3,501 research outputs found

    Verunreinigungen von biologisch erzeugten Nahrungsmitteln mit chemisch-synthetischen Pestiziden: Fallstudie Biowein

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    Bioprodukte können nur so rein sein wie die Umwelt, in der sie produziert werden. Dies gilt auch für die Bioweine. Den Biowinzern gelingt es trotz schwierigem Umfeld, qualitativ hochstehende, rückstandsarme Weine zu produzieren. Erste Voraussetzung, damit diese Höchstleistung erbracht werden kann, ist dass die nicht-biologisch wirtschaftenden Winzer die vom Gesetzgeber vorgeschriebene gute landwirtschaftliche Praxis einhalten (Problem Abdrift als Folge von unsorgfältigem Umgang mit Pestiziden). Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass viele nicht-biologisch bewirtschaftende Produzenten sich professionell und fair verhalten. Die Praxis zeigte aber auch, dass sich einzelne Produzenten nicht an die Regeln des gutnachbarlichen und respektvollen Umgangs halten. Hier sind konsequente Massnahmen von Branchenorganisationen und Vollzug gefordert. Zudem zeigten unsere Resultate, dass trotz der eingeführten Massnahmen mit einer allgemeinen Hintergrundbelastung im Spurenbereich gerechnet werden muss. Hintergrundkontaminationen sind eine Tatsache und können nur durch ein Verbot von chemisch-synthetischen Fungiziden reduziert werden. Biologische Weine werden auch in Zukunft Spuren von Fungiziden aufweisen. Ohne sorgfältigen Umgang mit dem Biotraubengut und ohne konsequente Reinhaltung von Gerätschaften nützt die beste Arbeit im Wingert nichts. Das ist keine leichte Aufgabe, denn der Teufel steckt oft im Detail. Probleme ergaben sich häufig dort, wo Risikofaktoren kumuliert wurden. Mit konsequenter Einhaltung der beschriebenen Massnahmen sollten überhöhte Werte vermieden werden können. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind in der Praxis umgesetzt worden, fliessen in die Qualitätssicherung der Bioweine ein und werden bei der Kontrolle auch berücksichtigt. Die Bioweinbaubranche und der Vollzug haben in einer exemplarischen Zusammenarbeit vorhandene Schwachstellen identifizieren können und entsprechende Massnahmen entwickelt

    Nonlinear viscoelasticity of metastable complex fluids

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    Many metastable complex fluids such as colloidal glasses and gels show distinct nonlinear viscoelasticity with increasing oscillatory-strain amplitude; the storage modulus decreases monotonically as the strain amplitude increases whereas the loss modulus has a distinct peak before it decreases at larger strains. We present a qualitative argument to explain this ubiquitous behavior and use mode coupling theory (MCT) to confirm it. We compare theoretical predictions to the measured nonlinear viscoelasticity in a dense hard sphere colloidal suspensions; reasonable agreement is obtained. The argument given here can be used to obtain new information about linear viscoelasticity of metastable complex fluids from nonlinear strain measurements.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Europhys. Let

    What makes health systems resilient? A qualitative analysis of the perspectives of Swiss NGOs

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    BACKGROUND: Resilience has become relevant than ever before with the advent of increasing and intensifying shocks on the health system and its amplified effects due to globalization. Using the example of non-state actors based in Switzerland, the aim of this study is to explore how and to what extent NGOs with an interest in global health have dealt with unexpected shocks on the health systems of their partner countries and to reflect on the practical implications of resilience for the multiple actors involved. Consequently, this paper analyses the key attributes of resilience that targeted investments may influence, and the different roles key stakeholders may assume to build resilience. METHODS: This is a descriptive and exploratory qualitative study analysing the perspectives on health system resilience of Swiss-based NGOs through 20 in-depth interviews. Analysis proceeded using a data-driven thematic analysis closely following the framework method. An analytical framework was developed and applied systematically resulting in a complete framework matrix. The results are categorised into the expected role of the governments, the role of the NGOs, and practical future steps for building health system resilience. RESULTS: The following four key 'foundations of resilience' were found to be dominant for unleashing greater resilience attributes regardless of the nature of shocks: 'realigned relationships,' 'foresight,' 'motivation,' and 'emergency preparedness.' The attribute to 'integrate' was shown to be one of the most crucial characteristics of resilience expected of the national governments from the NGOs, which points to the heightened role of governance. Meanwhile, as a key stakeholder group that is becoming inevitably more powerful in international development cooperation and global health governance, non-state actors namely the NGOs saw themselves in a unique position to facilitate knowledge exchange and to support long-term adaptations of innovative solutions that are increasing in demand. The strongest determinant of resilience in the health system was the degree of investments made for building long-term infrastructures and human resource development which are well-functioning prior to any potential crisis. CONCLUSIONS: Health system resilience is a collective endeavour and a result of many stakeholders' consistent and targeted investments. These investments open up new opportunities to seek innovative solutions and to keep diverse actors in global health accountable. The experiences and perspectives of Swiss NGOs in this article highlight the vital role NGOs may play in building resilient health systems in their partner countries. Specifically, strong governance, a bi-directional knowledge exchange, and the focus on leveraging science for impact can draw greater potential of resilience in the health systems. Governments and the NGOs have unique points of contribution in this journey towards resilience and bear the responsibility to support governments to prioritise investing in the key 'foundations of resilience' in order to activate greater attributes of resilience. Resilience building will not only prepare countries for future shocks but bridge the disparate health and development agenda in order to better address the nexus between humanitarian aid and development cooperation

    Out of pocket payments and access to NCD medication in two regions in Albania

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    OBJECTIVE: The financial burden from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is a threat worldwide, alleviated only when good social protection schemes are in place. Albeit the Government in Albania has committed to Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC), Out-of-Pockets (OOPs) persist. Through this study, we aimed to assess the OOPs related to consultations, diagnostic tests, and medicine prescriptions as self-reported by people suffering from NCDs. METHODS: A household survey was conducted in two regions of Albania. The present analysis includes respondents who suffered from chronic health conditions and consulted a health care provider within the last 8 weeks (n = 898). Mixed logistic regression models with random intercepts at the level of communities were employed in order to assess the association of OOPs with age, gender, urban vs. rural residency, health insurance, marital status, barriers experienced, type of chronic condition(s) and region. RESULTS: Of those who consulted a provider, 95% also received a drug prescription. Among them, 94% were able to obtain all the drugs prescribed. Out-of-pocket payments occurred throughout the NCD treatment process; specifically, for consultation (36%), diagnostic tests (33%), and drugs purchased (88%). Drug expenditures accounted for 62% of all household expenditures. Respondents with health insurance were less likely to pay for consultation and drugs. The elderly (patients above 60 years old) were less likely to pay for consultations and tests. Those who lived in urban areas were less likely to pay for drugs and consultations. Patients encountering any form of barrier when seeking care had increased odds of OOPs for consultations (OR; 2.25 95%-CI; 1.57; 3.23) and tests (OR; 1.71 95%-CI; 1.19; 2.45). CONCLUSION: Out-of-pocket payments by NCD patients principally made up through the purchase of prescribed drugs, remain important. Tackling the high costs of drugs will be important to accelerate the UHC agenda. Here, it is important to raise the population's awareness on patients' knowledge of their entitlements to health insurance, and on the current health reforms

    Work time allocation at primary health care level in two regions of Albania

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    INTRODUCTION: Although well-performing workforce is essential to equitable and efficient health service delivery, few countries have systematically addressed performance improvements. How health workers use their work time and what tasks they accomplish is here an important starting point. Therefore, a time motion study was conducted to assess the work time allocation patterns of primary health care doctors and nurses in two regions of Albania. METHODS: We used observation tool to record the time allocation along eight predefined main categories of activities. Conditional to presence at work, 48 health workers were continuously observed in early 2020 before start of the Covid-19 pandemic over five consecutive working days. RESULTS: The observed health workers spent 40.7% of their overall working time unproductively (36.8% on waiting for patients and 3.9% on breaks), 25.3% on service provision to users, 18.7% on administrative activities, 12.7% on outreach activities, 1.6% on continuous medical education and 1% on meetings. The study found variations in work time allocation patterns across cadres, with nurses spending more time unproductively, on administrative activities and on outreach and less on all other activities than doctors. Further, the work time allocation patterns were similar between urban and rural settings, except for nurses in rural settings spending less time than those in urban settings on administrative work. CONCLUSION: This study found that primary health care workers in Albania devote a substantial amount of work time to unproductive, service provision to users and administrative activities. Consequently, there is possibility for productivity, respectively efficiency gains in how health workers use their time

    Perspectives of public and private primary healthcare users in two regions of Albania on non-clinical quality of care

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    BACKGROUND; : Aiming to tackle the rise of non-communicable diseases and an ageing population, Albania is engaged in boosting primary healthcare services and quality of care. The patients' perspectives on their experience with public and private providers are, however, missing, although their viewpoints are critical while shaping the developing services. Consequently, we analyze perceptions of users of primary healthcare as it relates to non-clinical quality of care and the association to sociodemographic characteristics of patients and the type of provider.; METHODS; : A facility-based survey was conducted in 2018 using the World Health Organization responsiveness questionnaire which is based on a 4-point scale along with 8 non-clinical domains of quality of care. The data of 954 patients were analyzed through descriptive statistics and linear mixed regression models.; RESULTS; : Similar mean values were reported on total scale of the quality of care for private and public providers, also after sociodemographic adjustments. The highest mean score was reported for the domain "communication" (3.75) followed by "dignity" (3.65), while the lowest mean scores were given for "choice" (2.89) and "prompt attention" (3.00). Urban governmental PHC services were rated significantly better than private outpatient clinics in "coordination of care" (2.90 vs 2.12, P < .001). In contrast, private outpatient clinics were judged significantly better than urban PHC clinics in "confidentiality" (3.77 vs 3.38, P = .04) and "quality of basic amenities" (3.70 vs 3.02, P < .001). "Autonomy" was reported as least important attribute of quality.; CONCLUSION; : While the perception of non-clinical care quality was found to be high and similar for public and private providers, promptness and coordination of care require attention to meet patient's expectations on good quality of care. There is a need to raise the awareness on autonomy and the involvement of patients' aspects concerning their health

    Health seeking behavior among adults and elderly with chronic health condition(s) in Albania

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    Aim: Assess the use of different health care service providers by adults (aged 18-59) and elderly (aged > =60) who suffer from non-communicable disease (NCD) and explore relationships between sociodemographic variables and care-seeking behaviors. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in the districts of Diber and Fier in December 2018, using random cluster sampling. Descriptive statistics were used to compare the care-seeking behaviors of adults and elderly people. We employed binary and multinomial logistic regression to assess factors associated with the type of health service provider used. Analyses were adjusted for clustering within districts of residence. Results: Out of 3,799 respondents, 1,116 (29.4%) suffered froman NCD. Of these, 95% sought to obtain care for their chronic condition through public healthcare providers. The elderly were more likely to use primary healthcare services (PHC) to initiate care when facing health problems (56%), compared to those aged 18-59 years (49%, p < 0,001). Over the last 8 weeks, 82% (914/1,116) of participants sought care. Binary and multinomial logistic regression analyses, adjusted for socio-demographic variables, showed that the elderly were more likely to choose PHC services (OR 1.56; 95% CI: 1.04; 2.35). Moreover, individuals who suffered from hypertension used PHC services more frequently than hospitals (OR 1.94; 95% CI: 1.32; 2.85). A positive association was found between living in an urban area and seeking care for NCDs at polyclinics (OR 10.1; 95% CI: 2.1; 50.1). There was no significant gender difference observed with regard to the type of provider consulted. Conclusion: Public facilities were reported as the main providers for initiating care and the main providers used in the 8 weeks prior to the interview. While a majority of elderly people visited a PHC to initiate treatment (and follow up) on their chronic conditions, a substantial proportion of adults (aged 18-59) initiated and sought regular NCD care at a hospital. Educating patients and caregivers on active participation in NCD prevention, management, and control through the PHC level should be a long-term effort, along with the establishment of well-structured referral mechanisms and integrated care systems

    Factors associated with the utilisation of primary care services: a cross-sectional study in public and private facilities in Albania

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify key factors influencing the utilisation of governmental and private primary healthcare services in Albania. DESIGN: A cross-sectional health facility survey using a 4-point Likert scale questionnaire to rank the importance of factors driving services utilisation. SETTING: Exit interviews with patients who consulted one of 23 primary care providers (18 public and 5 private) in Fier district of Albania from the period of July-August 2018. PARTICIPANTS: Representative sample of 629 adults >/=18 years of age. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: (1) Factors influencing the decision to visit a governmental or private primary care provider and (2) the association of sociodemographic characteristics and patients' decision to attend a given provider. Data were analysed using mixed logistic regression models. RESULTS: Nearly half of the participants in this study were older than 60 years (45%). The majority (63%) reported to suffer from a chronic condition. Prevailing determinants for choosing a provider were 'quality of care' and 'healthcare professionals' attitudes. Solely looking at patients using a public provider, 'geographical proximity' was the most important factor guiding the decision (85% vs 11%, p<0.001). For private provider's patients, the 'availability of diagnostic devices' was the most important factor (69% vs 9%, p<0.001). The odds of using public facilities were significantly higher among the patients who perceived their health as poor (OR 5.59; 95% CI 2.62 to 11.92), suffered from chronic conditions (OR 3.13; 95% CI 1.36 to 7.24) or were benefiting from a socioeconomic aid scheme (OR 3.52; 95% CI 1.64 to 7.56). CONCLUSION: The use of primary healthcare is strongly influenced by geographical and financial access for public facility users and availability of equipment for private users. This study found that aspects of acceptability and adequacy of services are equally valued. Additional commitment to further develop primary care through engagement of local decision-makers and professional associations is needed

    How does the knowledge environment shape procurement practices for orthopaedic medical devices in Mexico?

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    BACKGROUND: In organisational theory there is an assumption that knowledge is used effectively in healthcare systems that perform well. Actors in healthcare systems focus on managing knowledge of clinical processes like, for example, clinical decision-making to improve patient care. We know little about connecting that knowledge to administrative processes like high-risk medical device procurement. We analysed knowledge-related factors that influence procurement and clinical procedures for orthopaedic medical devices in Mexico. METHODS: We based our qualitative study on 48 semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders in Mexico: orthopaedic specialists, government officials, and social security system managers or administrators. We took a knowledge-management related perspective (i) to analyse factors of managing knowledge of clinical procedures, (ii) to assess the role of this knowledge and in relation to procurement of orthopaedic medical devices, and (iii) to determine how to improve the situation. RESULTS: The results of this study are primarily relevant for Mexico but may also give impulsion to other health systems with highly standardized procurement practices. We found that knowledge of clinical procedures in orthopaedics is generated inconsistently and not always efficiently managed. Its support for procuring orthopaedic medical devices is insufficient. Identified deficiencies: leaders who lack guidance and direction and thus use knowledge poorly; failure to share knowledge; insufficiently defined formal structures and processes for collecting information and making it available to actors of health system; lack of strategies to benefit from synergies created by information and knowledge exchange. Many factors are related directly or indirectly to technological aspects, which are insufficiently developed. CONCLUSIONS: The content of this manuscript is novel as it analyses knowledge-related factors that influence procurement of orthopaedic medical devices in Mexico. Based on our results we recommend that the procurement mechanism should integrate knowledge from clinical procedures adequately in their decision-making. Without strong guidance, organisational changes, and support by technological solutions to improve the generation and management of knowledge, procurement processes for orthopaedic high-risk medical devices will remain sub-optimal
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