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    Lumpuhnya industri pariwisata selama hampir dua tahun pandemic Covid 19 dari tahun 2020-2021 membuat pemerintan Indonesia melakukan upaya promosi destinasi dengan cara yang unik yaitu menggunakan storynomic tourism, dengan melakukan pendekatan pariwisata yang mengedepankan narasi, konten kreatif, living culture, dan menggunakan kekuatan budaya sebagai DNA destinasi. Promosi destinasi  dengan cara unik ini mulai dilakukan pada 5 daerah tujuan wisata super prioritas tahun 2021. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis SWOT pada promosi menggunakan storynomics tourism dengan studi kasus Kawasan wisata Kali Cisadane. Metode penelitian yang digunakan diskriptif kualitatif (dengan tehnik pengumpulan data, observasi (pengamatan), interview (wawancara), dokumentasi) dalam melihat storynomic tourism  sebagai strategi pemasaran destinasi dengan studi kasus kawasan wisata Kali Cisadane. Selanjutnya penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT untuk melihat apakah strategi promosi dengan storynomic tourism bisa dilakukan untuk pemasaran destinasi kawasan wisata Kali Cisadane. Hasil analisis SWOT dilakukan adalah menyarankan penggunaan storynomics tourism Kali Cisadane sebagai alternatif promosi untuk strategi pamasaran pariwisata kota Tangerang. Strategi ini akan menimbulkan awareness dan experience dari wisatawan dan wisatawan tersebut akan menceritakan pengalaman yang ia dapat setelah membaca storynomics tourism dan berkunjung ketempat wisata tersebut.Kata kunci: Storynomics Tourism, SWOT, Kali Cisadan


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    Students are certainly familiar with the term scientific work. Scientific work is written work that contains an explanation of a scientific discussion carried out by a writer or researcher. Scientific work is written work, specifically writing a thesis. For every student completing their studies, they are required to write a scientific work, because it is a regulation in higher education that they will graduate or get a degree when they have completed all the demands in higher education, namely writing a thesis. So it is necessary to hold training in writing Scientific Writing (KTI) for tourism study program students, Faculty of Tourism and Creative Industries, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang. With this training activity, it is hoped that students will be able to increase their knowledge and skills in writing scientific papers, namely writing theses or other scientific works. The methods used in this service or training in writing scientific papers are the lecture method, discussion method and writing practice method. This training was carried out over three meetings starting from Tuesday to Thursday 17-19 October 2023. The training participants were 20 tourism study program students from the Faculty of Tourism and Creative Industries. Based on the results of the training. Students are trained in choosing titles and determining topics and creating an outline for an essay. Students are able to write problem formulations well by following the systematics of writing scientific papers. With the level of student ability in the training process, the level of student ability in understanding how to choose a title is 80%, compiling an outline online is 82%, practicing writing is 75%, while students find it difficult to determine a topic at 5%.Students are certainly familiar with the term scientific work. Scientific work is written work that contains an explanation of a scientific discussion carried out by a writer or researcher. Scientific work is written work, specifically writing a thesis. For every student completing their studies, they are required to write a scientific work, because it is a regulation in higher education that they will graduate or get a degree when they have completed all the demands in higher education, namely writing a thesis. So it is necessary to hold training in writing Scientific Writing (KTI) for tourism study program students, Faculty of Tourism and Creative Industries, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang. With this training activity, it is hoped that students will be able to increase their knowledge and skills in writing scientific papers, namely writing theses or other scientific works. The methods used in this service or training in writing scientific papers are the lecture method, discussion method and writing practice method. This training was carried out over three meetings starting from Tuesday to Thursday 17-19 October 2023. The training participants were 20 tourism study program students from the Faculty of Tourism and Creative Industries. Based on the results of the training. Students are trained in choosing titles and determining topics and creating an outline for an essay. Students are able to write problem formulations well by following the systematics of writing scientific papers. With the level of student ability in the training process, the level of student ability in understanding how to choose a title is 80%, compiling an outline online is 82%, practicing writing is 75%, while students find it difficult to determine a topic at 5%


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    Abstract. Tourism is a travel activity carried out by individuals or groups of people with several purposes. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. This study was carried out at the tourist destination Scientia Square Park.On the results of validity testing, the variables tourist attractions (X) and interest in visiting (Y) for all items are declared valid. The results of the reliability test of variables X and Y are stated to be reliable, in the simple regression analysis the value of variable Y is 0.143 without the influence of variable X. But if there is an increase in the value of variable X (Tourist Attractions) then customer satisfaction will increase by 0.573.And in the normality test of tourist atraction the variable (X) with a value of 0,243 is declared normal because it is greater than 0.05. As well as for the results of the Durbin-Watson autocorrelation of 1,697 and for the variable value of tourist attractions (X) of 0.259 with a significance of 0.000. And for the results of the heteroscedasticity test, the significance value is 0.443, it is stated that there are no symptoms of heteroscedasticity because it is greater than0.05. As well as for the results of the analysis of the correlation coefficient of tourist attractions(X) of 0.961 based on the value of the correlation value interpretation is in a very strong range so that the relationship between attraction and interest in visiting becomes very strong. And for the coefficient of determination R square is 0.167 or 16.7%, so the influence of the tourist attraction variable (X) is 0.167 or 16.7%. While testing the hypothesis (T test) The test results obtained t value for tourist attractions (X) 34.579 > 1.996 and a significance value of 0.000 1,996 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 maka Atraksi Wisata (X) berpengaruh terhadap minat berkunjung (Y)Kata Kunci : Atraksi Wisata, Minat Berkunjung, Scientia Square Par

    Pengaruh Layanan Tour Leader Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan Yang Menggunakan Jasa Traveltrip.id.

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    Abstract Tour and travel agencies have sprung up a lot, with various styles and their own characteristics to make it more attractive to the market. Traveltrip.id is one of the travel agencies in Indonesia, especially in Tangerang. This research took place at PT Wisata Wisata Indonesia (Traveltrip.id) to determine the effect of tour leader services on tourist satisfaction using Traveltrip.id services with the formulation of the problem " is there any effect of tour leader service quality on tourist satisfaction” variable in this study Variable (X) Tour Service uses Kotler and Keller (2008) theory and Variable (Y) Tourist Satisfaction uses Irawan theory (2004: 37), This study uses a quantitative approach method The instrument uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Instrument testing techniques in this study, namely testing the validity, and reliability. While the data analysis technique uses the classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. Data collection uses statistical analysis by conducting questionnaires. This study used 80 respondents taken from data with a population of 400 traveltrip.id participants in the last year and used theory according to Djatmiko (2018). 0.60 and the Y variable is 0.907 > 0.60 based on these results the X and Y variables are declared reliable. In the classical assumption test the normality test Asymp,Sig (2 Tailed)) value is 0.2 > 0.05 normally distributed test linearity Sig 0.133 > 0.05 there is a linear relationship between the relationship testing the results of the hypothesis test (T test) that the significant value for the (partial) effect of X on Y is 0.00 0.60 dan variabel Y yaitu 0.907 > 0.60 berdasarkan hasil tersebut variabel X dan variabel Y dinyatakan reliable. Pada pengujian uji asumsi klasik uji normalitas nilai Asymp,Sig (2 Tailed)) sebesar 0,2 > 0,05 terdistribusi normal uji liniearitas Sig 0,133 > 0.05 ada hubungan linear antar hubungan pengujian hasil uji hipotesis (uji T) bahwa nilai signifikan untuk pengaruh (parsial) X terhadap Y adalah sebesar 0,00 < 0.05  dan nilai t hitung 11.845 t tabel 1.99006 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa H1 diterima           Kata kunci : Layanan Tour Leader, Kepuasan wisatawa


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    Abstract. Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction are feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction wgit what is offered by consumers. Satisfied cunsumers will return to using the services the company provides. The method use in this study is an associative quantitative approach using validity, reliability, correlation analysis, normality test, simple linier regression, and t-test. The total population that the authors obtained in this study 3.000 congregations in August 2022 – March 2023. The sampling in this study was by using probabilty sampling technique and the slovin formula so that the sample obtained 97 respondent. The method used in this study is to use a validity test with an r table of 0,1996 and 20 statements have been declared valid. In the reliability test, the statements have been declared reliable with a critical value of > 0,60 which results in service quality of 0,976 and customer satisfaction of 0,964. The results of the correlation analysis of service quality have a significance value of 0,00 and customer satisfaction of 0,00 with a significance level of 0,60 yang mendapatkan hasil kualitas pelayanan sebesar 0,976 dan kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 0,964. Hasil analisis korelasi dari kualitas pelayanan mempunyai nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,00 dan kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 0,00 dengan tingkat signifikansi < 0,05 maka variabel tersebut dapat dinyatakan berkolerasi. Hasil uji normalitas menyatakan bahwa data terdistribusi secara normal karena titik yang menyebar disekitar garis diagonal serta mengikuti arah garis diagonal. Hasil uji regresi linier sederhana menghasilkan nilai konstanta -0,860 yang artinya nilai koefisien tersebut bernilai negatif. Hasil uji t- test diketahui bahwa variabel bukti fisik, jaminan, dan cepat tanggap memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadapkepuasan pelanggan karena nilai signifikansinya lebih kecil dari nilai alpha 0.05, sedangkan variabel perhatian, dan kehandalan yang diberikan PT. Malika Tour and Travel tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan.Kata kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan; Kepuasan Pelangga


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    Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of product promotion on the level of purchasing decisions for Umrah packages at PT Indo Citra Tamasya Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative approach method. In sampling in this study, namely by distributing questionnaires that have been tested for validity. The population that the authors found in this study was 373 pilgrims using the 1960 slovin formula, it was found that the number of samples taken was 80 respondents from pilgrims at PT Indo Citra Tamasya in 2022. The method used in this study is the validity test with r table 0.220 which states 20 valid statements, the reliability test which is said to be Cronchbach alpha> 0.60 with the results of product promotion 0.909 and purchasing decisions 0.899 which states that the 20 statements are reliable, the correlation test of product promotion 0.00 and purchasing decisions 0.00 which is t table. From the formulation of the problem of this study, namely product promotion affects the level of purchasing decisions for Umrah packages at PT Indo Citra Tamasya and the types of product promotions that have been carried out.Keywords: Product, Promotion, Purchasing Decisions. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh promoi produk terhadap tingkat keputusan pembelian paket umroh di PT. Indo Citra Tamasya Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Pada pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan cara membagikan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitasnya. Jumlah populasi yang penulis temukan dalam penelitian ini adalah 373 Jamaah dengan menggunakan rumus slovin 1960 diketahui jumlah sampel yang diambil adalah 80 responden dari jamaah pada PT. Indo Citra Tamasya tahun 2022. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji validitas dengan r tabel 0.220 yang menyatakan 20 pernyataan valid, uji reliabilitas yang dikatakan cronchbach alpha>0.60 dengan hasil promosi produk 0.909 dan keputusan pembelian 0.899 yang menyatakan 20 pernyataan tersebut adalah reliabel, uji korelasi dari promosi produk 0.00 dan keputusan pembelian 0.00 yaitu t tabel. Dari perumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu promosi produk mempengaruhi tingkat keputusan pembelian paket umroh di PT. Indo Citra Tamasya dan jenis promosi produk yang sudah dilakukan oleh PT. Indo Citra Tamasya berhasil menunjukan bahwa variabel promosi produk berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat keputusan pembelian. Artinya Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima, maka promosi produk (x) berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian (y).Kata kunci : Promosi, Produk, Keputusan Pembelian


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    Abstract. This research uses quantitative methods. The variables of this study consist of Product Attractiveness (X) Interest in Tourist Visits (Y). Data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires using a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques were carried out using validity and reliability test analysis. The results of this study indicate that Product Attractiveness Variable (X) has a positive effect on Tourist Visit Interest (Y) and Product Dance Performance Variable (X) has a more dominant significant effect on Tourist Visit Interest (Y). Based on testing the validity of the 30 statements, there are 4 invalid statements and the statements will be narrowed down to 20 valid statements. In the reliability test, the Cronbach alpha value is 0.828 > 0.60. Based on these results, the X and Y variables are declared reliable. In the Normality Test test with the One Kolmogrov-Smirnov method the value of Exact Significance is 0.268 > 0.05, which means that the residual data is normally distributed. In testing the correlation coefficient, the significance value of Product Attraction (X) is 0.000 and Visit Interest (Y) is 0.000, which means that the X and Y variables have a relationship or correlation. Based on the results of testing the coefficient of determination, variable X has an effect on variable Y by 52.2%. And testing the Hypothesis Test (T Test) that the tcount significance value is 10.175 and the ttable value is 1.985, the data is declared significant, with this the H1 hypothesis is accepted because the tcount is greater than the ttable. Seafood Culinary Center has a significant effect on the interest of tourists visiting.Keywords: Product Attraction, Tourist Visit Interest, Kampung Bahari Tanjung Pasir  Abstrak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Variabel penelitian ini terdiri dari Daya Tarik Produk (X) Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan (Y). Data yang diperoleh melalui pembagian kueisoner dengan menggunakan skala likert. Tehnik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Variabel Daya Tarik Produk (X) berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan (Y) dan Variabel Daya Tari Produk (X) berpengaruh lebih siginifikan dominan terhadap Minat Kunjungan Wisatawan (Y). Berdasarkan pengujian validitas dari 30 pernyataan terdapat 4 pernyataan yang tidak valid dan pernyataan akan dikerucutkan menjadi 20 pernyataan valid, pada pengujian reliabilitas nilai alpha cronbach sebesar 0,828 > 0,60 berdasarkan hasil tersebut variabel X dan Y dinyatakan reliabel. Pada pengujian Uji Normalitas dengan metode One Kolmogrov-Smirnov nilai dari Exact Signifikansi adalah 0,268 > 0,05 yang berarti data residual berdistribusi normal. Pada pengujian koefisien korelasi nilai signifikansi Daya Tarik Produk (X) 0,000 dan Minat Kunjungan (Y) 0,000 yang berarti variabel X dan Y memiliki hubungan atau berkorelasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian koefisien determinasi variabel X berpengaruh terhadap variabel Y sebesar 52,2%.Dan pengujian Uji Hipotesis (Uji T) bahwa nilai signifikansi thitung sebesar 10,175 dan nilai ttabel sebesar 1,985 maka data dinyatakan signifikan, dengan ini maka hipotesis H1 diterima kebenarannya karena thitung lebih besar dari ttabel. Sentra Kuliner seafood berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap minat kunjungan wisatawan.Kata kunci: Daya Tarik Produk, Kampung Bahari Tanjung Pasir, Minat Kunjungan Wisatawa


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     Evaluasi kinerja pelaksanaan kebijakan kepariwisataan di Kabupaten Bogor dilaksanakan untuk mengidentifikasi kinerja pelaksanaan kebijakan kepariwisataan dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan sesuai dengan program dan target yang telah dibuat oleh Dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata Kabupaten Bogor. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah balance scorecard, untuk melihat dan mengukur pelaksanaan kebijakan secara komprehensif, koheren, seimbang dan terukur pada empat perspektif. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan kinerja pelaksanaan kebijakan di Kabupaten Bogor pada setiap perspektif balance scorecard dilakukan dengan baik. Perspektif finansial menunjukan peningkatan B/C Ratio YoY sebesar 0,42 (2006-2007), karena terjadi kenaikan PAD dan efisiensi anggaran. Perspektif pelanggan dilakukan dengan baik sesuai program dan target yang telah ditetapkan dengan keterbatasan dana yang ada. Perspektif proses bisnis internal dilakukan dengan baik ditengah keterbatasan dan efisiensi anggaran kepariwisataan. Perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan menunjukan baik dengan memprogramkan pelatihan kepada pegawai dilingkungan Dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata dimulai pada tahun  2007. Catatan penting berupa saran yaitu : melakukan pengkuran kepuasan konsumen dengan survey kepuasan konsumen, langkah kongkrit untuk pengenalan brand pariwisata secara optimal yang diukur dengan survey brand awareness dan kepastian hukum diatur serta ditegakan dengan jelas.Kata kunci: Kebijakan PEMDA, Pariwisata, Balance scorecard. The Performance evaluation of implementation of tourism policies in Bogor Regency is corried our to indentify the performance of implementation of tourism policies and  evaluate the implementation in accordance with the program and target that have been made by the Bogor Regecy  culture and tourism office. The analytical tool used is the balance scorecard, to view and measure policy implementation in acomprehensive, coherent, balance and measurable manner from perspectives. The results of evaluation show that the performanceof policy implementation in Bogor Regency in each perspective of the balance scorecard is done well. The financial perspective  shows an increase in YoY B/C Ratio of 0,42 ( 2006-2007), due to an increase in PAD and budget efficiency. The customers perspective is carried out well according to the the programs and targets that have been set with the limited funds available. The internal business prosess perspective is doing well amidst the limitations and efficiency of the tourism budget. The learning and growth perspective shows well by programing training for employment within the Culture and Tourism Service starting in 2007. Important notes are in the from of suggestion, namely, measuring customer satisfaction with customer bsatisfaction survevs. Concerete steps for optimal touris is clearly regulated and enforced.Keywords: Local Government policy, Tourism, Balance Scorecar