70 research outputs found

    Efficiency of different methods for seeding grasslands

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    U nas su još uvijek nedovoljno istraženi ekonomski učinci različitih načina sjetve travnjaka. U svrhu utvrđivanja ekonomskih učinaka, postavljen je trogodišnji poljski pokus u Crkvenom Boku kod Siska. Utvrđivane su produkcija i ekonomske vrijednosti travnjaka zasnovanih direktnom sjetvom u kukuruzište s razmakom redova od 18 i 9 cm, klasičnom sjetvom, renoviranjem prirodnog travnjaka direktnom sjetvom u postojeću tratinu bez primjene herbicida, i kao kontrola prirodni travnjak. U cjelokupnom razdoblju istraživanja najproduktivniji je bio travnjak zasnovan klasičnom sjetvom (38,84 t/ha zelene mase), dok su najmanje produktivni bili prirodni travnjak te travnjak renoviran direktnom sjetvom u tratinu bez primjene herbicida (10,92 odnosno 11,63 t/ha zelene mase). Po jedinici površine, razlike u vrijednosti proizvodnje kreću se od 3276 kn/ha, što je ostvareno kod prirodnog travnjaka, do 17.478 kn/ha, što je ostvareno klasičnom sjetvom. Koeficijent ekonomičnosti najveći je kod direktne sjetve u kukuruzište s razmakom redova od 9 cm (koeficijent 3,17), dok se prirodni travnjak nalazi na samoj granici ekonomičnosti s koeficijentom 1,00. Odnosi uloženog i dobivenog, mjereni vrijednošću doprinosa pokrića, kreću se od 6 kn/ha (kontrola - prirodni travnjak) do 11.420 kn/ha (klasična sjetva). Gledajući proizvodnju sijena, najveću je produkciju pokazala klasična sjetva sa 7,11 t/ha sijena, dok su najmanju proizvodnju postignuli prirodni travnjak i renovirani prirodni travnjak (2,87 odnosno 2,86 t/ha).In Croatia, the economic effects of different grassland sowing methods are still insufficiently explored. In order to detect the difference between grassland sowing methods a three-year field trials were performed to determine the production and economic value of grasslands sown by: direct seeding into corn stubble field with row distance of 18 cm (DSK18) or ii) 9 cm (DSK9), iii) conventional seeding (KS), iv) sod-seeding in existing grassland (RPTDS) and v) natural grassland as control (KPT). In the whole research period the highest average green mass productivity was achieved by conventional seeding (38.84 t/ha), while the lowest green mass yield had natural grassland and sod-seeded natural grassland (10.92 and 11.63 t/ha of green mass). Observed per unit of area, difference in production values ranged from 3276 kn, which was achieved with natural grass to 17.478 kn/ha, which was achieved by conventional seeding. Looking at the production efficiency, direct seeding into corn stubble field with row distance of 9 cm (3.17) has the largest coefficient, while natural grassland is on the economy border with coefficient 1.00. Relations between invested and obtained, which was measured with value of Gross Margin, is in range from 6 kn/ha (natural grassland) to 11.420 kn/ha, which was achieved by conventional seeding. Looking at the production of hay, conventional seeding with 7.11 t/ha of hay had the maximum productivity, while the natural grassland and sod-seeded natural grassland had the lowest production (2.87 and 2.86 t/ha)

    Efficiency of different methods for seeding grasslands

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    U nas su još uvijek nedovoljno istraženi ekonomski učinci različitih načina sjetve travnjaka. U svrhu utvrđivanja ekonomskih učinaka, postavljen je trogodišnji poljski pokus u Crkvenom Boku kod Siska. Utvrđivane su produkcija i ekonomske vrijednosti travnjaka zasnovanih direktnom sjetvom u kukuruzište s razmakom redova od 18 i 9 cm, klasičnom sjetvom, renoviranjem prirodnog travnjaka direktnom sjetvom u postojeću tratinu bez primjene herbicida, i kao kontrola prirodni travnjak. U cjelokupnom razdoblju istraživanja najproduktivniji je bio travnjak zasnovan klasičnom sjetvom (38,84 t/ha zelene mase), dok su najmanje produktivni bili prirodni travnjak te travnjak renoviran direktnom sjetvom u tratinu bez primjene herbicida (10,92 odnosno 11,63 t/ha zelene mase). Po jedinici površine, razlike u vrijednosti proizvodnje kreću se od 3276 kn/ha, što je ostvareno kod prirodnog travnjaka, do 17.478 kn/ha, što je ostvareno klasičnom sjetvom. Koeficijent ekonomičnosti najveći je kod direktne sjetve u kukuruzište s razmakom redova od 9 cm (koeficijent 3,17), dok se prirodni travnjak nalazi na samoj granici ekonomičnosti s koeficijentom 1,00. Odnosi uloženog i dobivenog, mjereni vrijednošću doprinosa pokrića, kreću se od 6 kn/ha (kontrola - prirodni travnjak) do 11.420 kn/ha (klasična sjetva). Gledajući proizvodnju sijena, najveću je produkciju pokazala klasična sjetva sa 7,11 t/ha sijena, dok su najmanju proizvodnju postignuli prirodni travnjak i renovirani prirodni travnjak (2,87 odnosno 2,86 t/ha).In Croatia, the economic effects of different grassland sowing methods are still insufficiently explored. In order to detect the difference between grassland sowing methods a three-year field trials were performed to determine the production and economic value of grasslands sown by: direct seeding into corn stubble field with row distance of 18 cm (DSK18) or ii) 9 cm (DSK9), iii) conventional seeding (KS), iv) sod-seeding in existing grassland (RPTDS) and v) natural grassland as control (KPT). In the whole research period the highest average green mass productivity was achieved by conventional seeding (38.84 t/ha), while the lowest green mass yield had natural grassland and sod-seeded natural grassland (10.92 and 11.63 t/ha of green mass). Observed per unit of area, difference in production values ranged from 3276 kn, which was achieved with natural grass to 17.478 kn/ha, which was achieved by conventional seeding. Looking at the production efficiency, direct seeding into corn stubble field with row distance of 9 cm (3.17) has the largest coefficient, while natural grassland is on the economy border with coefficient 1.00. Relations between invested and obtained, which was measured with value of Gross Margin, is in range from 6 kn/ha (natural grassland) to 11.420 kn/ha, which was achieved by conventional seeding. Looking at the production of hay, conventional seeding with 7.11 t/ha of hay had the maximum productivity, while the natural grassland and sod-seeded natural grassland had the lowest production (2.87 and 2.86 t/ha)

    Fuel Properties’ Comparison of Allochthonous Miscanthus x giganteus and Autochthonous Arundo donax L.: a Study Case in Croatia

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    Increased energy demands, EU intentions for energy independence, together with decreasing fossil fuel reserves, have initiated the interest for new technology development. This would enable more intensive use of new renewable energy sources and contribute to increase among appliances based on biomass and energy crops. Miscanthus x giganteus is a perennial crop which has been received particular attention during the last decade as an energy crop. In the Republic of Croatia, it has been under investigation for the last two years, and the yields obtained by far are very promising. However, due to its potential and autochthonicity, there is a need for investigating the potential of another perennial, Arundo donax L. as energy crop. Among numerous tested energy crops, both species seem to be especially promising feedstocks due to their high production potential. Cultivation of these plants may be a sufficient alternative to wood from short-rotation forestry. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine fuel properties of the two-abovementioned species, relevant for combustion of biomass to be used as solid fuel, and to compare them. Since biomass is characterized by a series of parameters that determine their most suitable process of conversion, properties such as biomass type, particles size, chemical and physical composition, way of fixation of the moisture, ash content, and higher heating value (HHV). Accordingly, proximate, and ultimate analyses, together with fuel properties determination were conducted on both, M. giganteus and A. donax Results indicated that both species could be proposed as biomass energy crops in the Republic of Croatia, with a significant and environmentally compatible contribution to energy needs

    Fuel Properties’ Comparison of Allochthonous Miscanthus x giganteus and Autochthonous Arundo donax L.: a Study Case in Croatia

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    Increased energy demands, EU intentions for energy independence, together with decreasing fossil fuel reserves, have initiated the interest for new technology development. This would enable more intensive use of new renewable energy sources and contribute to increase among appliances based on biomass and energy crops. Miscanthus x giganteus is a perennial crop which has been received particular attention during the last decade as an energy crop. In the Republic of Croatia, it has been under investigation for the last two years, and the yields obtained by far are very promising. However, due to its potential and autochthonicity, there is a need for investigating the potential of another perennial, Arundo donax L. as energy crop. Among numerous tested energy crops, both species seem to be especially promising feedstocks due to their high production potential. Cultivation of these plants may be a sufficient alternative to wood from short-rotation forestry. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine fuel properties of the two-abovementioned species, relevant for combustion of biomass to be used as solid fuel, and to compare them. Since biomass is characterized by a series of parameters that determine their most suitable process of conversion, properties such as biomass type, particles size, chemical and physical composition, way of fixation of the moisture, ash content, and higher heating value (HHV). Accordingly, proximate, and ultimate analyses, together with fuel properties determination were conducted on both, M. giganteus and A. donax Results indicated that both species could be proposed as biomass energy crops in the Republic of Croatia, with a significant and environmentally compatible contribution to energy needs

    Fermentirano vlažno zrno kukuruza kao dodatak sjenaži lucerne djeluje superiorno na probavljivost suhe tvari obroka u odnosu na suho zrno kukuruza

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    The objectives of the experiment were to examine whether high moisture maize grain (HMM) is superior to low moisture maize grain (LMM) as supplement to alfalfa haylage (Medicago sativa L.) (AH). The effects of HMM and LMM supplementation to AH were studied on feed intake, water intake and dry matter (DM) digestibility in wether sheep. Alfalfa was harvested at the beginning of flowering and ensiled into round bales wrapped with plastic. The average DM and crude protein (CP) concentration of AH was 534.7 g kg-1 fresh sample and 141 g kg-1 DM, respectively. The average DM content (g kg-1 fresh sample) of HMM and LMM were 795.9 and 915.1 g kg-1 fresh sample, respectively, while the average CP concentration (g kg-1 DM) were 116.8 and 106.0, respectively. The study consisted of five feeding treatments incorporating AH only and AH supplemented with 5 or 10 g HMM or LMM d-1 kg-1 wether body weight. The inclusion of HMM (5 or 10 g kg-1 body weight d-1) into AH based ration resulted in higher diet DM digestibility (P<0.05) in comparison with LMM inclusion (5 or 10 g kg-1 body weight d-1). Higher daily fresh matter intake (FMI) (P<0.05), dry matter intake (DMI) (P<0.05) and water intake (P<0.05) was achieved with LMM inclusion in comparison with HMM inclusion. The conclusion was that HMM is superior over LMM as supplement to AH in terms of DM digestibility, while LMM has advantages over HMM in the intake characteristics measured.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi je li vlažno zrno kukuruza (HMM) kao dodatak sjenaži lucerne (AH) superiorno u odnosu na suho zrno kukuruza (LMM) obzirom na konzumaciju hrane i vode, te probavljivost obroka u hranidbi kastriranih ovnova. Lucerna (Medicago sativa L.) je košena u fenološkoj fazi početka cvatnje i silirana u bale ovijene plastičnom folijom. Prosječan udio suhe tvari (ST) i sirovih proteina (SP) u AH bio je 534,7 g kg-1 svježeg uzorka i 141 g kg-1 DM, respektivno. Prosječan udio ST u HMM i LMM bio je 795,9 i 915,1 g kg-1 svježeg uzorka, respektivno, a prosječan udio SP (g kg-1 DM) bio je 116,8 i 106, respektivno. Istraživano je ukupno 5 hranidbenih tretmana uključujući hranidbu samo s AH, te AH s dodatkom HMM ili LMM u količini od 5 ili 10 g d-1 kg-1 tjelesne mase kastrata. Veća probavljiost ST obroka (P<0,05) je utvrđena kod dodatka HMM sjenaži lucerne (5 ili 10 g d-1kg-1 tjelesne mase) u usporedbi s dodatkom LMM (5 ili 10 g d-1kg-1 tjelesne mase). Veća konzumacija svježeg obroka (P<0,05), ST obroka (P<0,05) i vode je utvrđena kod dodatka LMM u usporedbi s dodatkom HMM. Zaključeno je da HMM kao dodatak AH djeluje superiorno na probavljivost ST obroka u odnosu na LMM, a dodatak LMM ima prednosti u konzumaciji obroka odnosu na HMM

    Theoretical Estimation of Biomethane Production from Miscanthus × giganteus in Croatia

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    Although grass Miscanthus × giganteus biomass is currently used mostly as a raw material for direct combustion, an increasing consideration is now given to its potential use in production of biogas, namely biomethane. The aim of this paper is to determine the yield of dry-matter (DM) and organic dry matter (oDM) from the crop Miscanthus × giganteus in three different harvest times and at three different locations, and, based on these values, to calculate the biomethane yield on the abandoned agricultural surfaces in Croatia. The investigations which were conducted for this purpose determined the average values of dry matter yield (24.77 t/ha) and organic dry matter yield (24.11 oDM/ha) as well as the biomethane yield of 5976 Nm3/ha. In relation to total natural gas consumption and percentage of the abandoned agricultural land, Croatia could replace between 1.6% to 4.8% of the consumed natural gas by introducing Miscanthus × giganteus grass on 5% to 15% of the abandoned agricultural lands in three of its counties (Sisačko-moslavačka, Karlovačka and Ličko-senjska)


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    Total of 477 grass silage samples of different origin and quality were analysed by NIR spectroscopy to determine crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), digestible organic matter (OM) in the dry matter (DM) (D-value), metabolizable energy (ME), pH value and the ammonium nitrogen (NH3-N). According to DM content (g kg-1 fresh sample), the samples were divided into 8 classes: (1)> 228; (2) 229-313; (3) 314-398; (4) 399-483; (5) 484-568; (6) 569-653; (7i) 654-738; (8) 0.005) in NDF and pH value. It was concluded that increased DM concentration in silage samples was not a result of –grass wilting before ensiling but of advanced grass maturity at harvest.Ukupno 477 uzoraka travnih silaža različitoga porijekla i kvalitete analizirano je NIR spektroskopijom. Utvrđen je sadržaj sirovih proteina (SP), neutralnih detergent vlakana (NDV), probavljive organske tvari (OT) u suhoj tvari (ST) (D-vrijednosti), metaboličke energije (ME), pH vrijednosti i amonijskoga dušika (NH3-N). Prema sadržaju ST (g kg-1 svježeg uzorka), uzorci su nasumce razvrstani u 8 razreda: (1) 739. Povećanjem sadržaja ST, opadao je (P<0,05) sadržaj SP, D-vrijednost, ME, a povećavao se (P<0,05) udio NDV i pH vrijednosti, jer viši udio ST nije bio rezultat duljega provenjavanja biljne mase prije siliranja, nego košnje tratine u kasnijim fazama fitofenološke zrelosti