6 research outputs found

    DiTTO: Diffusion-inspired Temporal Transformer Operator

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    Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using a data-driven approach has become increasingly common. The recent development of the operator learning paradigm has enabled the solution of a broader range of PDE-related problems. We propose an operator learning method to solve time-dependent PDEs continuously in time without needing any temporal discretization. The proposed approach, named DiTTO, is inspired by latent diffusion models. While diffusion models are usually used in generative artificial intelligence tasks, their time-conditioning mechanism is extremely useful for PDEs. The diffusion-inspired framework is combined with elements from the Transformer architecture to improve its capabilities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach on a wide variety of PDEs in multiple dimensions, namely the 1-D Burgers' equation, 2-D Navier-Stokes equations, and the acoustic wave equation in 2-D and 3-D. DiTTO achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of accuracy for these problems. We also present a method to improve the performance of DiTTO by using fast sampling concepts from diffusion models. Finally, we show that DiTTO can accurately perform zero-shot super-resolution in time

    CrunchGPT: A chatGPT assisted framework for scientific machine learning

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    Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) has advanced recently across many different areas in computational science and engineering. The objective is to integrate data and physics seamlessly without the need of employing elaborate and computationally taxing data assimilation schemes. However, preprocessing, problem formulation, code generation, postprocessing and analysis are still time consuming and may prevent SciML from wide applicability in industrial applications and in digital twin frameworks. Here, we integrate the various stages of SciML under the umbrella of ChatGPT, to formulate CrunchGPT, which plays the role of a conductor orchestrating the entire workflow of SciML based on simple prompts by the user. Specifically, we present two examples that demonstrate the potential use of CrunchGPT in optimizing airfoils in aerodynamics, and in obtaining flow fields in various geometries in interactive mode, with emphasis on the validation stage. To demonstrate the flow of the CrunchGPT, and create an infrastructure that can facilitate a broader vision, we built a webapp based guided user interface, that includes options for a comprehensive summary report. The overall objective is to extend CrunchGPT to handle diverse problems in computational mechanics, design, optimization and controls, and general scientific computing tasks involved in SciML, hence using it as a research assistant tool but also as an educational tool. While here the examples focus in fluid mechanics, future versions will target solid mechanics and materials science, geophysics, systems biology and bioinformatics.Comment: 20 pages, 26 figure

    Understanding the Efficacy of U-Net & Vision Transformer for Groundwater Numerical Modelling

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    This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of various machine learning models, namely U-Net, U-Net integrated with Vision Transformers (ViT), and Fourier Neural Operator (FNO), for time-dependent forward modelling in groundwater systems. Through testing on synthetic datasets, it is demonstrated that U-Net and U-Net + ViT models outperform FNO in accuracy and efficiency, especially in sparse data scenarios. These findings underscore the potential of U-Net-based models for groundwater modelling in real-world applications where data scarcity is prevalent

    Rethinking skip connections in Spiking Neural Networks with Time-To-First-Spike coding

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    Time-To-First-Spike (TTFS) coding in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offers significant advantages in terms of energy efficiency, closely mimicking the behavior of biological neurons. In this work, we delve into the role of skip connections, a widely used concept in Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), within the domain of SNNs with TTFS coding. Our focus is on two distinct types of skip connection architectures: (1) addition-based skip connections, and (2) concatenation-based skip connections. We find that addition-based skip connections introduce an additional delay in terms of spike timing. On the other hand, concatenation-based skip connections circumvent this delay but produce time gaps between after-convolution and skip connection paths, thereby restricting the effective mixing of information from these two paths. To mitigate these issues, we propose a novel approach involving a learnable delay for skip connections in the concatenation-based skip connection architecture. This approach successfully bridges the time gap between the convolutional and skip branches, facilitating improved information mixing. We conduct experiments on public datasets including MNIST and Fashion-MNIST, illustrating the advantage of the skip connection in TTFS coding architectures. Additionally, we demonstrate the applicability of TTFS coding on beyond image recognition tasks and extend it to scientific machine-learning tasks, broadening the potential uses of SNNs

    A Convolutional Dispersion Relation Preserving Scheme for the Acoustic Wave Equation

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    We propose an accurate numerical scheme for approximating the solution of the two dimensional acoustic wave problem. We use machine learning to find a stencil suitable even in the presence of high wavenumbers. The proposed scheme incorporates physically informed elements from the field of optimized numerical schemes into a convolutional optimization machine learning algorithm