33 research outputs found

    Three-body structure of low-lying 18Ne states

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    We investigate to what extent 18Ne can be descibed as a three-body system made of an inert 16O-core and two protons. We compare to experimental data and occasionally to shell model results. We obtain three-body wave functions with the hyperspherical adiabatic expansion method. We study the spectrum of 18Ne, the structure of the different states and the predominant transition strengths. Two 0+, two 2+, and one 4+ bound states are found where they are all known experimentally. Also one 3+ close to threshold is found and several negative parity states, 1-, 3-, 0-, 2-, most of them bound with respect to the 16O excited 3- state. The structures are extracted as partial wave components, as spatial sizes of matter and charge, and as probability distributions. Electromagnetic decay rates are calculated for these states. The dominating decay mode for the bound states is E2 and occasionally also M1.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures (version to appear in EPJA

    Direct measurments of (p,γ) cross sections at astrophysical energies using radioactive beams and the Daresbury Recoil Separator

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    There are a number of astrophysical environments in which the path of nucleosynthesis proceeds through proton-rich nuclei. Radioactive nuclei have traditionally not been available as beams, and thus proton-capture reactions on these nuclei could only be studied indirectly. At the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF), some of the first direct measurements of (p,γ) cross sections on radioactive beams have been made. The Daresbury Recoil Separator (DRS) has been used to separate the recoils of interest from the unreacted primary beam and identify them in an isobutane-filled ionization counter. Data from 17F(p,γ)18Ne and 7Be(p,γ)8B measurements are presented

    New γ -ray transitions observed in Ne 19 with implications for the O 15 (α,γ) Ne 19 reaction rate

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    The O15(α,γ)Ne19 reaction is responsible for breakout from the hot CNO cycle in type I x-ray bursts. Understanding the properties of resonances between Ex=4 and 5 MeV in Ne19 is crucial in the calculation of this reaction rate. The spins and parities of these states are well known, with the exception of the 4.14- and 4.20-MeV states, which have adopted spin-parities of 9/2- and 7/2-, respectively. γ-ray transitions from these states were studied using triton-γ-γ coincidences from the F19(He3,tγ)Ne19 reaction measured with the GODDESS (Gammasphere ORRUBA Dual Detectors for Experimental Structure Studies) at Argonne National Laboratory. The observed transitions from the 4.14- and 4.20-MeV states provide strong evidence that the Jπ values are actually 7/2- and 9/2-, respectively. These assignments are consistent with the values in the F19 mirror nucleus and in contrast to previously accepted assignments

    γ -ray spectroscopy of astrophysically important states in Ca 39

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    Background: Nova explosions synthesize elements up to A≃40, and discrepancies exist between calculated and observed abundances of Ar and Ca created in the explosion. The K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction rate has been shown to be influential on these isotopic abundances at the endpoint of nova nucleosynthesis. The energies of the three most important resonances, corresponding to Jπ=5/2+ excited states in the Ca39 nucleus above the proton separation threshold, are uncertain and one has been measured with conflicting values [Er=679(2) versus Er=701(2) keV] in previous experiments. Purpose: Reducing the uncertainties on the resonance energies would allow for a better understanding of the reaction rate. To improve these uncertainties, we searched for γ rays from the depopulation of the corresponding excited states in Ca39. Methods: We report a new measurement of these resonance energies via the observation of previously unobserved γ-ray transitions. These transitions were observed by studying the Ca40(3He,αγ)Ca39 reaction with Gammasphere ORRUBA Dual Detectors for Experimental Structure Studies (GODDESS). The updated resonance energies were then used to calculate the K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction rate and assess its uncertainties. Results: In total, 23 new transitions were found, including three γ-ray transitions corresponding to the three Jπ=5/2+ states of astrophysical interest at energies of 6156.2(16), 6268.8(22), and 6470.8(19) keV. These correspond to resonance energies in the K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction of 386(2), 498(2), and 701(2) keV. Conclusions: Updated K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction rate calculations show a reduced upper limit at nova temperatures. However, the lower-than-previously-measured energy of the 498-keV resonance and uncertainty in its resonance strength increases the upper limit of the rate close to previous estimates at 0.4 GK

    Design of SECAR a recoil mass separator for astrophysical capture reactions with radioactive beams

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    A recoil mass separator SECAR has been designed for the purpose of studying low-energy (p,γ) and (α,γ) reactions in inverse kinematics with radioactive beams for masses up to about A = 65. Their reaction rates are of importance for our understanding of the energy production and nucleosynthesis during explosive hydrogen and helium burning. The radiative capture reactions take place in a windowless hydrogen or He gas target at the entrance of the separator, which consists of four Sections. The first Section selects the charge state of the recoils. The second and third Sections contain Wien Filters providing high mass resolving power to separate efficiently the intense beam from the few reaction products. In the following fourth Section, the reaction products are guided into a detector system capable of position, angle and time-of-flight measurements. In order to accept the complete kinematic cone of recoil particles including multiple scattering in the target in the center of mass energy range of 0.2 MeV to 3.0 MeV, the system must have a large polar angle acceptance of ± 25 mrad. This requires a careful minimization of higher order aberrations. The present system will be installed at the NSCL ReA3 accelerator and will be used with the much higher beam intensities of the FRIB facility when it becomes available

    S-wave scattering lengths for the Be 7 +p system from an R-matrix analysis

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    The astrophysical S factor for the radiative proton capture reaction on Be7 (S17) at low energies is affected by the s-wave scattering lengths. We report the measurement of elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections for the Be7+p system in the center-of-mass energy range 0.474-2.740 MeV and center-of-mass angular range 70-150. A radioactive Be7 beam produced at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility was accelerated and bombarded a thin polypropylene (CH2)n target. Scattered ions were detected in the segmented Silicon Detector Array. Using an R-matrix analysis of ORNL and Louvain-la-Neuve cross-section data, the s-wave scattering lengths for channel spins 1 and 2 were determined to be 17.34-1.33+1.11 and -3.18-0.50+0.55 fm, respectively. The uncertainty in the s-wave scattering lengths reported in this work is smaller by a factor of 5-8 compared to the previous measurement, which may reduce the overall uncertainty in S17 at zero energy. The level structure of B8 is discussed based upon the results from this work. Evidence for the existence of 0+ and 2+ levels in B8 at 1.9 and 2.21 MeV, respectively, is observed

    New γ -ray transitions observed in Ne 19 with implications for the O 15 (α,γ) Ne 19 reaction rate

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    The O15(α,γ)Ne19 reaction is responsible for breakout from the hot CNO cycle in type I x-ray bursts. Understanding the properties of resonances between Ex=4 and 5 MeV in Ne19 is crucial in the calculation of this reaction rate. The spins and parities of these states are well known, with the exception of the 4.14- and 4.20-MeV states, which have adopted spin-parities of 9/2- and 7/2-, respectively. γ-ray transitions from these states were studied using triton-γ-γ coincidences from the F19(He3,tγ)Ne19 reaction measured with the GODDESS (Gammasphere ORRUBA Dual Detectors for Experimental Structure Studies) at Argonne National Laboratory. The observed transitions from the 4.14- and 4.20-MeV states provide strong evidence that the Jπ values are actually 7/2- and 9/2-, respectively. These assignments are consistent with the values in the F19 mirror nucleus and in contrast to previously accepted assignments

    Key Ne 19 States Identified Affecting γ-Ray Emission from F 18 in Novae

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    Detection of nuclear-decay γ rays provides a sensitive thermometer of nova nucleosynthesis. The most intense γ-ray flux is thought to be annihilation radiation from the β+ decay of F18, which is destroyed prior to decay by the F18(p,α)O15 reaction. Estimates of F18 production had been uncertain, however, because key near-threshold levels in the compound nucleus, Ne19, had yet to be identified. We report the first measurement of the F19(He3,tγ)Ne19 reaction, in which the placement of two long-sought 3/2+ levels is suggested via triton-γ-γ coincidences. The precise determination of their resonance energies reduces the upper limit of the rate by a factor of 1.5-17 at nova temperatures and reduces the average uncertainty on the nova detection probability by a factor of 2.1

    Ne 19 level structure for explosive nucleosynthesis

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    Background: Ne19 is an important isotope in nuclear astrophysics due to its role in both the F18(p,α)O15 and O15(α,γ)Ne19 reactions in novae and Type I x-ray bursts, respectively. The energy levels of Ne19 near the α and proton thresholds (Sα=3529 keV, Sp=6410 keV) correspond to resonances in both of these reactions. Previous measurements to study the structure of Ne19 have focused on both regions in an effort to constrain these reaction rates. Purpose: Discrepancies in the energies, spins, and parities for levels in Ne19 from previous measurements contribute to the reaction-rate uncertainties. Gamma rays from the depopulation of excited states in Ne19 were measured to reduce the level-energy uncertainties and inconsistencies in previous spin-parity assignments. Methods: The F19(He3,t)Ne19 reaction was used to elucidate the structure of Ne19 levels up to Ex=6.9 MeV. The reaction products were measured using Gammasphere ORRUBA: Dual Detectors for Experimental Structure Studies - a coupling of the Oak Ridge Rutgers University Barrel Array and Gammasphere at Argonne National Laboratory. Tritons produced in the reaction were measured in coincidence with γ rays from the deexcitation of Ne19 energy levels. Results: Previously unobserved transitions allowed for discrepancies in the resonance properties relevant to these two reactions to be resolved. In total, 41 transitions from 21 energy levels were measured in Ne19, with 21 of those transitions being previously unobserved. Of particular importance, transitions from two 3/2+ states with energies of 6423(3) and 6441(3) keV, crucial for accurate estimations of the F18(p,α)O15 reaction rate, were found. Conclusions: Energies and spin-parities of important energy levels near the proton and α thresholds were measured and some of the discrepancies in previous measurements were resolved. Measurement of the two near-threshold 3/2+ states reduced the calculated upper limit of the F18(p,α)O15 reaction rate by factors of 1.5-17 in the nova temperature range

    γ -ray spectroscopy of astrophysically important states in Ca 39

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    Background: Nova explosions synthesize elements up to A≃40, and discrepancies exist between calculated and observed abundances of Ar and Ca created in the explosion. The K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction rate has been shown to be influential on these isotopic abundances at the endpoint of nova nucleosynthesis. The energies of the three most important resonances, corresponding to Jπ=5/2+ excited states in the Ca39 nucleus above the proton separation threshold, are uncertain and one has been measured with conflicting values [Er=679(2) versus Er=701(2) keV] in previous experiments. Purpose: Reducing the uncertainties on the resonance energies would allow for a better understanding of the reaction rate. To improve these uncertainties, we searched for γ rays from the depopulation of the corresponding excited states in Ca39. Methods: We report a new measurement of these resonance energies via the observation of previously unobserved γ-ray transitions. These transitions were observed by studying the Ca40(3He,αγ)Ca39 reaction with Gammasphere ORRUBA Dual Detectors for Experimental Structure Studies (GODDESS). The updated resonance energies were then used to calculate the K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction rate and assess its uncertainties. Results: In total, 23 new transitions were found, including three γ-ray transitions corresponding to the three Jπ=5/2+ states of astrophysical interest at energies of 6156.2(16), 6268.8(22), and 6470.8(19) keV. These correspond to resonance energies in the K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction of 386(2), 498(2), and 701(2) keV. Conclusions: Updated K38(p,γ)Ca39 reaction rate calculations show a reduced upper limit at nova temperatures. However, the lower-than-previously-measured energy of the 498-keV resonance and uncertainty in its resonance strength increases the upper limit of the rate close to previous estimates at 0.4 GK