37 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ketidakikutsertaan Pasangan Usia Subur (Pus) dalam Program Keluarga Berencana di Kecamatan Pujud Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    This research do in the Pujud subdistrict, Rokan Hilir regency it aimed to find out how form character fertile age couple out of it family planning and factors which influence out of it family planning. The tittle of research is Analysis Factors To Influence Out Of It The Fertile Age Couple In Family Planning Program At Pujud Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir Regency. Main problems in the research is how fertile age couple character out of it fam ily planning program and factors wihich influence. Population in the research is fertile age couple out of it family planning program, have a more two children. Exraction sampling in the research with purposive sampling technic. Total population out of it program family planning program in the 2011-2013 years amount 489 fertile age couple, takeable sampling 48 fertile age couple representatively of population. The method is quantitative descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative analysis data. Insrument extraction data is observation, kuesioner and guided interview as well as tabulation data in the single tabulation data and diagram. General result research of researcher show that fertile age couple out of it family planning program subjection mean of respondent attain the age 40 years old, generally elementary school graduate,have income 2.000.000,00->3.000.000,00 rupiah, moslem, majority is farmer, dominant is Java, have a 4-8 children and the last 44 fertile age couple join family planning program around 3-5 years ago. Dominant factor which influence out of it fertile age couple in research is culture, age, and health.Keywords: Fertile Age Couple, Out of it Family Planning, Family Planning Program

    Mobilitas Sosial Petani Karet ke Pertambangan Emas tanpa Izin di Desa Koto Tuo Kecamatan Batang Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The location of the research is the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang Peranap Indragiri Hulu. Considerations for selecting the location of this study was due to gold mining is an illegal job without permission is prohibited, when compared to the work of farmers and others. The researchers aimed to describe and mencarari information about job mobility:1. To know anyone who did the mobility of livelihood in the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang Peranap2. What factors are encouraging the mobility of livelihood in the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang Peranap3. What type of mobility that occurred in the village of Koto Tuo District of Batang PeranapThe population in this study were people who did Mobility Works of non-miners into the gold peambang 120 people. In determining the sample taken as many as 30% of the 120 respondents ie 36 people.According to the research going on aspects of mobility in research location by driving factors such as economic conditions of the respondents were small and the individual condition of the respondent, and the orientation factor attitude that wants to improve the prospects for social mobility and the promising results of the work.Keywords : Mobility Occupation, Farmer Rubber, Illegal

    Pekerja Parkir Perempuan di Kota Dumai (Studi Tentang Proses Penetapan Lokasi Parkir)

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    This work is based on an informal jobs, a determination themselves with the business and skill which is not reached by the employment. Usually this job also more chosen by labor of the female genitalia because the characteristic that is distinctive. This work is done by men, because it is a quite hard work is done by women. But as development era, this job also chosen by many female workers especially of women that has been settling down for the sake of sufficient daily needs family. Parking worker is a person employed to monitor vehicles on the parking right as well as service payment collect the parking on the edge of a public road. There are two problems faced by workers parking lot when she worked namely environmental problems or location of work less comfortable and the occurrence of violent problems when she worked.This research aims to understand the process and what course which is one reason women workers parking in setting an election parking location and identifying several strategies workers endure women parking lot located in the city of Dumai by the use of quantitative analysis diskriptive and data collection techniques interview, as well as the sample collection methods used are census method.The time in working hours, women parking workers in the city Dumai experienced multiple forms of violence, the transfer of parking location without a permit and the dispute with various parties involved. Forms of violence suffered by parking workers is in the form of a threat, rough treatment and sexual harassment slight extent .The threat of: a lowbred remark as bluster to frighten respondents.Rough treatment: ordure, the charges and other. And sexual harassment slight extent: asked for their subscription to seduced by thugs when he was its turn around the location.Strategy is the way parking workers women to maintain any profession as a worker parking so as not experienced multiple forms of violence and the transfer of parking location. The strategy used by workers parking to prevent the occurrence of the various problems is: Be friendly with parking users and the surrounding areas, work together and filed for protection from authorities and pay a levy/parking tax coordinator on time

    Perilaku Merokok di Kalangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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    This research was conducted at the Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Riau in order to obtain information on the effect of warning the dangers of smoking to changes in smoking behavior of students. Problems in this study were (1) How motif smoking behavior of students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences? (2) What are the perceptions of students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences billboard warning against smoking? (3) How much influence billboard warning of smoking on smoking behavior of students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences ?. The title of this research is "The Effect of Changes Warning Against Smoking Smoking Behavior among Students in the Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Riau". This type of research is quantitative descriptive described hereinafter in accordance with the actual situation. The collection of data through observation and direct interview to the respondent. Because students who smoked countless then used a technique sampling using purposive sampling technique is a technique determination of sample with a certain consideration. The number of samples in this study as many as 35 people. The data collected from the research, were processed using a frequency table with a percentage. The results showed that the absence of the effect of warning the dangers of smoking to changes in smoking behavior of students, this is evidenced by the absence of a reduction in the frequency of smoking and the lack of action taken against warning the dangers of smoking by students. Keywords: Change, Behavior, Smoking Keywords: Change, Behavior, Smokin

    Motivasi Pedagang Berjualan di Lokasi Obyek Wisata Istana Siak, Kabupaten Siak

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    This research was conducted in the village of Kampung In districts Siak Siak district with the aim to, among others: To find out how motivated traders to sell around the site a tourist attraction Siak Palace. To determine the relationship trader with fellow traders who are planted in the Palace of Siak attractions.This research is descriptive kauatitatif, with respondents traders around the site a tourist attraction Siak Palace. The data collection techniques by using questionnaires, observation, and documentation on asedental sampling of respondents coincidence that exist in the field. To analyze the data obtained by researchers using quantitative descriptive method Based on these results, we can conclude that the motivation behind the traders who sell at the site of the Palace tourist attraction Siak Siak district is a strategic place, visitors are crowded, and to promote local products. While the relationship among traders in the tourist locations Siak Palace is very good.Keywords: Motivation Dealer, Tourism Object Siak Palace

    Konflik Sosial Masyarakat Kampung Botung Kenagarian Kota Nopan Kecamatan Rao Utara Kabupaten Pasaman (Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Lahan)

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    The research was conducted with purpose to know the factors, the effects,and the solutions of the fields use conflict in Kampung Botung. This researchused qualitative descriptive method that have five respondents to representative ofkampung Botung society. To collected the data, researcher used observation,interview and dokumentation. From the research finding, it can be included thathuman is the creature that have many need in their life and it can be a reason whythe social conflict happen in the society. Based on the research, the social conflictof the fields use happened in Kampung Botung society. Until now, this problemhave finished not because there were many individual importances. To solved thisproblem, the society used negotation and mediator, but it did not can solveeffectively. But, the two Kampungs leader did not agreed so that the kampungBotung is seperated by two parts, kampung Botung Atas and Kampung BotungBawah.Key words : social conflict, fields use

    Fungsi Program Pendidikan Non Formal ; Studi Kasus di Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (Skb) Rokan Hulu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Result: The Function of Life Skills Education Program Clothing Sewing Lessons as part of non formal education program held at SKB of Rokan Hulu Regency : (1)Serves as a substitute, an addition to, and complement formal education in support of lifelong education for the community. It can be seen from the educational background of students, science students about the purpose and benefits of completing education/ courses clearly, (2) Serves develop the potential of students in the mastery of knowledge and functional skills, which include: the level of success/ achievement of learning and size assessment of learning outcomes achieved by learners, the ability of teachers/ instructors so in demonstrating the skills/ expertise to learners, the ability of teachers/ instructors in closer or associates skills and penerapannnya in the lives of young people, a positive value for self learners, families and communities, and the ability of learners to overcome their own problems, their families and surrounding communities, (3) Serves labor produces ready made and distribute best graduates to various companies/ institutions/ home industries that need, it can be seen from the work of students before, after the course, a job and a second job after the course. The Factors that affect the functioning of Life Skills Education Program Clothing Sewing Lessons as part of non formal education program in SKB of Rokan Hulu Regency : (1) The educational background of students/ residents to learn, (2)Interest, motivation and learning objectives students/ learners in the following education/ courses, (3) The allocation of time learning/ course was too short and seemed only to fill empty time so that the achievement of learning is not optimal, and (4) Facilities and infrastructure when following learning activities/ sewing courses The SKB of Rokan Hulu Regency did not complete, and the majority of students/ learners who have finished learning/ sewing class majority does not have the capital to open a sewing business. The Factors that affect the functioning of Life Skills Education Program Clothing Sewing Lessons as part of non formal education program in SKB of Rokan Hulu Regency : (1) The educational background of students/ residents to learn, (2)Interest, motivation and learning objectives students/ learners in the following education/ courses, (3) The allocation of time learning/ course was too short and seemed only to fill empty time so that the achievement of learning is not optimal, and (4) Facilities and infrastructure when following learning activities/ sewing courses The SKB of Rokan Hulu Regency did not complete, and the majority of students/ learners who have finished learning/ sewing class majority does not have the capital to open a sewing business. Keyword: Programe, Education, Non Formal Keyword: Programe, Education, Non Forma

    Aktivitas Jasa Pemasangan Kawat Gigi (Studi Kasus terhadap Penyedia Jasa Pemasangan Kawat Gigi di Kelurahan Simpang Tiga Kecamatan Bukit Raya)

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    This research is motivated by the problems in many emerging areas of practice mounting braces illegally because it did not have permission from related institutions on the establishment of this office and the personnel who handle was not derived from the experts that dentist and orthodontic specialist. The price offered was very cheap in comparison to prices offered by dentists so as to make people more interested in coming to this place compared to the dentist. Seeing the enormous interest in the communities terhapat existence of this practice makes the existence of such practices have sprung up everywhere. The purpose of this penelitaian to know how the business activities and the mounting braces to know the advantages and disadvantages derived from running this business. This study used qualitative research methods. The selected research locations are in Keluraahan Simpang Tiga subdistrict Bukit rayaKota Pekanbaru. This study determines the main subject amounted to 7 people. Data collection techniques, among others, the method of observation and interviews as well as dokumentasi.Adapun results of research on the business activities of the installation of these braces is the installation of braces illegal activity in the district of Bukit Raya has been running from 2010 and mushroomed across the region due to numerous requests from the public (consumers ) will be the installation of braces. Installation of braces illegal conducted by business owners with self-taught skills mempuni without harm consumers in terms of health and very dangerous for the health of your teeth and mouth. Therefore, for Pekanbaru City Health Department in order to curb illegal businesses braces installation operating in Bukit Raya subdistrict and other environment sub-kecaatan Pekanbaru. And expected business owners illegal installation of braces in order to obtain a business license and provide physician practices Orthodontist in order not to harm consumers.Keywords : Illegal, Orthodontis