6 research outputs found

    The Dilemmatic Study of Local Policy Implementation Towards Bali Aga Traditional Village in Culture Conservation: a Case of Tenganan Pengringsingan Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency

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    Unlike traditional village of Bali Aga, Tenganan Pegringsingan Village has a unique culture inherited from its ancestors. To strengthen its resilience, then local policies have been established which are passed down from generation to generation. The fundamental challenge is maintaining the existence of culture to face the globalization era. The description of this article is based on information through observation, interviews with community leaders and cultural observers of the Tenganan Pegringsingan Village. Not all cultures can be preserved due to the demands of tolerance from the influence of the social dynamics which have emerged lately. Finally, the local policy in preserving the culture of Tenganan Pegringsingan village has a dilemma, on the one hand, it maintains the mandate of its ancestors, but on the other hand, it cannot avoid the social dynamics due to the globalization era, so that there are some cultures undergoing change

    Pemberdayaan Industri Kreatif Kerajinan Perak melalui Peningkatan Teknologi Tepat Guna Mesin Giling Perak

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    Desa Ungga, Kecamatan Praya Barat Daya, Lombok Tengah, merupakan sentra kerajinan perak. Produk yang dihasilkan   adalah bros, cincin, giwang, tusuk konde, suweng, liontin dan gelang. Bahan utama produk perhiasan ini yaitu  perak yang dicetak,digiling, diukir kemudian di kombinasi dengan kulit kerang, mutiara dan batu permata. Salah satu UKM yang menjadi mitra kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah “JEN's “ Creative Silver. Permasalahan mitra yaitu masih menggunakan mesin giling  manual yang diputar dengan tangan sehingga karyawan cepat lelah. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu menyediakan mesin penggiling perak dengan penggerak motor listrik yang nyaman dilengkapi dengan gearbox. Metode pelaksanaan yaitu mendesain, merancang dan merakit, melatih karyawan, menyediakan panduan perawatan mesin.  Hasil kegiatan yaitu 1 unit mesin penggiling perak dengan penggerak motor Listrik 1 HP putaran 1450 rpm, terhubung gearbox 1:20 sehingga putaran rol penggiling sekitar 100 rpm. Mesin ini bisa membentuk kawat dengan diamater bervariasi mulai 2 mm hingga paling kecil sekitar 0,05 mm. Mesin ini mempunyai beberapa kelebihan yaitu,, putaran stabil, hasil giling bisa seragam dan karyawan tidak cepat lelah. Motor listrik yang di gunakan dilengkapi dengan switch otomatis yang akan memutus aliran listrik ketika terjadi konslet. Pengujian kinerja mesin, saat masih menggunakan mesin manual  memerlukan  waktu  sekitar  10  sampai  15  menit  untuk  menggiling perak satu on (100 gr) sekarang menggunakan motor listrik, maka waktu bisa lebih cepat rata-rata > 50% bisa sampai 5 – 7 menit untuk 1 on (100 gr). Peningkatan omzet sejak diterapkan mesin giling perak saat ini masih kecil,sekitar 3%  akibat sepinya permintaan di tengah-tengah wabah pandemic covid-19

    Efforts to Improve K3 Culture (Occupational Safety and Health) in Harmonika Door Welding Workshop Smes

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    Counseling and socialization of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is one of the efforts to support Occupational Health and Safety. Welding workshop "Jaya Mandiri" is an activity partner that requires this. The purpose of the activity is to increase awareness and skills on the importance of using PPE when working. For this reason, making SOPs for the use of PPE is a mandatory procedure to start a job. The method used is counseling and demonstration of the use of PPE then followed by the use of PPE while working. The results of the activities were analyzed using a Likert scale. After that, the SOP and supervision methods were determined by the workshop owner in the use of PPE so that it became a habit to become a culture. The results obtained after counseling and demonstration of PPE are an increase in understanding and skills in the use of PPE from employees. From the results of the Likert scale analysis, the highest was the use of welding safety helmets after counseling 74.29% from the previous average of 31.43%. The lowest result is the use of apron (Apron) 57.14% before 22.86%. It was also found that one of the employees who had the highest understanding and skills in the use of all PPE, namely Munahar, reached 84% after counseling from only 40% previously. The skills and discipline of employees in the use of PPE still need to be improved by means of supervision by SME owners. The service implementation team together with the workshop owners and employees agreed to make an SOP in supervising the use of PPE to support K3 so that it becomes a good and entrenched habit