82 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Supplier Obat Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product Pada Rumah Sakit Ibu Dan Anak Putri Surabaya

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    Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Putri Surabaya is located at Jalan Arief Rachman Hakim No. 122, Whiteness. Sukolilo Sub-district, Surabaya City. The agency is a type c hospital that moves in one type only in the field of mother and child service. The current process of drug purchase is done by looking at the criteria in terms of the cheapest price and the availability of goods on the part of suppliers so that the quality obtained is less satisfactory impact on the return of goods of 203 drugs from May to August. Therefore, the best drug supplier determination application using Weighted Product method has been made in this final project based on some additional criteria that have been used such as quantity criterion, price criteria, quality criteria, discount criteria, and delivery time criteria. In this application there are several functions consisting of purchase, acceptance and assessment. Where the company can reduce the return of drugs for the next period and the company can meet the needs of the required drugs. Based on the results of trials that have been made on the application of the determination of the best drug supplier can produce reports the best suppliers of drugs in accordance with the needs of the RSIA Putri Surabaya. This report is useful as management information in order not to do the return of drugs that occurred in the previous period. So the company can improve services and meet the needs of drugs needed by every part of the company

    Wavelet Spectrum for Investigating Statistical Characteristics of UDP-Based Internet Traffic

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    In this paper, we consider statistical characteristics of real User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic. Four main issues in the study include(i) the presence of long rangedependence (LRD) in the UDP traffic,(ii) the marginal distribution of the UDP traces,(iii) dependence structure of wavelet coefficients,(iv) and performance evaluation of the Hurst parameter estimation based on different numbers of vanishing moments of the mother wavelet. By analyzing a large set of real traffic data, it is evident that the UDP Internet traffic reveals the LRD properties with considerably high non-stationary processes.Furthermore, it exhibits non-Gaussian marginal distributions. However, by increasing the number of vanishing moments,it is impossible to achieve reduction fromLRD to become a short range dependence. Thus, it can be shown that there is no significant difference in performance estimation of the Hurst parameter for different numbers of vanishing moments of the mother wavelet

    Sistem Pakar untuk Diagnosis Penyakit Mata

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    Sistem Pakar untuk Menentukan Penyakit pada Tanaman Cokelat

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    The low quality of the chocolate in Indonesia is because the cocoa plantations in Indonesia are always threatened by pests and plant diseases. Insect pest species whose numbers are greatest for cocoa crop in Indonesia for more than 130 species. This resulted in a lot of brown plants that could have been saved to die and decrease the quality of the chocolate. If this is allowed to continue, then it will impact on the level of productivity of the cocoa plant.Based on the above, the cocoa plantations requires an expert system which can provide information about diseases that attack plants brown and provide solutions to deal with the disease. This expert system application aims to help growers determine the type of chocolate for the disease being attacked by the brown plant disease symptoms are visible and also with the application of expert system, can generate solutions to deal with brown plants are diseased, so many chocolate plant are saved and it can increase production and also quality.Application of expert systems with rule-based system using forward chaining methods to help the cocoa plantations in order to know the type of disease that is attacking the brown plant based on the symptoms of the disease are seen

    Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Penyakit Jamur Kulit pada Manusia Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    Indonesia is a tropical country with high levels of humidity . High humidity levels can make a flourish of mushrooms , one of which is a fungal disease of the skin. many people assume that the skin fungal disease if left unchecked it can heal itself . it is so wrong , skin fungal diseases if not faster handling of it will have a negative effect on human health it . one of the adverse effects will occur in humans as a permanent hair loss or hearing loss . the existence of such problems is then made of skin fungal disease expert system uses certainty factor method . in order to help people who suffer from fungal diseases of the skin. after the system is created by the acquisition of knowledge from experts , to replace the expert and has been tested with a black box method can result out of 100 % . so that the system is fit for use by people suffering from fungal diseases of the skin

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Pakar untuk Menentukan Penyakit pada Tanaman Kedelai

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    The cause of low yield of soybean in Indonesia, among others is a disease. To find out what disease that attacks soybean crops needed an expert in the field of agriculture. Disease that often impairs the soybean plant is rust. In addition to lowering the yield, rust disease also potentially lower the quality of soybean seeds. In addition to these there are many more diseases that are present in the soy plant. Expert system for soybean disease defines is one alternative to detect disease of soybean. The method used is rule based system and forward chaining method. The system will be made to provide an unbiased decision about the type of disease affecting soybean and handling. Web based system is built in order to spread information more accessible. Result of the application that have been tested by three expert crops by conducting interview and application testing performed eight times on each trial expert. Based on test result obtained from 24 experiments by expert is 22 times the experiment successfully identified soybean disease and two trials did not identify soybean disease. The trial result concluded the expert system can determine soybean disease based on symptoms in plant soybean

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Gangguan Preferensi Seksual Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor pada Institusi Kepolisian

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    A sexual preference disorder or Paraphilia is a deviate act that is hidden by the subject. It appears to be ignoring or hurting other people. Currently, Police institutions have implemented ways to know about this sexual abnormality. However, in the identification process there are similar symptoms that leads to the same conclution of the specific kind of paraphilia. In this case, it can cause a mistake in determining the type of sexual preference disorder along with the limitation to psychology staff and time limitation also made the solution to the case to be delayed. Based on the problems above, then the expert system is made that can help part of the psychology especially to those who do not have a clinical background to diagnose this sexual preference disorder to expedite the process of the psychological test and not to delay the settlement of the case. The certainty factor expert system will identify every symptom that is experienced by the problematic person, and the system will produce a diagnosis of sexual preference disorder result towards the problematic person. The trial result of the expert system application shows that the system is capable to identify the type of the disturbance in sexual preference with the accuracy of 93, 3%. The following result is made based on the input that is given by the user and compared with the diagnose result that is been done by police expert clinical psychology in the amount of 15 cases

    Adaptive Blind Channel Equalization for Mobile Multimedia Communication

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    In the last decade much research effort has been dedicated to deal with the issues of wireless multimedia communications, in particular bandwidth limitation and channel impairment. We have recently proposed a new scheme for blind equalization called sinusoidally-distributed dither signed-error constant modulus algorithm (S-DSE-CMA). In this paper, we test this scheme for wireless image transmission. Simulation showed that the low complexity of implementation and fast convergence rate are the major advantages of employing the new scheme for multimedia applications. It is also shown, from perceptual-based analysis as well as objective measurements using peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the recovered image, that the recently-proposed blind adaptive equalization algorithm outperforms existing methods, e.g., uniformly-distributed DSE-CMA

    Implementasi Integrasi Jaringan Ipv4 dan Jaringan Ipv6 pada Local Area Network (Lan) dengan Sistem Tunneling

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    The development of computer network technology is currently growing exponentially along with the increasing users who make use of the computer network. In a computer network is addressing systems named IP address.Public IP address in use today is IPv4; The user who added the more led to exhaustion of IPv4 addresses are available on the internet. To overcome these problems developed types of IPv6. IPv4 can not directly linked with the IPv6 tunneling system is required to integrate both the IPS in a network of computers.In this final project will design a system of tunneling in a network of computers that use IPv6 as a server and client in which IPv6 data packet takes through the network IPv4 which is still existing and there occurs the process of Christianization engkapsulasian IP address, either peng-enkapsulasian IPv6 in IPv4 packet or vice versa.When using file-sharing whereby and the webserver by doing a test upload and download by the client. Expected by the existence of this research both different IP address generation can be integrated in a network of computers
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