106 research outputs found

    The description of <i>Redundancy Pruning Method</i> (<i>RPM</i>) (Algorithm 1).

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    <p>Algorithm 1: For each task instance, a property of <i>bar</i> means whether it has a synchronization point caused by barrier directive, while the property of <i>tw</i> means whether it has a synchronization point caused by taskwait directive; <i>n</i>: the number of task instances.</p

    The task execution mechanism of GCC.

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    <p>The task execution mechanism of GCC.</p

    The chart of <i>TTG</i>.

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    <p>The abscissa represents the execution time while the ordinate represents the execution threads. The representation [a]b:c on the ordinate indicates parent thread number, level number and current thread number respectively, which could clearly represent the cases of multiple parallel regions and parallel region nesting. The legend explains the used colors related to various task behaviors shown in this chart. TaskID ([E] indicates explicit task instances while [I] represents implicit ones) will be displayed on the rectangular bar in the graph until its length reaches a threshold. In addition, this chart can be scaled for easy viewing.</p

    The state transition graph of task execution flow.

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    <p>The state transition graph of task execution flow.</p

    The experimental comparison with monitored and unmonitored version of BOTS benchmarks.

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    <p>The abscissa represents thread number, while the execution time is on the left ordinates, and monitoring overhead in the form of percentage is represented on the right ones. The title means the execution program with its input size and/or cutoff value.</p

    The mechanism of self-scheduling.

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    <p>The flow lines with the same color represent the same execution flow and the circled numbers show execution orders with the same functional module.</p

    The monitoring principle diagram.

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    <p>The monitoring principle diagram.</p

    The chart of <i>DTRG</i>.

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    <p>The statistics table illustrates the execution threads in the graph with different colors and the number of task instances executed on them. The information attached on the task box is taskID ([E] indicates explicit task instances while [I] represents implicit ones) and execution time.</p

    The list of <i>execution states.</i>

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    <p>The list of <i>execution states.</i></p

    The case of <i>RDRP</i> instances.

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    <p>Task0 is the implicit task instance, while the others are explicit ones.</p
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