4 research outputs found

    A case of primary gastric choriocarcinoma and a review of the Turkish literature:An extremely rare carcinoma of the stomach

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    Primary choriocarcinoma of the stomach is an extremelyrare and highly malignant tumor. A 60 years old man visitedanother hospital for the chief complaint of the stomachacheand black stools. A large ulcero-vegetative tumoroccupying the gastric body and antrum was seen in theupper gastrointestinal endoscopy. It was diagnosed asgastric adenocarcinoma by endoscopic biopsy. The patientadmitted to our hospital for treatment. The patientwas assessed as a gastric adenocarcinoma complicatedwith hemorrhage. In the exploration, it was observed thatthe mass arising from gastric body was invaded the transversecolon and pancreas. The lymphadenopaties in theceliac axis were conglomerated and had invaded the celiacvessels. A subtotal gastrectomy and an extended righthemicolectomy were performed for palliation. In pathologicalfindings, typical characteristics of two cell pattern consistingof syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts wereobserved. The tumor consisted of only choriocarcinoma.For the definite diagnosis of choriocarcinoma, immunohistochemi-cal tests were performed. Beta-HCG andEMA staining were positive. The patient was invited forcontrol because of gastric choriocarcinoma three weekslater surgery. His serum beta-HCG level was 458 mIU/mL(normal range, <0.5 mIU/mL). For the differantiation fromthe primary choriocarcinoma in the testis or mediastinum,testicular ultrasonography and chest CT were performed.Abnormal findings were not detected in the tests, so itwas diagnosed as primary gastric choriocarcinoma. Thepatient refused chemotherapy. Three months later, hehad inguinal lymphadenopaties and multiple metastasesin lung. He died 5 months after surgery because of respiratoryfailure

    A Choledochal Cyst Resulting in Obstructive Jaundice in a Case with Gallbladder Agenesis: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature

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    Co-existence of gallbladder agenesis and choledochal cyst is a very rare congenital anomaly of the extrahepatic biliary system. The literature presents only five cases with this combination. Herein, we report the sixth case. Gallbladder agenesis is usually asymptomatic, while choledochal cyst often presents symptoms before adolescence. This is the report of a 42-year-old female patient with gallbladder agenesis and choledochal cyst leading to obstructive jaundice. Radiological diagnosis of choledochal cysts is not difficult. However, in cases with gallbladder agenesis, cystic dilatation in the choledochus may be misdiagnosed as mislocation of the gallbladder or contracted and/or sclero-atrophic gallbladder

    Hylan GF-20 and methyl-prednisolone’s effects on adhesion formation in rats underwent laparotomy

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.Amaç: Bu çalışmada Hylan GF-20 ve metil-prednizolonun laparotomi yapılan ratlarda yapışıklık oluşması üzerine etki gösterip göstermeyeceklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kırk adet rat 4 gruba ayrılıp çekum ön duvarında 1 cm2'lik alanda steril gazlı bezle abrazyon oluşturuldu. Birinci gruptaki ratlara herhangi bir ilaç verilmez iken, 2. gruptakilere intraperitoneal 1 cc %4 Hylan GF-20 solüsyonu, 3. gruptakilere intraperitoneal 10 mg/kg metil prednizolon 4. gruptakilere intraperitoneal 1 cc %4 Hylan GF-20 solüsyonu + 10 mg/kg metil prednizolon verildi. Yedi gün sonra, grupları bilmeyen bir incelemeci tarafından daha önceki kesi hattı dışından tekrar laparotomi yapılarak kesi hattına ve çekuma olan yapışıklıklar değerlendirildi.Objective: In this study we aimed to investigate if Hylan GF-20 and methyl-prednisolone will effect upon the formation of adhesions in rats underwent laparotomy. Material and Method: Forty rats were divided into 4 groups and abrasion was created with sterile gauze at 1 cm2 area on the anterior wall of the cecum. In the first group, while the rats not given any drug, in the second group 1 cc of 4% solution of Hylan GF-20, in the third group 10 mg / kg methyl prednisolone and in the fourth group 1 cc %4 Hylan GF-20 solüsyonu +10 mg / kg methyl prednisolone 10 mg / kg methyl prednisolone were given intraperitoneally. Seven days later, adhesions with incision line and cecum were evaluated by an investigator blinded to group by doing again laparotomy outside earlier incision line