6 research outputs found

    Phosphorus-Doped Silicon Nanocrystals Exhibiting Mid-Infrared Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance

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    Localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) enable tailoring of the optical response of nanomaterials through their free carrier concentration, morphology, and dielectric environment. Recent efforts to expand the spectral range of usable LSPR frequencies into the infrared successfully demonstrated LSPRs in doped semiconductor nanocrystals. Despite siliconā€™s importance for electronic and photonic applications, no LSPRs have been reported for doped silicon nanocrystals. Here we demonstrate doped silicon nanocrystals synthesized via a nonthermal plasma technique that exhibits tunable LSPRs in the energy range of 0.07ā€“0.3 eV or mid-infrared wavenumbers of 600ā€“2500 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>

    Observation of Electrically-Inactive Interstitials in Nb-Doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub>

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    Despite rapid recent progress, controlled dopant incorporation and attainment of high mobility in thin films of the prototypical complex oxide semiconductor SrTiO<sub>3</sub> remain problematic. Here, analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy is used to study the local atomic and electronic structure of Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub> both in ideally substitutionally doped bulk single crystals and epitaxial thin films. The films are deposited under conditions that would yield highly stoichiometric <i>undoped</i> SrTiO<sub>3</sub>, but are nevertheless insulating. The Nb incorporation in such films was found to be highly inhomogeneous on nanoscopic length-scales, with large quantities of what we deduce to be interstitial Nb. Electron energy loss spectroscopy reveals changes in the electronic density of states in Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub> films compared to undoped SrTiO<sub>3</sub>, but without the clear shift in the Fermi edge seen in bulk single crystal Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub>. Analysis of atomic-resolution annular dark-field images allows us to conclude that the interstitial Nb is in the Nb<sup>0</sup> state, confirming that it is electrically inactive. We argue that this approach should enable future work establishing the vitally needed relationships between synthesis/processing conditions and electronic properties of Nb-doped SrTiO<sub>3</sub> thin films

    A New Line Defect in NdTiO<sub>3</sub> Perovskite

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    Perovskite oxides form an eclectic class of materials owing to their structural flexibility in accommodating cations of different sizes and valences. They host well-known point and planar defects, but so far no line defect has been identified other than dislocations. Using analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and ab initio calculations, we have detected and characterized the atomic and electronic structures of a novel line defect in NdTiO<sub>3</sub> perovskite. It appears in STEM images as a perovskite cell rotated by 45Ā°. It consists of self-organized Tiā€“O vacancy lines replaced by Nd columns surrounding a central Tiā€“O octahedral chain containing Ti<sup>4+</sup> ions, as opposed to Ti<sup>3+</sup> in the host. The distinct Ti valence in this line defect introduces the possibility of engineering exotic conducting properties in a single preferred direction and tailoring novel desirable functionalities in this Mott insulator

    A New Line Defect in NdTiO<sub>3</sub> Perovskite

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    Perovskite oxides form an eclectic class of materials owing to their structural flexibility in accommodating cations of different sizes and valences. They host well-known point and planar defects, but so far no line defect has been identified other than dislocations. Using analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and ab initio calculations, we have detected and characterized the atomic and electronic structures of a novel line defect in NdTiO<sub>3</sub> perovskite. It appears in STEM images as a perovskite cell rotated by 45Ā°. It consists of self-organized Tiā€“O vacancy lines replaced by Nd columns surrounding a central Tiā€“O octahedral chain containing Ti<sup>4+</sup> ions, as opposed to Ti<sup>3+</sup> in the host. The distinct Ti valence in this line defect introduces the possibility of engineering exotic conducting properties in a single preferred direction and tailoring novel desirable functionalities in this Mott insulator

    Controlling Surface Structure and Primary Particle Size to Enhance Performance and Reduce Gas Evolution in Lithium- and Manganese-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes

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    Practical application of lithium- and manganese-rich layered oxide cathodes has been hindered despite their high performance and low cost owing to high gas evolution accompanying capacity loss even in a conservative voltage window. Here, we control the surface structure and primary particle size of lithium- and manganese-rich layered oxide cathodes not only to enhance the electrochemical performance but also to reduce gas evolution. Sulfur-coated Fm3Ģ…m/R3Ģ…m double reduced surface layers and Mo doping dramatically reduce gas evolution, which entails the improvement of electrochemical performance. With the optimization, we prove that it is competitive enough to conventional high-nickel cathodes in the aspects of gas evolution as well as electrochemical performance in the conservative voltage window of 2.5ā€“4.4 V. Our findings provide invaluable insights on the improvement of electrochemical performance and gas evolution properties in lithium- and manganese-rich layered oxide cathodes

    Giant Spin Pumping and Inverse Spin Hall Effect in the Presence of Surface and Bulk Spināˆ’Orbit Coupling of Topological Insulator Bi<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>3</sub>

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    Three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators are known for their strong spinā€“orbit coupling (SOC) and the existence of spin-textured surface states that might be potentially exploited for ā€œtopological spintronics.ā€ Here, we use spin pumping and the inverse spin Hall effect to demonstrate successful spin injection at room temperature from a metallic ferromagnet (CoFeB) into the prototypical 3D topological insulator Bi<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>3</sub>. The spin pumping process, driven by the magnetization dynamics of the metallic ferromagnet, introduces a spin current into the topological insulator layer, resulting in a broadening of the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) line width. Theoretical modeling of spin pumping through the surface of Bi<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>3</sub>, as well as of the measured angular dependence of spin-charge conversion signal, suggests that pumped spin current is first greatly enhanced by the surface SOC and then converted into a dc-voltage signal primarily by the inverse spin Hall effect due to SOC of the bulk of Bi<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>3</sub>. We find that the FMR line width broadens significantly (more than a factor of 5) and we deduce a spin Hall angle as large as 0.43 in the Bi<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>3</sub> layer