    A new voltammetric method without using high cost and health risk nanomaterials has been developed for quantitative determination of ethylvanillin and methylvanillin sum, compounds that are used as food additives. The method is based on direct electrochemical oxidation of these biologically active compounds using square wave voltammetry at carbon paste electrode with surface modified by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS/CPE) performed in 0.1 M phosphate pH 6.0 buffer. Working conditions such as pH value of supporting electrolyte, type of surfactant, accumulation time of surfactant, and parameters of square wave voltammetry were optimized. In comparison with bare carbon paste electrode, excellent reproducibility characterized by a relative standard deviation of approximately 0.3% was obtained at the SDS/CPE. Linear range from 1.0 x 10(-6) to 2.0 x 10(-5) M, limits of quantification 9.8 x 10(-8) M and detection 2.9 x 10(-8) M were found at pulse amplitude 70 mV and frequency 50 Hz selected as optimum for ethylvanillin quantification. For methylvanillin, a linear range from 7.0 x 10(-8) to 2.0 x 10(-5) M and limits of quantification 7.0 x 10(-8) M and detection 2.0 x 10(-8) M were also determined. The procedure was validated using standard high-performance liquid chromatography method in the analysis of selected complex foodstuffs such as commercial baking sugar, biscuits, and an alcoholic drink. The results showed that a direct voltammetric approach is economically advantageous and reliable for the determination of ethyl- and methylvanillin, which is fully comparable to the reverse phase HPLC used as the ISO standard.Byla vyvinuta nová voltametrická metoda pro kvantitativní stanovení celkové sumy potravinářských aditiv ethylvanilinu a methylvanilinu bez použití vysokonákladových nanomateriálů vykazujících zdravotní rizika. Tato metoda je založena na přímé elektrochemické oxidaci těchto biologicky aktivních sloučenin s použitím square wave voltametrie na uhlíkové pastovité elektrodě povrchově modifikované dodecylsulfátem sodným (SDS/CPE) v prostředí 0,1 M fosfátového pufru o pH 6,0. Byly optimalizovány pracovní podmínky, jako je hodnota pH použítého elektrolytu, typ povrchově aktivníholátky, doba akumulace a parametry použité voltametrické techniky. Ve srovnání s nemodifikovanou elektrodou byla u SDS/CPE dosažena vynikající reprodukovatelnost charakterizovaná relativní směrodatnou odchylkou přibližně 0,3%. Lineární rozsah kalibrace od 1,0 x 10 (-6) do 2,0 x 10 (-5) M byl zjištěn limit kvantifikace 9,8 x 10 (-8) M a detekce 2,9 x 10 (-8) M při amplitudě 70 mV a frekvenci 50 Hz, které byly vybrány jako optimální pro kvantifikaci ethylvanilinu. Pro methylvanilin byl také stanoven lineární rozsah od 7,0 x 10 (-8) do 2,0 x 10 (-5) M a limit kvantifikace 7,0 x 10 (-8) M a detekce 2,0 x 10 (-8) M. Metoda byla dále validována pomocí standardní metody vysokoúčinné kapalinové chromatografie při analýze vybraných potravin, jako byl komerční pekárenský cukr, sušenky a alkoholický nápoj. Výsledky ukázaly, že přímý voltametrický přístup je ekonomicky výhodný a spolehlivý pro stanovení ethyl- a methylvanilinu, který je plně srovnatelný s HPLC na reverzní fázi používané jako ISO norma