6 research outputs found

    Sambandet mellan psykisk ohÀlsa och hÀlsorelaterade levnadsvanor bland kvinnor och mÀn i en skÄnsk befolkning

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    Bakgrund: Daglig rökning och lÄg fysisk aktivitet pÄ fritiden Àr betydligt högre bland individer med psykisk ohÀlsa. Syfte: Att undersöka dessa samband i ett köns- och socioekonomiskt perspektiv, samt eventuellt finna bakomliggande orsaker. Metod: AnvÀnder data frÄn en tvÀrsnittsstudie (FolkhÀlsoenkÀt, SkÄne 2000) med en representativ population (n = 11 304) i Äldern 18-65. Huvudvariabler Àr sjÀlvrapporterad daglig rökning och lÄg fysisk aktivitet, samt psykisk ohÀlsa som bedöms via General Health Questionnaire-12. Analyser gjordes med logistisk regression för att fÄ oddskvoter och kontrollera för möjliga confounders. Resultat: Samband finns mellan psykisk ohÀlsa och daglig rökning, respektive lÄg fysisk aktivitet bland bÄda könen, och bland socioekonomiska grupper. Kvinnor har signifikant lÀgre oddskvoter gÀllande bÄda sambanden. Individer med psykisk ohÀlsa har fler ofördelaktiga levnadsvanor Àn de med ej psykisk ohÀlsa, oavsett socioekonomisk status. Ingen signifikant skillnad upptÀcktes mellan socioekonomiska grupper vid jÀmförelse av oddskvoter gÀllande lÄg fysisk aktivitet, bland kvinnor med ej psykisk ohÀlsa. Slutsatser: Studien har bekrÀftat sambandet psykisk ohÀlsa och daglig rökning, respektive lÄg fysisk aktivitet, bland bÄda könen och inom olika socioekonomiska grupper.Title: The relationship between mental ill-health and health related lifestyle habits among women and men in a scanian population Background: Daily smoking and low leisure time physical activity prevalence are higher among individuals with mental ill-health. Aim: To investigate these relationships in a gender- and socioeconomic perspective, together with possible underlying mechanisms. Methods: Using data from a cross-sectional survey (Scania public health survey, 2000) with a representative sample (n = 11 304), aged 18-65. Included were selfreported daily smoking, low leisure time physical activity, and mental health measured by the General Health Questionnaire-12. Logistic regression analyses were performed to get odds ratios (OR), and to adjust for potential confounding factors. Results: Daily smoking and low leisure time physical activity were found to be associated with mental ill-health, among both sexes. Women had significantly lower OR than men with regard to both relationships. Individuals with mental illhealth had more unfavourable lifestyle habits than individuals without, independently of socioeconomic status. There were no significant differences between socioeconomic groups when comparing OR for low leisure time physical activity among women without mental ill-health. Conclusions: This study confirms the relationships of mental ill-health and daily smoking, and low leisure time physical activity, among both sexes and within different socioeconomic groups. Key words: mental health; daily smoking; low leisure time physical activity; General Health Questionnaire-12; gender; socioeconomic status; etnicity; crosssectional study

    8‑Functionalization of Alkyl-Substituted-3,8-Dimethyl BODIPYs by Knoevenagel Condensation

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    New 8-alkenylBODIPYs have been synthesized by Knoevenagel condensation between a series of alkyl-substituted-3,8-dimethylBODIPYs and aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes. This is in clear contrast with literature precedents, which indicate that this reaction occurs exclusively on the methyl group at C-3. The change in hybridization of the carbon at the 8-position (from sp<sup>3</sup> to sp<sup>2</sup>) determines the fluorescence emission of the BODIPY, while the presence of electron-donating or -withdrawing groups leads to intramolecular charge transfer processes

    8‑Functionalization of Alkyl-Substituted-3,8-Dimethyl BODIPYs by Knoevenagel Condensation

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    New 8-alkenylBODIPYs have been synthesized by Knoevenagel condensation between a series of alkyl-substituted-3,8-dimethylBODIPYs and aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes. This is in clear contrast with literature precedents, which indicate that this reaction occurs exclusively on the methyl group at C-3. The change in hybridization of the carbon at the 8-position (from sp<sup>3</sup> to sp<sup>2</sup>) determines the fluorescence emission of the BODIPY, while the presence of electron-donating or -withdrawing groups leads to intramolecular charge transfer processes

    8‑Functionalization of Alkyl-Substituted-3,8-Dimethyl BODIPYs by Knoevenagel Condensation

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    New 8-alkenylBODIPYs have been synthesized by Knoevenagel condensation between a series of alkyl-substituted-3,8-dimethylBODIPYs and aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes. This is in clear contrast with literature precedents, which indicate that this reaction occurs exclusively on the methyl group at C-3. The change in hybridization of the carbon at the 8-position (from sp<sup>3</sup> to sp<sup>2</sup>) determines the fluorescence emission of the BODIPY, while the presence of electron-donating or -withdrawing groups leads to intramolecular charge transfer processes

    8‑Functionalization of Alkyl-Substituted-3,8-Dimethyl BODIPYs by Knoevenagel Condensation

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    New 8-alkenylBODIPYs have been synthesized by Knoevenagel condensation between a series of alkyl-substituted-3,8-dimethylBODIPYs and aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes. This is in clear contrast with literature precedents, which indicate that this reaction occurs exclusively on the methyl group at C-3. The change in hybridization of the carbon at the 8-position (from sp<sup>3</sup> to sp<sup>2</sup>) determines the fluorescence emission of the BODIPY, while the presence of electron-donating or -withdrawing groups leads to intramolecular charge transfer processes

    8‑Functionalization of Alkyl-Substituted-3,8-Dimethyl BODIPYs by Knoevenagel Condensation

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    New 8-alkenylBODIPYs have been synthesized by Knoevenagel condensation between a series of alkyl-substituted-3,8-dimethylBODIPYs and aromatic or aliphatic aldehydes. This is in clear contrast with literature precedents, which indicate that this reaction occurs exclusively on the methyl group at C-3. The change in hybridization of the carbon at the 8-position (from sp<sup>3</sup> to sp<sup>2</sup>) determines the fluorescence emission of the BODIPY, while the presence of electron-donating or -withdrawing groups leads to intramolecular charge transfer processes