11,521 research outputs found

    Spectral asymptotics of Euclidean quantum gravity with diff-invariant boundary conditions

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    A general method is known to exist for studying Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories, as well as Euclidean quantum gravity, at one-loop level on manifolds with boundary. In the latter case, boundary conditions on metric perturbations h can be chosen to be completely invariant under infinitesimal diffeomorphisms, to preserve the invariance group of the theory and BRST symmetry. In the de Donder gauge, however, the resulting boundary-value problem for the Laplace type operator acting on h is known to be self-adjoint but not strongly elliptic. The latter is a technical condition ensuring that a unique smooth solution of the boundary-value problem exists, which implies, in turn, that the global heat-kernel asymptotics yielding one-loop divergences and one-loop effective action actually exists. The present paper shows that, on the Euclidean four-ball, only the scalar part of perturbative modes for quantum gravity are affected by the lack of strong ellipticity. Further evidence for lack of strong ellipticity, from an analytic point of view, is therefore obtained. Interestingly, three sectors of the scalar-perturbation problem remain elliptic, while lack of strong ellipticity is confined to the remaining fourth sector. The integral representation of the resulting zeta-function asymptotics is also obtained; this remains regular at the origin by virtue of a spectral identity here obtained for the first time.Comment: 25 pages, Revtex-4. Misprints in Eqs. (5.11), (5.14), (5.16) have been correcte

    On the Zero-Point Energy of a Conducting Spherical Shell

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    The zero-point energy of a conducting spherical shell is evaluated by imposing boundary conditions on the potential, and on the ghost fields. The scheme requires that temporal and tangential components of perturbations of the potential should vanish at the boundary, jointly with the gauge-averaging functional, first chosen of the Lorenz type. Gauge invariance of such boundary conditions is then obtained provided that the ghost fields vanish at the boundary. Normal and longitudinal modes of the potential obey an entangled system of eigenvalue equations, whose solution is a linear combination of Bessel functions under the above assumptions, and with the help of the Feynman choice for a dimensionless gauge parameter. Interestingly, ghost modes cancel exactly the contribution to the Casimir energy resulting from transverse and temporal modes of the potential, jointly with the decoupled normal mode of the potential. Moreover, normal and longitudinal components of the potential for the interior and the exterior problem give a result in complete agreement with the one first found by Boyer, who studied instead boundary conditions involving TE and TM modes of the electromagnetic field. The coupled eigenvalue equations for perturbative modes of the potential are also analyzed in the axial gauge, and for arbitrary values of the gauge parameter. The set of modes which contribute to the Casimir energy is then drastically changed, and comparison with the case of a flat boundary sheds some light on the key features of the Casimir energy in non-covariant gauges.Comment: 29 pages, Revtex, revised version. In this last version, a new section has been added, devoted to the zero-point energy of a conducting spherical shell in the axial gauge. A second appendix has also been include

    Flavour-conserving oscillations of Dirac-Majorana neutrinos

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    We analyze both chirality-changing and chirality-preserving transitions of Dirac-Majorana neutrinos. In vacuum, the first ones are suppressed with respect to the others due to helicity conservation and the interactions with a (``normal'') medium practically does not affect the expressions of the probabilities for these transitions, even if the amplitudes of oscillations slightly change. For usual situations involving relativistic neutrinos we find no resonant enhancement for all flavour-conserving transitions. However, for very light neutrinos propagating in superdense media, the pattern of oscillations νL→νLC\nu_L \to \nu^C_L is dramatically altered with respect to the vacuum case, the transition probability practically vanishing. An application of this result is envisaged.Comment: 14 pages, latex 2E, no figure

    One-Loop Effective Action for Euclidean Maxwell Theory on Manifolds with Boundary

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    This paper studies the one-loop effective action for Euclidean Maxwell theory about flat four-space bounded by one three-sphere, or two concentric three-spheres. The analysis relies on Faddeev-Popov formalism and ζ\zeta-function regularization, and the Lorentz gauge-averaging term is used with magnetic boundary conditions. The contributions of transverse, longitudinal and normal modes of the electromagnetic potential, jointly with ghost modes, are derived in detail. The most difficult part of the analysis consists in the eigenvalue condition given by the determinant of a 2×22 \times 2 or 4×44 \times 4 matrix for longitudinal and normal modes. It is shown that the former splits into a sum of Dirichlet and Robin contributions, plus a simpler term. This is the quantum cosmological case. In the latter case, however, when magnetic boundary conditions are imposed on two bounding three-spheres, the determinant is more involved. Nevertheless, it is evaluated explicitly as well. The whole analysis provides the building block for studying the one-loop effective action in covariant gauges, on manifolds with boundary. The final result differs from the value obtained when only transverse modes are quantized, or when noncovariant gauges are used.Comment: 25 pages, Revte

    Relativistic Gauge Conditions in Quantum Cosmology

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    This paper studies the quantization of the electromagnetic field on a flat Euclidean background with boundaries. One-loop scaling factors are evaluated for the one-boundary and two-boundary backgrounds. The mode-by-mode analysis of Faddeev-Popov quantum amplitudes is performed by using zeta-function regularization, and is compared with the space-time covariant evaluation of the same amplitudes. It is shown that a particular gauge condition exists for which the corresponding operator matrix acting on gauge modes is in diagonal form from the beginning. Moreover, various relativistic gauge conditions are studied in detail, to investigate the gauge invariance of the perturbative quantum theory.Comment: 26 pages, plain TeX, no figure

    A Non-Singular One-Loop Wave Function of the Universe From a New Eigenvalue Asymptotics in Quantum Gravity

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    Recent work on Euclidean quantum gravity on the four-ball has proved regularity at the origin of the generalized zeta-function built from eigenvalues for metric and ghost modes, when diffeomorphism-invariant boundary conditions are imposed in the de Donder gauge. The hardest part of the analysis involves one of the four sectors for scalar-type perturbations, the eigenvalues of which are obtained by squaring up roots of a linear combination of Bessel functions of integer adjacent orders, with a coefficient of linear combination depending on the unknown roots. This paper obtains, first, approximate analytic formulae for such roots for all values of the order of Bessel functions. For this purpose, both the descending series for Bessel functions and their uniform asymptotic expansion at large order are used. The resulting generalized zeta-function is also built, and another check of regularity at the origin is obtained. For the first time in the literature on quantum gravity on manifolds with boundary, a vanishing one-loop wave function of the Universe is found in the limit of small three-geometry, which suggests a quantum avoidance of the cosmological singularity driven by full diffeomorphism invariance of the boundary-value problem for one-loop quantum theory.Comment: 21 Pages, Latex and .eps files with JHEP3 style. The discussion in Section 5 has been improved, and Ref. 26 has been adde

    Stochastically driven single level quantum dot: a nano-scale finite-time thermodynamic machine and its various operational modes

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    We describe a single-level quantum dot in contact with two leads as a nanoscale finite-time thermodynamic machine. The dot is driven by an external stochastic force that switches its energy between two values. In the isothermal regime, it can operate as a rechargeable battery by generating an electric current against the applied bias in response to the stochastic driving, and re-delivering work in the reverse cycle. This behavior is reminiscent of the Parrondo paradox. If there is a thermal gradient the device can function as a work-generating thermal engine, or as a refrigerator that extracts heat from the cold reservoir via the work input of the stochastic driving. The efficiency of the machine at maximum power output is investigated for each mode of operation, and universal features are identified.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, V2: typos corrected around eq.(12

    One-Loop Divergences in Simple Supergravity: Boundary Effects

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    This paper studies the semiclassical approximation of simple supergravity in Riemannian four-manifolds with boundary, within the framework of ζ\zeta-function regularization. The massless nature of gravitinos, jointly with the presence of a boundary and a local description in terms of potentials for spin 32{3\over 2}, force the background to be totally flat. First, nonlocal boundary conditions of the spectral type are imposed on spin-32{3\over 2} potentials, jointly with boundary conditions on metric perturbations which are completely invariant under infinitesimal diffeomorphisms. The axial gauge-averaging functional is used, which is then sufficient to ensure self-adjointness. One thus finds that the contributions of ghost and gauge modes vanish separately. Hence the contributions to the one-loop wave function of the universe reduce to those ζ(0)\zeta(0) values resulting from physical modes only. Another set of mixed boundary conditions, motivated instead by local supersymmetry and first proposed by Luckock, Moss and Poletti, is also analyzed. In this case the contributions of gauge and ghost modes do not cancel each other. Both sets of boundary conditions lead to a nonvanishing ζ(0)\zeta(0) value, and spectral boundary conditions are also studied when two concentric three-sphere boundaries occur. These results seem to point out that simple supergravity is not even one-loop finite in the presence of boundaries.Comment: 37 pages, Revtex. Equations (5.2), (5.3), (5.5), (5.7), (5.8) and (5.13) have been amended, jointly with a few misprint

    One-Loop Amplitudes in Euclidean Quantum Gravity

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    This paper studies the linearized gravitational field in the presence of boundaries. For this purpose, ζ\zeta-function regularization is used to perform the mode-by-mode evaluation of BRST-invariant Faddeev-Popov amplitudes in the case of flat Euclidean four-space bounded by a three-sphere. On choosing the de Donder gauge-averaging term, the resulting ζ(0)\zeta(0) value is found to agree with the space-time covariant calculation of the same amplitudes, which relies on the recently corrected geometric formulas for the asymptotic heat kernel in the case of mixed boundary conditions. Two sets of mixed boundary conditions for Euclidean quantum gravity are then compared in detail. The analysis proves that one cannot restrict the path-integral measure to transverse-traceless perturbations. By contrast, gauge-invariant amplitudes are only obtained on considering from the beginning all perturbative modes of the gravitational field, jointly with ghost modes.Comment: 26 pages, plain TeX, no figure
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