34 research outputs found

    Macroscopic model of formation of the domain of multiple filamentation in glass and water

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    The results of natural experiments of the propagation of powerful femtosecond laser radiation in glass and water

    Multiple filamentation of laser beams with different diameters in the air at a 100-meter path

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    Results of experiments on controlling the position and length of the filamentation zone of femtosecond laser pulses in atmospheric path length 110 m using different initial spatial focusing and defocusing. The obtained distribution of filaments along the filamentation zone, measured dependence the length of the filamentation zone of the numerical aperture of the beam, its initial radius and pulse power

    Global self-focusing and features of multiple filamentation of radiation of a subterawatt Ti:sapphire laser with a centimeter output aperture along a 150-m path

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    The formation and propagation of postfilamentation channels along a controllable path 150 m long are studied experimentally for collimated beams of different diameters. During multiple filamentation, a laser beam is compressed into a global focus, after passing which its angular divergence is much greater than the divergence of postfilamentation channels generated during the filamentation. It is shown that the intensity of the postfilamentation channels is sufficient for starting multiple filamentation in optical elements at distances much longer than the filamentation region length

    Multiple filamentation of laser beams with different diameters in the air at a 150-meter path

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    Results of experiments on controlling the position and length of the filamentation zone of femtosecond laser pulses in atmospheric path length 150 m using different initial spatial focusing and defocusing. The obtained distribution of filaments along the filamentation zone, measured dependence the length of the filamentation zone of the numerical aperture of the beam, its initial radius and pulse power

    Filamentation of terawatt laser pulses along hundred-meter atmospheric paths

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    Results of the experimental study of filamentation of terawatt femtosecond pulses of a Ti:Sapphire laser along an atmospheric path 106 m long using different spatial focusing and pulse power are presented. The control of filamentation region position and length by means of changing the initial laser beam focusing is shown to be highly effective. Dependencies are derived of filamentation region position and length on the initial degree of focusing, pulse power, and the number of filaments along the filamentation region. The obtained data on the filamentation region length and the number of filaments are compared with the results of our previous experiments and data from other authors

    Localized high-intensity light structures during multiple filamentation of Ti:sapphire-laser femtosecond pulses along an air path

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    The results of experimental studies of the transverse structure of a laser beam after multiple filamentation are presented. A ring structure of radiation is formed around individual filaments in a beam cross section inside the multiple filamentation domain, and at a dozen meters from it a common ring structure starts forming surrounding postfilamentation light channels (PFC). It is shown that the spectra of the PFC, rings, and beam are significantly different. The ring spectrum broadens asymmetrically relative to the carrier wavelength and is mainly concentrated in the short wavelength region. The PFC spectrum has a significant and more symmetrical broadening and covers the range 630–1000 nm

    Modeling of multiple filamentation of terawatt laser pulses on a hundred-meter air path

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    The results of numerical simulation of multiple filamentation of terawatt femtosecond pulse Ti:Sapphire laser performed on the experimental data obtained in the airway of a length of 106 m when changing the initial spatial focusing and laser power

    Filamentation of collimated Ti:sapphire-laser pulses in water

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    The results of experimental studies of the spatial characteristics of multiple filamentation terawatt femtosecond Ti:Salaser in water are presented. With an increase in initial power laser pulses increases the number of filaments, the length of the field is increased filamentation and reducing the length of the filaments have been shown. The distribution of the filaments in the longitudinal direction of the field of multiple filamentation has a maximum cross-sectional filament is shifted from the center to the periphery of the beam at the end region of filamentation. The minimum diameter of the beam on the track corresponds to the position of the maximum number of filaments. After the point of maximum impulse essentially loses energy in the initial direction of propagation. Upon reaching the pulse power 2 104 Pcr of multiple filamentation area is formed of a hollow cone, the apex directed to the radiation source

    Multiple filamentation Ti:Sapphire-laser pulses in water

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    The results of experimental studies of the spatial characteristics of multiple filamentation terawatt femtosecond Ti:Salaser in water are presented. With an increase in initial power laser pulses increases the number of filaments, the length of the field is increased filamentation and reducing the length of the filaments have been shown. The distribution of the filaments in the longitudinal direction of the field of multiple filamentation has a maximum cross-sectional filament is shifted from the center to the periphery of the beam at the end region of filamentation. The minimum diameter of the beam on the track corresponds to the position of the maximum number of filaments. After the point of maximum impulse essentially loses energy in the initial direction of propagation. Upon reaching the pulse power 2 104 Pcr of multiple filamentation area is formed of a hollow cone, the apex directed to the radiation source