5 research outputs found

    Model Comparison of Coordinate-Free Multivariate Skewed Distributions with an Application to Stochastic Frontiers

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    We consider classes of multivariate distributions which can model skewness and are closed under orthogonal transformations. We review two classes of such distributions proposed in the literature and focus our attention on a particular, yet quite flexible, subclass of one of these classes. Members of this subclass are defined by affine transformations of univariate (skewed) distributions that ensure the existence of a set of coordinate axes along which there is independence and the marginals are known analytically. The choice of an appropriate m-dimensional skewed distribution is then restricted to the simpler problem of choosing m univariate skewed distributions. We introduce a Bayesian model comparison setup for selection of these univariate skewed distributions. The analysis does not rely on the existence of moments (allowing for any tail behaviour) and uses equivalent priors on the common characteristics of the different models. Finally, we apply this framework to multi-output stochastic frontiers using data from Dutch dairy farms.Coordinate-free distributions, dairy farm, multivariate skewness, orthogonal transformation, stochastic frontier.

    A Constructive Representation of Univariate Skewed Distributions

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    We introduce a general perspective on the introduction of skewness into symmetric distributions. Making use of inverse probability integral transformations we provide a constructive representation of skewed distributions, where the skewing mechanism and the original symmetric distributions are specified separately. We study the effects of the skewing mechanism on \emph{e.g.} modality, tail behaviour and the amount of skewness generated. In light of the constructive representation, we review a number of characteristics of three classes of skew distributions previously defined in the literature. The representation is also used to introduce two novel classes of skewed distributions. Finally, we incorporate the different classes of distributions into a Bayesian linear regression framework and analyse their differences and similarities.Arnold and Groeneveld skewness measure, Bayesian regression model, inverse probability integral transformation, modality, skewing mechanism, tail behaviour

    Bayesian Multivariate Regression Analysis with a New Class of Skewed Distributions

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel class of skewed multivariate distributions and, more generally, a method of building such a class on the basis of univariate skewed distributions. The method is based on a general linear transformation of a multidimensional random variable with independent components, each with a skewed distribution. Our proposed class of multivariate skewed distributions has a simple, intuitive form for the pdf, moment existence only depends on the existence of the moments of the underlying symmetric univariate distributions, and we avoid any conditioning on unobserved variables. In addition, we can freely allow for any mean and covariance structure in combination with any magnitude and direction of skewness. In order to deal with both skewness and fat tails, we introduce multivariate skewed regression models with fat tails, based on Student distributions. We present two main classes of such distributions, one of which is novel even under symmetry. Under standard non-informative priors on both regression and scale parameters, we derive conditions for propriety of the posterior and for existence of posterior moments. We describe MCMC samplers for conducting Bayesian inference and analyse two applications, one concerning the distribution of various measures of firm size and another on a set of biomedical data.Asymmetric distributions; Heavy tails; Linear regression model; Mardia's measure of skewness; Orthogonal matrices; Posterior propriety.