12 research outputs found

    Metabolic Control Analysis in a Cellular Model of Elevated MAO-B: Relevance to Parkinson’s Disease

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    We previously demonstrated that spare respiratory capacity of the TCA cycle enzyme alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDH) was completely abolished upon increasing levels of MAO-B activity in a dopaminergic cell model system (Kumar et al., J Biol Chem 278:46432–46439, 2003). MAO-B mediated increases in H2O2 also appeared to result in direct oxidative inhibition of both mitochondrial complex I and aconitase. In order to elucidate the contribution that each of these components exerts over metabolic respiratory control as well as the impact of MAO-B elevation on their spare respiratory capacities, we performed metabolic respiratory control analysis. In addition to KGDH, we assessed the activities and substrate-mediated respiration of complex I, pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and mitochondrial aconitase in the absence and presence of complex-specific inhibitors in specific and mixed substrate conditions in mitochondria from our MAO-B elevated cells versus controls. Data from this study indicates that Complex I and KGDH are the most sensitive to inhibition by MAO-B mediated H2O2 generation, and could be instrumental in determining the fate of mitochondrial metabolism in this cellular PD model system

    Glutamine-to-glutamate ratio in the nucleus accumbens predicts effort-based motivated performance in humans

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    Substantial evidence implicates the nucleus accumbens in motivated performance, but very little is known about the neurochemical underpinnings of individual differences in motivation. Here, we applied 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) at ultra-high-field in the nucleus accumbens and inquired whether levels of glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), GABA or their ratios predict interindividual differences in effort-based motivated task performance. Given the incentive value of social competition, we also examined differences in performance under self-motivated or competition settings. Our results indicate that higher accumbal Gln-to-Glu ratio predicts better overall performance and reduced effort perception. As performance is the outcome of multiple cognitive, motor and physiological processes, we applied computational modeling to estimate best-fitting individual parameters related to specific processes modeled with utility, effort and performance functions. This model-based analysis revealed that accumbal Gln-to-Glu ratio specifically relates to stamina; i.e., the capacity to maintain performance over long periods. It also indicated that competition boosts performance from task onset, particularly for low Gln-to-Glu individuals. In conclusion, our findings provide novel insights implicating accumbal Gln and Glu balance on the prediction of specific computational components of motivated performance. This approach and findings can help developing therapeutic strategies based on targeting metabolism to ameliorate deficits in effort engagement

    Gradual alteration of mitochondrial structure and function by β-amyloids: importance of membrane viscosity changes, energy deprivation, ROS production and cytochrome c release.

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    Intracellular amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) accumulation is considered to be a key pathogenic factor in sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the mechanisms by which it triggers neuronal dysfunction remain unclear. We hypothesized that gradual mitochondrial dysfunction could play a central role in both initiation and progression of sporadic AD. Thus, we analyzed changes in mitochondrial structure and function following direct exposure to increasing concentrations of Abeta(1-42) and Abeta(25-35) in order to look more closely at the relationships between mitochondrial membrane viscosity, ATP synthesis, ROS production, and cytochrome c release. Our results show the accumulation of monomeric Abeta within rat brain and muscle mitochondria. Subsequently, we observed four different and additive modes of action of Abeta, which were concentration dependent: (i) an increase in mitochondrial membrane viscosity with a concomitant decrease in ATP/O, (ii) respiratory chain complexes inhibition, (iii) a potentialization of ROS production, and (iv) cytochrome c release