1,232 research outputs found

    D→K,lνD \rightarrow K, l \nu Semileptonic Decay Scalar Form Factor and ∣Vcs∣|V_{cs}| from Lattice QCD

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    We present a new study of D semileptonic decays on the lattice which employs the Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action for both the charm and the light valence quarks. We work with MILC unquenched Nf=2+1N_f = 2 + 1 lattices and determine the scalar form factor f0(q2)f_0(q^2) for D→K,lνD \rightarrow K, l \nu semileptonic decays. The form factor is obtained from a scalar current matrix element that does not require any operator matching. We develop a new approach to carrying out chiral/continuum extrapolations of f0(q2)f_0(q^2). The method uses the kinematic "zz" variable instead of q2q^2 or the kaon energy EKE_K and is applicable over the entire physical q2q^2 range. We find f0D→K(0)≡f+D→K(0)=0.747(19)f^{D \rightarrow K}_0(0) \equiv f^{D \rightarrow K}_+(0) = 0.747(19) in the chiral plus continuum limit and hereby improve the theory error on this quantity by a factor of ∼\sim4 compared to previous lattice determinations. Combining the new theory result with recent experimental measurements of the product f+D→K(0)∗∣Vcs∣f^{D \rightarrow K}_+(0) * |V_{cs}| from BaBar and CLEO-c leads to the most precise direct determination of the CKM matrix element ∣Vcs∣|V_{cs}| to date, ∣Vcs∣=0.961(11)(24)|V_{cs}| = 0.961(11)(24), where the first error comes from experiment and the second is the lattice QCD theory error. We calculate the ratio f+D→K(0)/fDsf^{D \rightarrow K}_+(0)/f_{D_s} and find 2.986±0.0872.986 \pm 0.087 GeV−1^{-1} and show that this agrees with experiment.Comment: 23 pages, 31 figures, 11 tables. Added a paragraph in sction VII, and updated with PDG 2010 instead of PDG 200

    Cold Molecular Gas Along the Merger Sequence in Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present an initial result from the 12CO (J=1-0) survey of 79 galaxies in 62 local luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG and ULIRG) systems obtained using the 45 m telescope at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory. This is the systematic 12CO (J=1-0) survey of the Great Observatories All-sky LIRGs Survey (GOALS) sample. The molecular gas mass of the sample ranges 2.2 x 10^8 - 7.0 x 10^9 Msun within the central several kiloparsecs subtending 15" beam. A method to estimate a size of a CO gas distribution is introduced, which is combined with the total CO flux in the literature. The method is applied to a part of our sample and we find that the median CO radius is 1-4 kpc. From the early stage to the late stage of mergers, we find that the CO size decreases while the median value of the molecular gas mass in the central several kpc region is constant. Our results statistically support a scenario where molecular gas inflows towards the central region from the outer disk, to replenish gas consumed by starburst, and that such a process is common in merging LIRGs.Comment: 25 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The B_s and D_s decay constants in 3 flavor lattice QCD

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    Capitalizing on recent advances in lattice QCD, we present a calculation of the leptonic decay constants f_{B_s} and f_{D_s} that includes effects of one strange sea quark and two light sea quarks. The discretization errors of improved staggered fermion actions are small enough to simulate with 3 dynamical flavors on lattices with spacings around 0.1 fm using present computer resources. By shedding the quenched approximation and the associated lattice scale ambiguity, lattice QCD greatly increases its predictive power. NRQCD is used to simulate heavy quarks with masses between 1.5 m_c and m_b. We arrive at the following results: f_{B_s} = 260 \pm 7 \pm 26 \pm 8 \pm 5 MeV and f_{D_s} = 290 \pm 20 \pm 29 \pm 29 \pm 6 MeV. The first quoted error is the statistical uncertainty, and the rest estimate the sizes of higher order terms neglected in this calculation. All of these uncertainties are systematically improvable by including another order in the weak coupling expansion, the nonrelativistic expansion, or the Symanzik improvement program.Comment: 4 page

    Multicolor Time-lapse Imaging of Transgenic Zebrafish: Visualizing Retinal Stem Cells Activated by Targeted Neuronal Cell Ablation

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    High-resolution time-lapse imaging of living zebrafish larvae can be utilized to visualize how biological processes unfold (for review see 1). Compound transgenic fish which express different fluorescent reporters in neighboring cell types provide a means of following cellular interactions 2 and/or tissue-level responses to experimental manipulations over time. In this video, we demonstrate methods that can be used for imaging multiple transgenically labeled cell types serially in individual fish over time courses that can span from minutes to several days. The techniques described are applicable to any study seeking to correlate the "behavior" of neighboring cells types over time, including: 1) serial 'catch and release' methods for imaging a large number of fish over successive days, 2) simplified approaches for separating fluorophores with overlapping excitation/emission profiles (e.g., GFP and YFP), 3) use of hypopigmented mutant lines to extend the time window available for high-resolution imaging into late larval stages of development, 4) use of membrane targeted fluorescent reporters to reveal fine morphological detail of individual cells as well as cellular details in larger populations of cells, and 5) a previously described method for chemically-induced ablation of transgenically targeted cell types; i.e., nitroreductase (NTR) mediated conversion of prodrug substrates, such as metronidazole (MTZ), to cytotoxic derivatives 3,5

    Spatially-resolved Radio-to-Far-infrared SED of the Luminous Merger Remnant NGC 1614 with ALMA and VLA

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    We present the results of Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) 108, 233, 352, and 691 GHz continuum observations and Very Large Array (VLA) 4.81 and 8.36 GHz observations of the nearby luminous merger remnant NGC 1614. By analyzing the beam (1".0 * 1".0) and uv (> 45 k{\lambda}) matched ALMA and VLA maps, we find that the deconvolved source size of lower frequency emission (< 108 GHz) is more compact (420 pc * 380 pc) compared to the higher frequency emission (> 233 GHz) (560 pc * 390 pc), suggesting different physical origins for the continuum emission. Based on an SED model for a dusty starburst galaxy, it is found that the SED can be explained by three components, (1) non-thermal synchrotron emission (traced in the 4.81 and 8.36 GHz continuum), (2) thermal free-free emission (traced in the 108 GHz continuum), and (3) thermal dust emission (traced in the 352 and 691 GHz continuum). We also present the spatially-resolved (sub-kpc scale) Kennicutt-Schmidt relation of NGC 1614. The result suggests a systematically shorter molecular gas depletion time in NGC 1614 (average {\tau}_gas of 49 - 77 Myr and 70 - 226 Myr at the starburst ring and the outer region, respectively) than that of normal disk galaxies (~ 2 Gyr) and a mid-stage merger VV 114 (= 0.1 - 1 Gyr). This implies that the star formation activities in U/LIRGs are efficiently enhanced as the merger stage proceeds, which is consistent with the results from high-resolution numerical merger simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Chandra Observations of A Galactic Supernova Remnant Vela Jr.: A New Sample of Thin Filaments Emitting Synchrotron X-Rays

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    A galactic supernova remnant (SNR) Vela Jr. (RX J0852.0−-4622, G266.6−-1.2) shows sharp filamentary structure on the north-western edge of the remnant in the hard X-ray band. The filaments are so smooth and located on the most outer side of the remnant. We measured the averaged scale width of the filaments (wuw_u and wdw_d) with excellent spatial resolution of {\it Chandra}, which are in the order of the size of the point spread function of {\it Chandra} on the upstream side and 49.5 (36.0--88.8) arcsec on the downstream side, respectively. The spectra of the filaments are very hard and have no line-like structure, and were well reproduced with an absorbed power-law model with Γ=\Gamma = 2.67 (2.55--2.77), or a {\tt SRCUT} model with νrolloff\nu_{rolloff} = 4.3 (3.4--5.3)×1016\times 10^{16} Hz under the assumption of p=0.3p=0.3. These results imply that the hard X-rays are synchrotron radiation emitted by accelerated electrons, as mentioned previously. Using a correlation between a function B≡νrolloff/wd2{\cal B} \equiv \nu_{rolloff}/w_d^2 and the SNR age, we estimated the distance and the age of Vela Jr.: the estimated distance and age are 0.33 (0.26--0.50) kpc and 660 (420--1400) years, respectively. These results are consistent with previous reports, implying that B{\cal B}--age relation may be a useful tool to estimate the distance and the age of synchrotron X-ray emitting SNRs.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Cold Molecular Gas in Merger Remnants. I. Formation of Molecular Gas Disks

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    We present the 1 kpc resolution 12CO imaging study of 37 optically selected local merger remnants using new and archival interferometric maps obtained with ALMA, CARMA, the Submillimeter Array, and the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We supplement a sub-sample with single-dish measurements obtained at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m telescope for estimating the molecular gas mass (107 – 11 M ☉) and evaluating the missing flux of the interferometric measurements. Among the sources with robust CO detections, we find that 80% (24/30) of the sample show kinematical signatures of rotating molecular gas disks (including nuclear rings) in their velocity fields, and the sizes of these disks vary significantly from 1.1 kpc to 9.3 kpc. The size of the molecular gas disks in 54% of the sources is more compact than the K-band effective radius. These small gas disks may have formed from a past gas inflow that was triggered by a dynamical instability during a potential merging event. On the other hand, the rest (46%) of the sources have gas disks that are extended relative to the stellar component, possibly forming a late-type galaxy with a central stellar bulge. Our new compilation of observational data suggests that nuclear and extended molecular gas disks are common in the final stages of mergers. This finding is consistent with recent major-merger simulations of gas-rich progenitor disks. Finally, we suggest that some of the rotation-supported turbulent disks observed at high redshifts may result from galaxies that have experienced a recent major merger

    Discriminating the Progenitor Type of Supernova Remnants with Iron K-Shell Emission

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) retain crucial information about both their parent explosion and circumstellar material left behind by their progenitor. However, the complexity of the interaction between supernova ejecta and ambient medium often blurs this information, and it is not uncommon for the basic progenitor type (Ia or core-collapse) of well-studied remnants to remain uncertain. Here we present a powerful new observational diagnostic to discriminate between progenitor types and constrain the ambient medium density of SNRs solely using Fe K-shell X-ray emission. We analyze all extant Suzaku observations of SNRs and detect Fe K alpha emission from 23 young or middle-aged remnants, including five first detections (IC 443, G292.0+1.8, G337.2-0.7, N49, and N63A). The Fe K alpha centroids clearly separate progenitor types, with the Fe-rich ejecta in Type Ia remnants being significantly less ionized than in core-collapse SNRs. Within each progenitor group, the Fe K alpha luminosity and centroid are well correlated, with more luminous objects having more highly ionized Fe. Our results indicate that there is a strong connection between explosion type and ambient medium density, and suggest that Type Ia supernova progenitors do not substantially modify their surroundings at radii of up to several parsecs. We also detect a K-shell radiative recombination continuum of Fe in W49B and IC 443, implying a strong circumstellar interaction in the early evolutionary phases of these core-collapse remnants.Comment: Accepted by ApJL; 5 pages with just 1 table and 1 figur
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