4 research outputs found
Additional file 4: Table S3. of Risk score for first-screening of prevalent undiagnosed chronic kidney disease in Peru: the CRONICAS-CKD risk score
Regression models with undiagnosed CKD having excluded subjects with CKD (as per MDRD equations) < 15 using the CRONICAS database (sensitivity analysis, N = 2364). (DOCX 17 kb
Prevalence of selected cardiovascular risk factors in the Latin American and the Caribbean population by age group and gender.
<p>All point estimates are provided with 95% confidence intervals. A) Hypertension; B) Diabetes; C) Smokers; D) High total cholesterol; E) Low HDL cholesterol; and, F) Obese.</p
Mean values of selected cardiovascular risk factors in the Latin American and the Caribbean and the US population by age group and gender.
<p>All point estimates are provided with 95% confidence intervals. A) Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg); B) Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg); C) Total cholesterol (mmol/L); D) HDL cholesterol (mmol/L); E) Glucose (mmol/L); and, F) Body mass index (Kg/m<sup>2</sup>).</p
Crude prevalence (%) of cardiovascular risk factors in the United States and the Latin American and the Caribbean populations, and age- and gender-adjusted prevalence ratios.
*<p>Data from the continuous NHANES (1999–2004).</p>†<p>Age- and gender-adjusted prevalence ratios with US as reference.</p>§<p>95% confidence interval does not include 1.00. BMI: Body mass index; WC: Waist circumference.</p