8 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemerintah Desa dalam pengelolaan Wisata Lokal

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    Strategi Pemerintah Desa dalam Pengelolaan wisata lokal memang sangat diperlukan. Hal ini tentunya berkaitan dengan eksistensi wisata kedepannya nanti. Jika Pemerintah Desa bisa secara tepat dalam melakukan strategi dan juga pengelolaan, tentunya tempat – tempat wisata yang sudah ada bisa terorganisasi dengan baik. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis meneliti tentang Strategi pemerintah Desa dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Lokal di Desa Karangpatihan Kecamatan Balong Kabupaten Ponorogo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam menentukan informan, peneliti menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dimana informan ditentukan berdasarkan karakteristik tertentu, dan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Strategi yang dilakukan Pemerintah Desa Karangpatihan mengenai wisata lokal yang ada adalah untuk menjadikannya tempat wisata yang lebih baik lagi agar bisa dikenal lebih banyak orang dan juga dengan membentuk POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) nantinya tempat wisata yang ada bisa tertata dengan baik. Adapun yang lainnya adalah dengan melakukan promosi melalui beberapa media cetak, media soial maupun media elektronik. Pengelolaan yang dilakukan pun juga bekerjasama dengan POKDARWIS (Kelompok Sadar Wisata). Dengan melakukan penambahan wahana maupun sarana dan prasarana. Dan tentunya juga melakukan perbaikan wahana ataupun sarana yang ada di tempat wisata

    Performance factors for successful business incubators in Indonesian public universities

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    Measuring the performance of business processes is already a main concern for both faculty and enterprise players, since organizations are motivated to reach the productivity stage. Employing a performance achievement framework for the relationship between business incubator success factors will guarantee connection with commercial schemes, which support a high level of performance indicators in successful business incubator models. This research employs a quantitative approach, with the data analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. Employing a sample of 95 incubator managers from 19 universities which geographically located in Indonesia, it is shown that the image of business incubator factors has a positive effect on incubator performance. The study investigates the relationship between incubator performance and business incubator success factors in Indonesia. It was found that IT, as part of the business incubators’ facets/abilities, partially supports their performance; that the entry criteria directly support the performance of the incubators; that mentoring networks also support the performance, with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; that funding supports the performance of business incubators, also with good infrastructure systems as a moderating factor; and that university regulations and government support and protection enhance the performance of business incubators, with credits and rewards as a moderating factor. In addition, a variety of indicators from the local context affiliate positively to promote a community that highlighted the incubators’ strategies.N/

    Pentingnya kesan pertama : Cara memikat orang dalam sekejap

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    xxiii-215 hlm. : - ; 23 cm

    Generasi Z : memahami karakter generasi baru yang akan mengubah dunia kerja

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    xxiv, 268 p. ; 24 cm

    The improvement of block chain technology simulation in supply chain management (case study: pesticide company)

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    Abstract This research was conducted on industrial agriculture in Indonesia. Risk analysis was carried out based on previous research. One source of risk was obtained, namely raw materials that did not meet specifications, which was then proposed to be mitigated by evaluating supplier performance. This activity involves a lot of data, requiring efficient and effective data storage and access. The level in the simulation layout includes analysing system needs, using problem diagrams, compiling activity diagrams, deciding subprocesses, and filtering information. The analysis is carried out by comparing the use of supply chains with Blockchain and without Blockchain, which is then obtained to determine whether there is an increase. A sequentially stored data scenario describes a situation when the transaction process is in progress and is stored sequentially according to the process that occurs. Storing data in groups explains a problem when a transaction has been completed and stored in groups with similar data, making it easier to track specific data. In this regard, a simulation will be carried out using a website, namely a blockchain demo. The design stage starts with identifying system requirements, creating use case diagrams, compiling activity diagrams, determining subprocesses, and selecting information. The simulation results obtained will be analysed to determine the feasibility of Blockchain as a means of supporting risk mitigation related to data using aspects, including security, trust, traceability, sustainability, and costs

    Research Methodology (Concepts and Cases)

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    This study aims to examine and analyze in-depth the elements of efficacy and explore the positive characters embodied in the teaching and learning process in Elementary School Teacher Education, State University of Semarang. Efficacy plays a significant role in everyday life, and a person will be able to use his potential optimally if self-efficacy supports it. One aspect of life that is influenced by self-efficacy is an achievement. Achievement and self-efficacy relate to a person's belief in exercising personal control over motivation, cognition, affection for his or her social environment, being able to carry out tasks, achieve goals, or overcome obstacles. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. The participants were five students, and the data collection process was carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that UNNES Elementary School Teacher Education students directed their actions to positive things based on experience during the learning proces