4 research outputs found

    Additional file 3: of The impact of ankle–foot orthoses on toe clearance strategy in hemiparetic gait: a cross-sectional study

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    Figure S2. Experimental setting for clarifying measurement error. A: A 1-m-long aluminum bar with four markers on it. B-D: The participant held the aluminium bar in three ways while walking; parallel to his torso, parallel to the sagittal and horizontal planes, or parallel to the coronal and horizontal planes. (TIFF 135890 kb

    Additional file 4: of The impact of ankle–foot orthoses on toe clearance strategy in hemiparetic gait: a cross-sectional study

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    Figure S3. Correlation among non-paretic hip elevation (at mid-swing), paretic knee flexion, and non-paretic hip drop at paretic mid-stance. A. Correlation between the non-paretic hip elevation at the paretic mid-swing and the paretic knee flexion at the paretic mid-stance. The correlation coefficient was 0.10 (p = 0.80). B. Correlation between the non-paretic hip elevation at the paretic mid-swing and the non-paretic hip drop at the paretic mid-stance. The correlation coefficient was − 0.60 (p < 0.01). C. Comparison of the non-paretic hip drop at the paretic mid-stance with and without AFO (p = 0.23). (TIFF 135890 kb