969 research outputs found

    On the use of C-stat in testing models for X-ray spectra

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    It has been shown that for the analysis of X-ray spectra the C-statistic, contrary to the chi^2-statistic, provides unbiased estimates of the model parameters and their uncertainty ranges. However, it is often stated that the C-statistic cannot be used to carry out statistical tests on the goodness of fit of the model, and therefore several investigations are still based on chi^2-statistics. Here we show that it is straightforward to calculate the expected value and variance of the C-statistic so that it can be used in tests. We provide formulae and simple numerical approximations to evaluate these expected values and variances. We also give examples indicating that tests based on only the expected value and variance of the C-statistic are reliable for spectra even with only ~30 counts. Therefore the C-statistic can be used for statistical tests such as assessing the goodness of fit of a spectral model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Optimal binning of X-ray spectra and response matrix design

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    A theoretical framework is developed to estimate the optimal binning of X-ray spectra. We derived expressions for the optimal bin size for model spectra as well as for observed data using different levels of sophistication. It is shown that by taking into account both the number of photons in a given spectral model bin and their average energy over the bin size, the number of model energy bins and the size of the response matrix can be reduced by a factor of 10−10010-100. The response matrix should then contain the response at the bin centre as well as its derivative with respect to the incoming photon energy. We provide practical guidelines for how to construct optimal energy grids as well as how to structure the response matrix. A few examples are presented to illustrate the present methods.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    X-ray emission from thin plasmas. Collisional ionization for atoms and ions of H to Zn

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    Every observation of astrophysical objects involving a spectrum requires atomic data for the interpretation of line fluxes, line ratios and ionization state of the emitting plasma. One of the processes which determines it is collisional ionization. In this study an update of the direct ionization (DI) and excitation-autoionization (EA) processes is discussed for the H to Zn-like isoelectronic sequences. In the last years new laboratory measurements and theoretical calculations of ionization cross sections have become available. We provide an extension and update of previous published reviews in the literature. We include the most recent experimental measurements and fit the cross sections of all individual shells of all ions from H to Zn. These data are described using an extension of Younger's and Mewe's formula, suitable for integration over a Maxwellian velocity distribution to derive the subshell ionization rate coefficients. These ionization rate coefficients are incorporated in the high-resolution plasma code and spectral fitting tool SPEX V3.0.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 22 pages, 18 figure

    Line absorption of He-like triplet lines by Li-like ions. Caveats of using line ratios of triplets for plasma diagnostics

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    He-like ions produce distinctive series of triplet lines under various astrophysical conditions. However, this emission can be affected by line absorption from Li-like ions in the same medium. We investigate this absorption of He-like triplets and present the implications for diagnostics of plasmas in photoionisation equilibrium using the line ratios of the triplets. Our computations were carried out for the O VI and Fe XXIV absorption of the O VII and Fe XXV triplet emission lines, respectively. The fluorescent emission by the Li-like ions and continuum absorption of the He-like ion triplet lines are also investigated. We determine the absorption of the triplet lines as a function of Li-like ion column density and velocity dispersion of the emitting and absorbing medium. We find O VI line absorption can significantly alter the O VII triplet line ratios in optically-thin plasmas, by primarily absorbing the intercombination lines, and to a lesser extent, the forbidden line. Because of intrinsic line absorption by O VI inside a photoionised plasma, the predicted ratio of forbidden to intercombination line intensity for the O VII triplet increases from 4 up to an upper limit of 16. This process can explain the triplet line ratios that are higher than expected and that are seen in some X-ray observations of photoionised plasmas. For the Fe XXV triplet, line absorption by Fe XXIV becomes less apparent owing to significant fluorescent emission by Fe XXIV. Without taking the associated Li-like ion line absorption into account, the density diagnosis of photoionised plasmas using the observed line ratios of the He-like ion triplet emission lines can be unreliable, especially for low-Z ions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 6 pages, 4 figure

    Simultaneous X-ray and Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548. III. X-ray time variability

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    The Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 was observed for a week by Chandra using both the HETGS and LETGS spectrometers. In this paper we study the time variability of the continuum radiation. During our observation, the source showed a gradual increase in flux over four days, followed by a rapid decrease and flattening of the light curve afterwards. Superimposed upon these relatively slow variations several short duration bursts or quasi-periodic oscillations occured with a typical duration of several hours and separation between 0.6-0.9 days. The bursts show a delay of the hard X-rays with respect to the soft X-rays of a few hours. We interprete these bursts as due to a rotating, fluctuating hot spot at approximately 10 gravitational radii; the time delay of the hard X-rays from the bursts agree with the canonical picture of Inverse Compton scattering of the soft accretion disk photons on a hot medium that is relatively close to the central black hole.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Contrasting the UV and X-ray O VI Column Density Inferred for the Outflow in NGC 5548

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    We compare X-ray and UV spectroscopic observations of NGC 5548. Both data sets show O VI absorption troughs associated with the AGN outflow from this galaxy. We find that the robust lower limit on the column density of the O VI X-ray trough is seven times larger than the column density found in a study of the O VI UV troughs. This discrepancy suggests that column densities inferred for UV troughs of Seyfert outflows are often severely underestimated. We identify the physical limitations of the UV Gaussian modeling as the probable explanation of the O VI column density discrepancy. Specifically, Gaussian modeling cannot account for a velocity dependent covering fraction, and it is a poor representation for absorption associated with a dynamical outflow. Analysis techniques that use a single covering fraction value for each absorption component suffer from similar limitations. We conclude by suggesting ways to improve the UV analysis.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Ap

    Results from a Second RXTE Observation of the Coma Cluster

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    The RXTE satellite observed the Coma cluster for 177 ksec during November and December 2000, a second observation motivated by the intriguing results from the first 87 ksec observation in 1996. Analysis of the new dataset confirms that thermal emission from isothermal gas does not provide a good fit to the spectral distribution of the emission from the inner 1 degree radial region. While the observed spectrum may be fit by emission from gas with a substantial temperature gradient, it is more likely that the emission includes also a secondary non-thermal component. If so, non-thermal emission comprises ~8% of the total 4--20 keV flux. Interpreting this emission as due to Compton scattering of relativistic electrons (which produce the known extended radio emission) by the cosmic microwave background radiation, we determine that the mean, volume-averaged magnetic field in the central region of Coma is B = 0.1-0.3 microgauss.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; APJ, in pres

    High- and low energy nonthermal X-ray emission from the cluster of galaxies A 2199

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    We report the detection of both soft and hard excess X-ray emission in the cluster of galaxies A 2199, based upon spatially resolved spectroscopy with data from the BeppoSAX, EUVE and ROSAT missions. The excess emission is visible at radii larger than 300 kpc and increases in strength relative to the isothermal component. The total 0.1-100 keV luminosity of this component is 15 % of the cluster luminosity, but it dominates the cluster luminosity at high and low energies. We argue that the most plausible interpretation of the excess emission is an inverse Compton interaction between the cosmic microwave background and relativistic electrons in the cluster. The observed spatial distribution of the non-thermal component implies that there is a large halo of cosmic ray electrons between 0.5-1.5 Mpc surrounding the cluster core. The prominent existence of this component has cosmological implications, as it is significantly changing our picture of a clusters's particle acceleration history, dynamics between the thermal and relativistic media, and total mass budgets.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, Letter

    ISM composition through X-ray spectroscopy of LMXBs

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    The diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) is an integral part of the evolution of the entire Galaxy. Metals are produced by stars and their abundances are the direct testimony of the history of stellar evolution. However, the interstellar dust composition is not well known and the total abundances are yet to be accurately determined. We probe ISM dust composition, total abundances, and abundance gradients through the study of interstellar absorption features in the high-resolution X-ray spectra of Galactic low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). We use high-quality grating spectra of nine LMXBs taken with XMM-Newton. We measure the column densities of O, Ne, Mg, and Fe with an empirical model and estimate the Galactic abundance gradients. The column densities of the neutral gas species are in agreement with those found in the literature. Solids are a significant reservoir of metals like oxygen and iron. Respectively, 15-25 % and 65-90 % of the total amount of O I and Fe I is found in dust. The dust amount and mixture seem to be consistent along all the lines-of-sight (LOS). Our estimates of abundance gradients and predictions of local interstellar abundances are in agreement with those measured at longer wavelengths. Our work shows that X-ray spectroscopy is a very powerful method to probe the ISM. For instance, on a large scale the ISM appears to be chemically homogeneous showing similar gas ionization ratios and dust mixtures. The agreement between the abundances of the ISM and the stellar objects suggests that the local Galaxy is also chemically homogeneous.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, accepted to A&
