5,843 research outputs found

    Mass Matrices in E6 Unification

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    We study a supersymmetric E6 grand unified model in which the SU(5) 5^* components are twisted in the third generation 27. Supplementing the adjoint Higgs field to a model analyzed previously, we calculate the mass matrices for the up and down quarks and charged leptons. Although the number of free parameters is less than that of observables, an overall fitting to the observed masses and mixing angles is shown to be possible. Most notably, we find two novel, parameter-independent relations between the lepton 2-3 mixing angle and the quark masses and CKM mixing angles that are in good agreement with the large lepton mixing recently observed.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, typos correcte

    Phenomenology of Neutrino Mass Matrix

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    The search for possible mixing patterns of charged leptons and neutrinos is important to get clues of the origin of nearly maximal mixings, since there are some preferred bases of the lepton mass matrices given by underlying theories. We systematically examine the mixing patterns which could lead to large lepton mixing angles. We find out 37 mixing patterns are consistent with experimental data if taking into account phase factors in the mixing matrices. Only 6 patterns of them can explain the observed data without any tuning of parameters, while the others need particular choices for phase values.Comment: revised reference

    Perverse coherent sheaves and Fourier-Mukai transforms on surfaces, I

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    Intermediate left-right gauge symmetry, unification of couplings and fermion masses in SUSY SO(10)×S4SO(10)\times S_4

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    If left-right gauge theory occurs as an intermediate symmetry in a GUT then, apart from other advantages, it is possible to obtain the see-saw scale necessary to understand small neutrino masses with Majorana coupling of order unity. Barring threshold or non-renormalizable gravitational effects, or assumed presence of additional light scalar particles of unprescribed origin, all other attempts to achieve manifest one-loop gauge coupling unification in SUSY SO(10) with left-right intermediate symmetry have not been successful so far. Attributing this failure to lack of flavor symmetry in the GUT, we show how the spontaneous symmetry breaking of SO(10)×S4SO(10)\times S_4 leads to such intermediate scale extending over a wide range, MR5×109M_R \simeq 5\times 10^{9} GeV to 101510^{15} GeV. All the charged fermion masses are fitted at the see-saw scale, MNMR4×1013M_N\simeq M_R \simeq 4 \times 10^{13} GeV which is obtained with Majorana coupling f01f_0 \simeq 1. Using a constrained parametrization in which CP-violation originates only from quark sector, besides other predictions made in the neutrino sector, the reactor mixing angle is found to be θ1335\theta_{13} \simeq 3^{\circ} - 5^{\circ} which is in the range accessible to ongoing and planned experiments. The leptonic Dirac phase turns out to be δ2.93.1\delta \sim 2.9- 3.1 radians with Jarlskog invariant J2.95×105103J \sim 2.95 \times 10^{-5} - 10^{-3}.Comment: Minor clarification and few references added to match the published versio

    Activation gaps for the fractional quantum Hall effect: realistic treatment of transverse thickness

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    The activation gaps for fractional quantum Hall states at filling fractions ν=n/(2n+1)\nu=n/(2n+1) are computed for heterojunction, square quantum well, as well as parabolic quantum well geometries, using an interaction potential calculated from a self-consistent electronic structure calculation in the local density approximation. The finite thickness is estimated to make \sim30% correction to the gap in the heterojunction geometry for typical parameters, which accounts for roughly half of the discrepancy between the experiment and theoretical gaps computed for a pure two dimensional system. Certain model interactions are also considered. It is found that the activation energies behave qualitatively differently depending on whether the interaction is of longer or shorter range than the Coulomb interaction; there are indications that fractional Hall states close to the Fermi sea are destabilized for the latter.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group and the Nuclear Shell Model

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    We describe the use of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method as a means of approximately solving large-scale nuclear shell-model problems. We focus on an angular-momentum-conserving variant of the method and report test results for the nucleus 48Cr^{48}Cr. The calculation is able to reproduce both the ground state energy and the energy of the first excited state, by diagonalizing matrices much smaller than those of the full shell model.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; To appears in Phys. Rev.

    Gap Condition and Self-Dualized N=4{\cal N}=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory for ADE Gauge Group on K3

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    We try to determine the partition function of N=4{\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theoy for ADE gauge group on K3 by self-dualizing our previous ADE partition function. The resulting partition function satisfies gap condition.Comment: 17 page

    Hybrid ECAL: Optimization and Related Developments

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    Hybrid ECAL is a cost-conscious option of electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) for particle flow calorimetry to be used in a detector of International Linear Collider (ILC). It is a combination of silicon-tungsten ECAL, which realizes high granularity and robust measurement of electromagnetic shower, and scintillator-tungsten ECAL, which gives affordable cost with similar performance to silicon. Optimization and a data acquisition trial in a test bench for the hybrid ECAL are described in this article.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS14), Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10 October 201

    Evolution of the human fear-circuitry and acute sociogenic pseudoneurological symptoms: The Neolithic balanced-polymorphism hypothesis

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    In light of the increasing threat of large-scale massacres such as terrorism against non-combatants (civilians), more attention is warranted not only to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but also to acute sociogenic pseudoneurological ("conversion") symptoms, especially epidemic sociogenic symptoms. We posit that conversion disorders are etiologically related to specific evolutionary pressures (inescapable threats to life) in the late stage of the human environment of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA). Bracha et al. have recently argued that from the neuroevolutionary perspective, medically unexplained efferent vasovagal syncope and medically unexplained craniofacial musculoskeletal pain in young otherwise healthy individuals, may be taxonomized as stress and fear-circuitry disorders. In the present article, we extend neuroevolutionary perspectives to acute pseudoneurological sociogenic ("conversive") symptoms: psychogenic non-epileptic attacks ("pseudoseizures"), epidemic sociogenic disorders (DSM-IV-TR Epidemic "Hysteria"), conversive motor deficits (pseudo-paralysis and pseudo-cerebellar symptoms), and psychogenic blindness. We hypothesize that these perplexing pseudoneurological stress-triggered symptoms, which constitute psychopathology in extant humans, are traceable to allele-variant polymorphisms which spread during the Neolithic EEA. During Neolithic warfare, conversive symptoms may have increased the survival odds for some non-combatants by visually (i.e., "non-verbally") signaling to predatory conspecifics that one does not present a danger. This is consistent with the age and sex pattern of conversive disorders. Testable and falsifiable predictions are presented; e.g., at the genome-transcriptome interface, one of the major oligogenic loci involved in conversive spectrum disorders may carry a developmentally sensitive allele in a stable polymorphism (balanced polymorphism) in which the gene expression mechanism is gradually suppressed by pleiotropic androgens especially dehydroxyepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S). Taxonomic implications for the much-needed rapprochement between the forthcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) are discussed