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    Valoraci贸 geri脿trica integral en atenci贸 prim脿ria

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    INTRODUCCI脫: L'envelliment de la poblaci贸 茅s un fet conegut que es mantindr脿 en els propers anys. S'associa a processos degeneratius i a m茅s patologia, que sovint comporta p猫rdua de autonomia i depend猫ncia. 脡s el grup m茅s freq眉entador i el que consumeix major nombre de recursos sanitaris. El millor indicador de salut en ancians 茅s l'estat funcional i la millor manera d'avaluar-la 茅s a trav茅s de la valoraci贸 geri脿trica integral. OBJECTIUS: Esbrinar els principals problemes de salut dels ancians. Con猫ixer l'estat de salut i la qualitat de vida. Valorar els ancians en funci贸 del seu estat funcional. Con猫ixer l'accessibilitat, utilitzaci贸 i freq眉entaci贸 dels serveis. Esbrinar quins factors tenen m茅s rellev脿ncia com a predictors d'incapacitat. METODOLOGIA: Estudi descriptiu, transversal. Poblaci贸 d'estudi: tots els subjectes majors de 65 anys del municipi de Valls, segons el padr贸 municipal del 2001. Mostra: 322 subjectes obtinguts per mostreig aleatori estratificat per edat i sexe. Per铆ode d'estudi: 1 de Gener de 2002 al 30 d'abril del 2003. Es realitza valoraci贸 geri脿trica integral utilitzant: q眉estionari general, instruments espec铆fics de valoraci贸 i examen f铆sic a tots els subjectes de la mostra. Estudi estad铆stic descriptiu i d'associaci贸 de les diferents variables i an脿lisi multivariant per comprovar l'efecte de diferents factors sobre les variables independents estudiades.RESULTATS: 270 individus, 83,8% de participaci贸. Fracci贸 de mostreig: 8,5%. Un 59,2% s贸n dones. Mitjana d'edat: 75,7 anys. El 64,2% dels homes viuen en parella. Les dones viuen soles m茅s sovint que els homes. El 3,3% s贸n "avi oreneta". Un 79,3% tenen estudis primaris i un 9,9% de les dones s贸n analfabetes. El 45,2% declaren ingressos entre 300-600 /mes, 45,9% m茅s de 600 /mes i 8,9% menys de 300 /mes. Els homes declaren ingressos superior als de les dones. Les pensions de jubilaci贸 o vidu茂tat s贸n la font d'ingressos m茅s freq眉ent, 92,2% dels subjectes. El 81,1%, s贸n aut貌noms per accedir als serveis sanitaris. Un 8,2% estan registrats en el programa ATDOM. Les variables associades a freq眉entaci贸 s贸n: nivell d'estudis, caigudes recurrents, hospitalitzaci贸 recent, exercici habitual i tenir HTA i dislipemia.Les malalties m茅s freq眉ents s贸n les osteoarticulars (46%) en dones i les cardiovasculars (33%), en homes. Globalment els f脿rmacs m茅s consumits s贸n els antihipertensius, en dones les benzodiacepines i els antiagregants/anticoagulants en homes.Les s铆ndromes geri脿triques m茅s prevalents s贸n: incontin猫ncia urin脿ria (45,6%), caigudes (40%), hipoacusia (32,8%), restrenyiment (31,9%) i polifarm脿cia (26,2%). El consum d'analg猫sics t茅 una OR=4, per la incontin猫ncia urin脿ria. Ser dona (OR=3), polifarm脿cia (OR= 2) i depend猫ncia per les ABVD (OR=3,6) s贸n factors de risc de caigudes recurrents. La patologia articular (OR=2,4) i el consum de benzodiacepines (OR=2,4), s'associen a restrenyiment. Factors de risc per polifarm脿cia: caigudes (OR=2,2), recolzament social insuficient (OR=2,2) i ingr茅s hospitalari recent (OR=3,7). Un 10% dels ancians, tenen deteriorament cognitiu. L'edat (OR=1,1) i la depend猫ncia funcional ( OR=3,7) s贸n els principals factors associats La depressi贸 茅s freq眉ent en dones de 65-74 anys. Factors de risc s贸n: consum benzodiacepines (OR=6,4), depend猫ncia funcional (OR=4,1) i baix recolzament social (OR=5). L'estat funcional, comen莽a a declinar als 75 anys. El factor amb major efecte, 茅s l'edat (OR=1,2). La qualitat de vida (QV) dels ancians 茅s globalment bona. La depressi贸 茅s la variable amb m茅s efecte sobre la p猫rdua de QV en homes (OR=23,4). En dones, la depressi贸 (OR=22,7), i variables relacionades amb p猫rdua funcional.CONCLUSIONS: La valoraci贸 geri脿trica en majors de 75 anys, hauria de ser eina habitual en atenci贸 prim脿ria. Diagnosticar铆em m茅s i millor, millorar铆em el registre de patologies i factors de risc i adaptaria l'actitud terap猫utica a les necessitats reals. Aix貌 comportaria major pressi贸 assistencial, que caldria contemplar per organitzar les diferents activitats realitzades en l'atenci贸 prim脿ria.INTRODUCTION: The aging of the population is a known fact that will be maintained according to the WHO in the coming decades. Aging is associated with degenerative and pathological processes that frequently cause dependency on other persons. The aged are the population group that most frequently consults and that uses the greatest number of the health services. The best indicator of the health of this group is the functional state and the best way of evaluating it is through Integral Geriatric Assessment.OBJECTIVES: To determine the health problems of older people. To evaluate their quality of life and functional state. To know the accessibility, use, and frequentation of the health services. To analyze the factors with a greater predictive power of incapacitation. METODOLOGY: Transversal descriptive study. Population: all subjects older than 65 years of age in the city of Valls (Catalonia, Spain), according to the 2001 city census. Sample: 322 subjects, based on an randomized sample stratified by age and sex. Period of study:1 January 2002 to 30 April 2003. Integral Geriatric Assessment via the author's own questionnaire, specific evaluation instruments, and physical examination of all the subjects of the sample. Descriptive statistical and associational study of the different variables and multivariate analysis to verify the effect of different factors on the independent variables studied. RESULTS: 270 individuals. Participation: 83.8%. Sample fraction: 8.5%. 59.2% are women. 75.7 average age. 64.2% of the men live with a partner. The women more frequently live alone. 3.3% alternate "residences." 79.3% have finished primary school and 9.9% of the women are illiterate. 45.2% declare earnings of 300-600 /month, 45.9% more than 600 /month and 8.9% less than 300 /month. The men declare higher earnings than the women. Retirement or widows' pensions are the most frequent source of income (92.2%). 81.1% have autonomous access to the health services. 8.2% are included in a program of domiciliary health care. Variables associated with hyperfrequentation are: Level of education, recurrent falls, frequent hospitalization, habitual exercise and having AHT and dyslipemia.The most frequent pathologies are osteoarticular (46%) in women and cardiovascular in men (33%). Globally, the medicines with highest consumption are antihypertensives, benzodiazepines in women and antiaggregants in men. The most frequent geriatric syndromes are: urinary incontinence (45.6%), falls (40%), hearing loss (32.8%), constipation (31.9%) and polypharmacological treatment (26.2%). Consumption of analgesics has an OR=4, for urinary incontinence. Being a woman (OR=3), polypharmacological treatment (OR= 2) and functional dependence (OR=3.6), are risk factors for recurrent falls. Articular pathology (OR=2.4) and consumption of benzodiazepines (OR=2.4), are associated with constipation. Risk factors for polypharmacological treatment: falls (OR=2.2), lack of social support and hospitalization (OR=3.7). 10% of seniors suffer cognitive deterioration. Factors with predictive value are: age (OR=1.1) and functional dependence (OR=3.7). Depression is more frequent in women. Risk factors: benzodiazepine consumption (OR=6.4), functional dependence (OR=4.1) little social support (OR=5). Functional capacity declines from the age of 75 years, age is the factor with greatest influence (OR=1.2). Quality of life is globally good. Depression is the variable with the greatest predictive valule on its loss in men (OR=23.4). In women, these are depression (OR=22.7), and variables related to functional capacity, which are the main factors of risk of loss of CV.CONCLUSIONS: Geriatric assessment in people older than 75 should be a habitual activity in primary treatment. We would diagnose more and better if we improved the recording of pathologies and risk factors and adapted treatment to real needs. This would lead to greater attention pressure which would need to take into account the organization of the different activities carried out in primary treatment