43 research outputs found

    The discret solution of a quasy-thomography problem for construction of radiant distribution of meteors by results of radar goniometer measurements

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    It is the first submission of the new solution of a quasithomography problem of determination of spatial distribution of a meteoric complex constructed on the goniometer data of the meteoric radar. The previous solution obtained by Belkovich, Sidorov and Filimonova was based on submission about a ceaseless radiant distribution of sporadic meteors on a celestial sphere. In that solution the number of unknowns grew quadratically with increase of the angular measurement accuracy. Therefore stable solution was possible to receive only for the angular measurement accuracy 10°×10°. Such accuracy is not enough for majority of problems of a meteoric astronomy. The new solution is obtained because of hypothesis about a discretization of angular radiant distribution of meteors. It assumes all meteor flux is submitted by not single meteors, but by system of showers and microshowers with identical velocities and angular parameters of meteors in each one. The method is based on a computer selection of such radiant distribution on a celestial sphere, which does not contradict a microshower hypothesis, to a mirror condition of reflection and is confirmed by independent measurements. The method is realized as computer technology for the goniometer processing for the discretization 2°×2°, and it have used for determination of meteor radiant parameters at one day of radar observation at December 13, 1993

    Microswarm structure of a meteoric complex beyond an ecliptic plane

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    The purpose of this work is to determine maximum allowed numbers of measurements used in the discrete solution, at which probability to detect a false microshower will be rather small, and to find out how this number is connected to the solution accuracy and how it corresponds with productivity of the meteoric radar. We have advanced a quasi-thomography method in the solution of a problem of determination of meteor radiant distributions on a celestial sphere based on the data of radar goniometer measurements. We have tried to find out, how the stable structures of radiants prolated along an elongation angle from apex in the course of the year vary, how they are correlated in time and whether they will be repeated from one year to other year

    Heterogeneity of sporadic meteor complex as the rich data for possible prediction of comets, asteroids and other bodies (ESA SP-500)

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    A quasi-thomography procedure application to the goniometric data of a meteor radar has allowed confidently to allocate showers and microshowers by compact groupings of angular coordinates of radiants, velocities and dates of detection of meteors and it has increased accuracy of radar radiant measurements up to 2°× 2° Results of nonstop goniometric observation in December 1993, 1998 and 2001 were analyzed. In December 1998 we have found out 74 small meteor showers. Apart from them we have detected 211 micro showers, the part from which was grouped together with the small showers. Maps of radiant distribution of the allocated showers on celestial sphere are constructed. A nature of appearance of a radiant accumulation ("clouds") near Geminids radiant is discussed. The knowledge of orbits of a many showers and microshowers is some kind of the indication of the purpose for search of their parents body

    The model of the power lines fault location method using time domain reflectometry

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    The article describes a simulation model of the method, locating power lines fault, using time domain reflectometry. This diagnostic method is a one-side method that can work on both enabled and disabled transmission lines and allows defining the main types of faults, including the high-impedance faults. The developed model consists of two modules: a generation unit implemented in PSCAD/EMTDC and a processing unit implemented in MATLAB. The model is successfully verified and is intended for a comprehensive study of the time domain reflectometry method for power lines diagnostics including analysis for various line topologies using different probing signals and various signal to noise ratio

    Structure of area of radiation of Geminids meteor shower and its vicinities on celestial sphere. One or many showers? (ESA SP-500)

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    By using of new discrete solution of a quasi thomography problem of determination of a meteor spatial distribution from radar goniometer data as in [1], the Geminids meteor shower and the part of celestial sphere near the main area of Geminids activity were analyzed to get the radiant structure. The celestial sphere was divided in 2°×2° cells. The meteors, which belong to each cell were determined if the rate was more than 4-5 meteor per day. The Geminids activity in 1993, 1998 and 2001 was analyzed. The mean velocity, the mean radiant coordinates and mean time and rate for each cell and each day of Geminids activity are calculated. The history of daily development of a shower is submitted. It was determined the main area of activity in 1998 was at most 4°×4° Starting time of shower action is from December 3, its intensity slowly increases by December 12 and very sharply decreases near December 15-17. Similarities and distinctions in dynamics of Geminids activity development in different years are discussed. Near to area of Geminids radiation we have found out some small meteoric showers with velocities and time of action conterminous with Geminids. However affinity of their angular position to Geminids and identical velocities allow to assume their branches from Geminids. But the largest congestion of such small showers also adjoining to Geminids and adjoining to each other and having similar velocities demands special discussion. Parameters of orbits of these small showers are calculated. Whether they are connected with Geminids or to other more old formation requires to find out still

    Microshower structure of the meteor complex

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    Meteor radar observations of ionized trails in the Earth's atmosphere provide observations that do not depend on weather conditions and time of day and provide good statistics for analysis. Further development in the new quasitomographic analysis of the goniometric data of the Kazan meteoric radar has revealed a number of very weak meteoric streams with rates of more than 5-6 meteors per day. In addition to the known large meteor showers, we have found up to as many as 1000 small showers per month that we have named microshowers. We shall operationally define a microshower as the minimal meteoric stream which can be detected with the Kazan meteoric radar while quasitomographic procedures of processing interferometer data are used. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005

    The automation system in significant variations of the signal-to-noise ratio

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    © 2015 IEEE. The paper describes the automation System for remote control, data collection and transmission based on the power line communication technology (PLC) and wireless radiofrequency communication technology (RF) in significant variations of the signal-to-noise ratio. The System consists of a Central server unit and multiple Peripheral units that collect process data from industrial equipment. The idea of adapting the communication protocols stack for the quality of the communication channel (signal-to-noise ratio) at the application layer of protocol stack is implemented. The paper presents the theoretical calculations of protocol parameters, and shows the results of field tests of the prototype of automation System

    The diagnostics system for power transmission lines of 6/10 kv

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    © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. The article describes the diagnostics system of the power transmission lines of 6/10 kVolts on the basis of smart electric modems. It shows the description of the smart electric modem and the creation principle of the diagnostics system. The main feature here is the use of power transformers as coupling devices with a high-voltage power line

    Associations of meteor microshowers or as the Kazan radar "SEES" radiants on northern celestial hemisphere

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    The discrete quasitomographic method of the analysis of the interferometric data of meteor radar gives us the possibility of measuring coordinates and velocities of very weak meteor showers with a 2 × 2 square degree resolution on the celestial sphere. The minimal rate of the meteors in each microstream is five meteors per day. At such sensitivity, basic distinctions between irregularities of the sporadic background and meteor streams vanish. More than 1000 of the detected microshowers per month are associated with a combination of (a) the large known meteor showers, (b) the weaker known meteor showers and (c) till now unknown associations of microshowers. All microshowers regardless of association have the identical velocities, limited areas of radiation and near simultaneity of their acting dates. The results are compiled as maps of radiant distribution and average velocities of microstreams for different months. From these it is possible to see how the microshower activity for various discrete sites on the celestial sphere correlate with the behavior of the well-known meteor streams and thus to infer the orbital properties of the different microstream configurations. © Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2005