9 research outputs found

    Analisis Profesionalisme Anggota DPRD dalam Pelaksanaan Fungsi Legislasi di Kota Depok

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    This research is aimed to analyze the professionalism of legislative member at regional level in Depok in the implementation of legislative function. It uses a descriptive method using the empirical law approach. The result of the research shows that: first, professionalism of the legislative members related to their legislative function has well run as reflected from the performance supported by sufficient science, commitment for the promise, respect to social values, being obedient for the regulations, dedication to public interest, being persistent in following the development of science he or she focuses on, being skillful in problem-solving and controlling the local government well. Second, the implementation of legislative function runs well both in the implementation of representative function, prompting a responsive local regulation, and debate function that is maximally done

    Transportation System and Human Needs in a Family

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    Depok City as the main supporting area for the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, is facing various problems of transportation mode. Some policies have been made to overcome the problems of transportation, especially traffic jam. Although the system is well developed, it will not succeed as long as it is not sufficiently improved. The aim of this research is to analyze the transportation system and human being's needs in a family in Depok City. The method of research used here is descriptive-qualitative. The results of research show that to achieve sustainable and environmentally sound development in Depok City, transportation system has an important and strategic position. However, efficient, competitive, cheap transportation services have not been well developed so that it has potential to destruct the environment and cause traffic jam. Such a condition shows the 'trade-off' the Government of Depok City should face. The enhancement of mobility through providing road infrastructures has supported the economic growth and human being's needs in a family

    Analisis Tentang Pelaksanaan Sistem Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan Pasca Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 07/PUU-III/2005

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    This study aims at analyzing the implementation of Law No. 40 of 2004 related to the Health Social Security after the Constitutional Court decision No. 07 / PUU-III / 2005. The reseacher uses library research method with content analysis approach. The research result highlights that: the implementation of Law No. 40 of 2004 related to the Health Social Security after the Constitutional Court decision No. 07 / PUU-III / 2005, whose implementation is entrusted to BPJS is still far from fairness for all. The application of Health Social Security BPJS is still problematic in many ways, among which since it implements a tiered service flow prior to the hospital, that is the participants must first check into the first-level health facilities (health centers) before being referred to the hospital. Another problem is regarding the complexity of the service flow of BPJS for implementing a tiered service flow

    Pemberdayaan Pegawai Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan

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    Pemberdayaan pegawai pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Depok, ditunjang dengan metode deskriptif dan lewat pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif, maka, semangat kerja pegawai akan lebih meningkat jika dibarengi dengan penerapan prinsip balas jasa dan hukuman yang berkeadilan

    Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Transportasi Darat Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kesejahteraan Sosial Di Jakarta

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    Transportation is the backbone in creating social welfare in Jakarta. Therefore, if there are problems in the transportation system, it will have an impact on the smooth traffic flow and will ultimately hamper the achievement of public welfare. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. This study refers to the theory proposed by Anderson (in Tachjan, 2006: 23) and Sarana, et al (2009: 9). The results of the study are as follows. Policy implementation transportation system in Jakarta has been able to improve the social welfare of most citizens, which means some people have to feel and enjoy the outcome of transportation development in Jakarta. However, others have not optimally felt the positive impact of the policy. Even, it is perceived negatively; such as traffic jams which are almost evenly distributed throughout Jakarta causing high air pollution, hampered economic activity and generated high economic costs that social welfare was also weakened. This is reinforced by the increasing poverty rate in 2014 that reached 393,980 people thousand compared to previous years

    Pemberdayaan Karyawan Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Perusahaan Pelayaran

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    This research aims to find out the relationship of strategic management, organizational culture and employees' empowerment with service quality. This research is carried on at PT Sillo Bahari Nusantara using quantitative approach with survey method. The population of this study is the employees at PT Sillo Bahari Nusantara Jakarta 2015. The samples used in this study are 50 respondents which are selected randomly. The data is analyzed using descriptive statistic technic and parametric inferential. Based on data analysis it can be concluded that all the independent variables like strategic management, organizational culture, and employees' empowerment have a positive and strong relation towards service quality, either partially or simultaneously. Therefore, the service quality can be increased by improving strategic management, organizational culture and employees' empowerment

    Manajemen Angkutan Lebaran Terpadu

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    Manajemen angkutan Lebaran atau Idul Fitri selalu dihadapkan pada persoalan yang sama, tingginya pengguna jalan dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan bahkan secara serempak menuju beberapa tempat tujuan. Hal tersebut berakibat pada kepadatan, keamanan, Kenyamanan, dan keselamatan pengguna jalan. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan secara deskriptif melalui metode analisis isi dengan teori efektivitas dan teori manajemen transportasi. Hasil yang diperoleh terjadi distorsi pada praktik yang terjadi selama ini, baik dari sisi manajemen transportasi maupun dari sisi kepentingan publik yang terkait dengan pelanggaran hak-hak konsumen pengguna angkutan umum, di antaranya pelanggaran tarif batas atas oleh operator