2 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Combining adverse pregnancy and perinatal outcomes for women exposed to antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy, using a latent trait model

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    Operational Definition 625 for Component Outcomes. Table S2. Demographic Characteristics and Missing Data of Study Participants. Table S3. Observed Frequency (OBFREQ), Expected Frequency (EXFREQ), Observed Percents (OB%), Expected Percents (EX%), Estimates of Posterior Mean of the Latent Variable S ̂ 632 and the APO by Combinations of Four Observed Outcomes. (DOCX 23 kb

    Additional file 1: of Perceived access and barriers to care among illicit drug users and hazardous drinkers: findings from the Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain data harmonization initiative (STTR)

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    Supplemetal Tables S6 (Summary of the STTR studies included in this study), S7 (Comparison of proportions reporting no or low social support by gender and HIV status), S8 (Comparison of proportions reporting low perceived access to care and greater barriers to care by gender and HIV status), S9 (Multivariable regression models assessing association of drug use and hazardous drinking with the mediator variable (social support), stratified by HIV status). (DOCX 23 kb