10 research outputs found

    Notions and relations for RKA-secure permutation and function families

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    The theory of designing block ciphers is mature, having seen signiÂŻcant progress since the early 1990s for over two decades, especially during the AES devel- opment eÂźort. Nevertheless, interesting directions exist, in particular in the study of the provable security of block ciphers along similar veins as public-key primitives, i.e. the notion of pseudorandomness (PRP) and indistinguishability (IND). Furthermore, recent cryptanalytic progress has shown that block ciphers well designed against known cryptanalysis techniques including related-key attacks (RKA) may turn out to be less secure against related-key attacks than expected. The notion of provable security of block ciphers against related-key attacks was initiated by Bellare and Kohno, and sub- sequently treated by Lucks. Concrete block cipher constructions were proposed therein with provable security guarantees. In this paper, we are interested in the security no- tions for RKA-secure block ciphers

    Administering Nitric Oxide (NO) with High Flow Nasal Cannulas: A Simple Method

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    Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is a pulmonary vasodilator that plays an important clinical ICU role. The administration of iNO is usually performed through an endotracheal tube, but spontaneously breathing patients might also benefit from iNO administration. The use of the non-invasive administration of iNO through high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) allows for NO delivery in spontaneously breathing patients who still need supplemental oxygen and positive airway pressure. A simple method to administer NO through HFNC is described here using standard commercially available NO administration and HFNC

    Notions and relations for RKA-secure permutation and function families

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    The theory of designing block ciphers is mature, having seen significant progress since the early 1990s for over two decades, especially during the AES development effort. Nevertheless, interesting directions exist, in particular in the study of the provable security of block ciphers along similar veins as public-key primitives, i.e. the notion of pseudorandomness (PRP) and indistinguishability (IND). Furthermore, recent cryptanalytic progress has shown that block ciphers well designed against known cryptanalysis techniques including related-key attacks (RKA) may turn out to be less secure against RKA than expected. The notion of provable security of block ciphers against RKA was initiated by Bellare and Kohno, and subsequently treated by Lucks. Concrete block cipher constructions were proposed therein with provable security guarantees. In this paper, we are interested in the security notions for RKA-secure block ciphers. In the first part of the paper, we show that secure tweakable permutation families in the sense of strong pseudorandom permutation (SPRP) can be transformed into secure permutation families in the sense of SPRP against some classes of RKA (SPRP-RKA). This fact allows us to construct a secure SPRP-RKA cipher which is faster than the Bellare-Kohno PRP-RKA cipher. We also show that function families of a certain form secure in the sense of a pseudorandom function (PRF) can be transformed into secure permutation families in the sense of PRP against some classes of RKA (PRP-RKA). We can exploit it to get various constructions secure against some classes of RKA from known MAC algorithms. Furthermore, we discuss how the key recovery (KR) security of the Bellare-Kohno PRP-RKA, the Lucks PRP-RKA and our SPRP-RKA ciphers relates to existing types of attacks on block ciphers like meet-in-the-middle and slide attacks. In the second part of the paper, we define other security notions for RKA-secure block ciphers, namely in the sense of indistinguishability (IND) and non-malleability, and show the relations between these security notions. In particular, we show that secure tweakable permutation families in the sense of IND (resp. non-malleability) can be transformed into RKA-secure permutation families in the sense of IND (resp. non-malleability)

    Swiss Evaluation Registry for Pediatric Infective Endocarditis (SERPIE) - Risk factors for complications in children and adolescents with infective endocarditis.

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    BACKGROUND Infective endocarditis (IE) in pediatric patients is a severe cardiac disease and its actual epidemiology and clinical outcome in Switzerland is scarcely studied. METHODS Retrospective nationwide multicenter data analysis of pediatric IE in children (<18 years) between 2011 and 2020. RESULTS 69 patients were treated for definite (40/69;58%) or possible IE (29/69;42%). 61% (42/69) were male. Diagnosis was made at median 6.4 years (IQR 0.8-12.6) of age with 19 patients (28%) during the first year of life. 84% (58/69) had congenital heart defects. IE was located on pulmonary (25/69;35%), mitral (10/69;14%), tricuspid (8/69;12%) and aortic valve (6/69;9%), and rarely on ventricular septal defect (VSD;4/69;6%) and atrial septal defect (ASD;1/69;1%). In 22% (16/69) localization was unknown. 70% (48/69) had postoperative IE, with prosthetic material involved in 60% (29/48; right ventricular to pulmonary artery conduit (24), VSD (4), ASD (1)). Causative organisms were mostly Staphylococci spp. (25;36%) including Staphylococcus aureus (19;28%), and Streptococci spp. (13;19%). 51% (35/69) suffered from severe complications including congestive heart failure (16;23%), sepsis (17;25%) and embolism (19;28%). Staphylococcus aureus was found as a predictor of severe complications in univariate and multivariate analysis (p = 0.02 and p = 0.033). In 46% (32/69) cardiac surgery was performed. 7% (5/69) died. CONCLUSIONS IE in childhood remains a severe cardiac disease with relevant mortality. The high morbidity and high rate of complications is associated with Staphylococcus aureus infections. Congenital heart defects act as a risk factor for IE, in particular the high number of cases associated with prosthetic pulmonary valve needs further evaluation and therapeutic alternatives

    OĂč en est le management dans la fonction publique ?: Enjeux thĂ©oriques, mĂ©thodes privĂ©es et retours d'expĂ©riences

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    National audienceLa fonction publique regroupe les trois corps d’agents publics existants en France, Ă  savoir les agents de l’État, des collectivitĂ©s territoriales et des Ă©tablissements publics de santĂ©. La loi du 13 juillet 1983 pose le statut de ces derniers, c’est-Ă -dire leurs droits et obligations, et plus particuliĂšrement les garanties de protection d’emploi dans le secteur public. Or, ces garanties cristallisent de nombreuses critiques, notamment au regard des rĂšgles applicables au secteur privĂ©, la rigiditĂ© de l’emploi Ă©tant parfois perçue comme un facteur pouvant altĂ©rer la performance du secteur public. DĂšs lors, une rĂ©flexion s’est mise en place pour amener la fonction publique vers la voie de la modernitĂ©, se traduisant par l’introduction des logiques du management privĂ© hĂ©ritĂ©es des sciences de gestion. Un tel mouvement a fait naĂźtre la crainte d’une remise en cause du caractĂšre collectif et public de la mission et du statut des agents de l’administration, le management privĂ© supposant une gestion personnalisĂ©e et individuelle des personnels, lesquels doivent rĂ©pondre Ă  une certaine exigence de performance.Quelle est la consĂ©quence de ces Ă©volutions sur le modĂšle actuel de la fonction publique ? Quel est l’impact sur la motivation des agents et la qualitĂ© du service rendu aux usagers ? Comment la fonction publique intĂšgre-t-elle ces Ă©volutions et rĂ©ussit-elle Ă  inventer son propre modĂšle de management ?Pour tenter de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions, le Centre de Droit PrivĂ© et Public des Obligations et de la Consommation (CDPPOC) et l’Association ChambĂ©rienne des Jeunes Chercheurs en Droit (ACJCD) ont Ă©tĂ© partenaires de l’organisation d’un sĂ©minaire destinĂ© Ă  faire un Ă©tat des lieux du management dans la fonction publique. L’objectif Ă©tait de se faire croiser des discours d’horizons variĂ©s. Les analyses de jeunes chercheurs en droit, sociologie ou science de gestion portant sur les thĂ©ories du management ont fait Ă©cho aux Ă©clairages pratiques apportĂ©s par des managers expĂ©rimentĂ©s de collectivitĂ©s publiques. Au coeur des dĂ©bats, c’est la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la fonction publique et son adaptation Ă  la recherche de performance qui retiennent l’attention. Les actes de ce sĂ©minaire sont publiĂ©s dans cet ouvrage