1,101 research outputs found

    Global existence of classical solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system in a three dimensional, cosmological setting

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    The initial value problem for the Vlasov-Poisson system is by now well understood in the case of an isolated system where, by definition, the distribution function of the particles as well as the gravitational potential vanish at spatial infinity. Here we start with homogeneous solutions, which have a spatially constant, non-zero mass density and which describe the mass distribution in a Newtonian model of the universe. These homogeneous states can be constructed explicitly, and we consider deviations from such homogeneous states, which then satisfy a modified version of the Vlasov-Poisson system. We prove global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions to the corresponding initial value problem for initial data which represent spatially periodic deviations from homogeneous states.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, report #

    Existence of axially symmetric static solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system

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    We prove the existence of static, asymptotically flat non-vacuum spacetimes with axial symmetry where the matter is modeled as a collisionless gas. The axially symmetric solutions of the resulting Einstein-Vlasov system are obtained via the implicit function theorem by perturbing off a suitable spherically symmetric steady state of the Vlasov-Poisson system.Comment: 32 page

    Spherically symmetric steady states of galactic dynamics in scalar gravity

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    The kinetic motion of the stars of a galaxy is considered within the framework of a relativistic scalar theory of gravitation. This model, even though unphysical, may represent a good laboratory where to study in a rigorous, mathematical way those problems, like the influence of the gravitational radiation on the dynamics, which are still beyond our present understanding of the physical model represented by the Einstein--Vlasov system. The present paper is devoted to derive the equations of the model and to prove the existence of spherically symmetric equilibria with finite radius.Comment: 13 pages, mistypos correcte

    Thin-film flow in helically wound rectangular channels with small torsion

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    Laminar gravity-driven thin-film flow down a helically-wound channel of rectangular cross-section with small torsion in which the fluid depth is small is considered. Neglecting the entrance and exit regions we obtain the steady-state solution that is independent of position along the axis of the channel, so that the flow, which comprises a primary flow in the direction of the axis of the channel and a secondary flow in the cross-sectional plane, depends only on position in the two-dimensional cross-section of the channel. A thin-film approximation yields explicit expressions for the fluid velocity and pressure in terms of the free-surface shape, the latter satisfying a non-linear ordinary differential equation that has a simple exact solution in the special case of a channel of rectangular cross-section. The predictions of the thin-film model are shown to be in good agreement with much more computationally intensive solutions of the small-helix-torsion Navier–Stokes equations. The present work has particular relevance to spiral particle separators used in the mineral-processing industry. The validity of an assumption commonly used in modelling flow in spiral separators, namely that the flow in the outer region of the separator cross-section is described by a free vortex, is shown to depend on the problem parameters

    Regularity results for the spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system

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    The spherically symmetric Einstein-Vlasov system is considered in Schwarzschild coordinates and in maximal-isotropic coordinates. An open problem is the issue of global existence for initial data without size restrictions. The main purpose of the present work is to propose a method of approach for general initial data, which improves the regularity of the terms that need to be estimated compared to previous methods. We prove that global existence holds outside the centre in both these coordinate systems. In the Schwarzschild case we improve the bound on the momentum support obtained in \cite{RRS} for compact initial data. The improvement implies that we can admit non-compact data with both ingoing and outgoing matter. This extends one of the results in \cite{AR1}. In particular our method avoids the difficult task of treating the pointwise matter terms. Furthermore, we show that singularities never form in Schwarzschild time for ingoing matter as long as 3m≤r.3m\leq r. This removes an additional assumption made in \cite{A1}. Our result in maximal-isotropic coordinates is analogous to the result in \cite{R1}, but our method is different and it improves the regularity of the terms that need to be estimated for proving global existence in general.Comment: 25 pages. To appear in Ann. Henri Poincar\'

    Central contracts in Test cricket: a model of best practice?

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    Across the last two decades, management of international cricket players has changed substantially, with the main Test playing nations using central contracts to guide their team selection. Increased management control over player workload has been a key focus of this. This paper aims to analyse selection in relation to performance for eight Test playing nations in 1,135 matches over thirty years (1985-2015), particularly in relation to the introduction of central contracts. The results demonstrated a relationship between selection stability (i.e. changes made) and performance (overall results and win ratio). The improvement was more pronounced immediately following the introduction of a contract system, as the competitive advantage appears to be at its highest in the two years following their introduction. The data presented argues that the implementation of central contracts as a best practice model has been a beneficial addition to nations' performance in Test matches. Despite this, team managers, coaches and selectors should focus their work on developing an organisational culture where the elite environment has long term stability as its focus. This is particularly pertinent as selection uncertainty can be a de-stabilising factor, as suggested in this paper and in previous research

    The Newtonian Limit for Asymptotically Flat Solutions of the Vlasov-Einstein System

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    It is shown that there exist families of asymptotically flat solutions of the Einstein equations coupled to the Vlasov equation describing a collisionless gas which have a Newtonian limit. These are sufficiently general to confirm that for this matter model as many families of this type exist as would be expected on the basis of physical intuition. A central role in the proof is played by energy estimates in unweighted Sobolev spaces for a wave equation satisfied by the second fundamental form of a maximal foliation.Comment: 24 pages, plain TE

    Partnership, ownership and control: the impact of corporate governance on employment relations

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    Prevailing patterns of dispersed share ownership and rules of corporate governance for UK listed companies appear to constrain the ability of managers to make credible, long-term commitments to employees of the kind needed to foster effective labour-management partnerships. We present case study evidence which suggests that such partnerships can nevertheless emerge where product market conditions and the regulatory environment favour a stakeholder orientation. Proactive and mature partnerships may also be sustained where the board takes a strategic approach to mediating between the claims of different stakeholder groups, institutional investors are prepared to take a long-term view of their holdings, and strong and independent trade unions are in a position to facilitate organisational change

    Approximate probabilistic verification of hybrid systems

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    Hybrid systems whose mode dynamics are governed by non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are often a natural model for biological processes. However such models are difficult to analyze. To address this, we develop a probabilistic analysis method by approximating the mode transitions as stochastic events. We assume that the probability of making a mode transition is proportional to the measure of the set of pairs of time points and value states at which the mode transition is enabled. To ensure a sound mathematical basis, we impose a natural continuity property on the non-linear ODEs. We also assume that the states of the system are observed at discrete time points but that the mode transitions may take place at any time between two successive discrete time points. This leads to a discrete time Markov chain as a probabilistic approximation of the hybrid system. We then show that for BLTL (bounded linear time temporal logic) specifications the hybrid system meets a specification iff its Markov chain approximation meets the same specification with probability 11. Based on this, we formulate a sequential hypothesis testing procedure for verifying -approximately- that the Markov chain meets a BLTL specification with high probability. Our case studies on cardiac cell dynamics and the circadian rhythm indicate that our scheme can be applied in a number of realistic settings

    Physical activity and osteoarthritis:A consensus study to harmonise self-reporting methods of physical activity across international cohorts

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    Physical activity (PA) is increasingly recognised as an important factor within studies of osteoarthritis (OA). However, subjective methods used to assess PA are highly variable and have not been developed for use within studies of OA, which creates difficulties when comparing and interpreting PA data in OA research. The aim of this study was, therefore, to gain expert agreement on the appropriate methods to harmonise PA data among existing population cohorts to enable the investigation of the association of PA and OA. The definition of PA in an OA context and methods of harmonization were established via an international expert consensus meeting and modified Delphi exercise using a geographically diverse committee selected on the basis of individual expertise in physical activity, exercise medicine, and OA. Agreement was met for all aims of study: (1) The use of Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) minutes per week (MET-min/week) as a method for harmonising PA variables among cohorts; (2) The determination of methods for treating missing components of MET-min/week calculation; a value will be produced from comparable activities within a representative cohort; (3) Exclusion of the domain of occupation from total MET-min/week; (4) The need for a specific measure of joint loading of an activity in addition to intensity and time, in studies of diseases, such as OA. This study has developed a systematic method to classify and harmonise PA in existing OA cohorts. It also provides minimum requirements for future studies intending to include subjective PA measures
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