7 research outputs found

    <b>Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</b> - <i>Bermetodologi</i>

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    Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat - Bermetodologi dicanangkan oleh Vice Rectorate - Research and Technology Transfer, BINUS University, guna membantu para dosen menghadirkan pengabdian yang berkualitas dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah.</p

    The role of psychology in enhancing public policy: Studies on political apathy and attachment to the city in Indonesia

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    The author conducted two studies with predictive correlational designs aiming to contribute understanding on socio-psychological dynamics related to public participation in public activities. This study applied purposive sampling and multiple linear regression data analyses. The first study with participants of 214 University of Indonesia students found that the sense of citizenship as well as indecision dimension of decision fatigue in taking political decision played a role in predicting public political participation in students. The second study with participants of 230 participants from urban music communities in Jakarta and its surroundings as well as in Bali, Indonesia, found that trust in municipal government has a negative correlation with attachment towards city and that participation in urban music communities does not contribute to such attachment. These results provided insights that we need to study the society psychosocial reality further, as one of the fields of the battle ground of interpretations of public policy, in order to increase the efficacy of public policy

    Membangun dan Merawat Kesehatan dan Daya Tahan Mental Polisi Indonesia

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    Paparan Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham mengenai Membangun Kesejahteraan Mental Pegawai Negeri pada Polri guna Mewujudkan SDM Unggul Polri Presisi, padaa. hari/tanggal : Rabu/7 Juni 2023;b. pukul: 08.00 WIB s.d. selesai;c. tempat: Hotel The Tribrata–Dharmawangsa, Jakarta Selatan;d. materi: Strategi Penguatan Daya Tahan Psikologi Anggota Polri guna Mereduksi Perilaku Bunuh Diri dalam rangka Mewujudkan SDM Unggul Polri PresisiBiro Psikologi SSDM Polri melaksanakan Focus Group Discussion dengan tema “Membangun kesejahteraan pegawai negeri pada polri guna mewujudkan SDM unggul Polri presisi”.Kegiatan ini dibuka oleh Asisten SDM Kapolri dengan mengundang 4 narasumber dari akademisi dan praktisi kesehatan mental.Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh para Kepala Biro SDM Polda, para pengemban fungsi SDM baik di tingkat Mabes maupun Polda.Kegiatan FGD ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan kebijakan yang dapat mendukung dalam memberikan perawatan kesehatan mental bagi Pegawai Negeri Pada Polri agar tetap memiliki Mental yang sehat untuk meraih kerja yang hebat.Narasumber/Pembicara, yaitu Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham, juga merupakan Anggota Asosiasi Psikologi Kepolisian Indonesia (APSIPOL)</p

    Kolaborasi dan Transformasi Menuju E-Government

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    Kolaborasi dan Transformasi menuju E-Government : Forum Konsultasi Publik Rancangan Awal Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah (RKPD) Kota Tangerang Tahun 2025</p

    Personality Traits, Sedentariness, and Personal Dilemma as the Dynamic Predictors of Intention to Use Public Transportation in Greater Jakarta

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    The management of mass public transportation requires the psychology of transportation in order to design and operate a transportation system which suits the social psychology dimension of urban citizens. The aim of this research is to examine the role of personality traits, sedentariness, and personal dilemma in predicting the intention of a particular group of urban citizens to switch from using private cars to using mass public transportation. This research uses the predictive correlational design, while the research data are analyzed using the multiple linear regression technique in order to identify the main effects and interaction effects of variables which may serve as the predictors of intention. This research involves 280 university students (111 males and 169 females, with <i>M</i><sub>age</sub> = 20.90 years old and <i>SD</i><sub>age</sub> = 1.943 years old) who live in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and its surrounding urban areas as samples. The research finds that, among the Big Five personality traits, conscientiousness is the only trait which can significantly predict the intention of private car users, while sedentariness is not capable of predicting such intention. The research also finds that losses in terms of time and safety incurred from the use of private cars can lead to a much stronger intention to switch to mass public transportation. The implications of this research on the development of policies regarding transportation are elaborated in the final section of this paper

    A Psychological Model Explaining Why We Love or Hate Statistics

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    Students of social sciences often hate statistics and therefore cannot utilize statistics optimally. As only a few studies are available on the antecedents of the attitude towards statistics, the authors investigated five possible antecedents in a hypothetical model. The sample for this study was 255 psychology students across Greater Jakarta, Indonesia (52 males, 203 females; <i>M</i><sub>age</sub> = 20.309 years old, <i>SD</i><sub>age</sub> = 1.182 years). Using path analysis, it was found that mathematics self-efficacy and appreciation towards history of mathematics can predict statistics appropriation, while ambiguity tolerance can predict previous bad mathematics experience. Finally, both statistics appropriation and previous bad mathematics experience can predict attitude towards statistics, thus confirming the hypothesized model. The overall psychological model had a good fit (<i>x</i><sup>2</sup> (7, <i>N</i> = 255) = 7.72, <i>p</i> > 0.05)

    Artificial Intelligence dan Arah Pendidikannya

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    Paparan tentang peran Universitas dalam pengembangan Kecerdasan Buatan, secara khusus BINUS University, dalam event Tangerang Kolaborasi Inovasi Pembangunan, Hotel Novotel Tangcity Superblok, 23 November 2023. Paparan disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Juneman Abraham dalam kapasitas sebagai Wakil Rektor - Penelitian dan Transfer Teknologi, Universitas Bina Nusantara.Paparan disusun oleh Juneman Abraham (Guru Besar Psikologi Sosial) dan Tommy Prayoga (Alumnus Jurusan Psikologi BINUS yang bekerja di Content Collision)</p