280 research outputs found

    A branch-and-price algorithm for solving the cutting strips problem

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    After giving a suitable model for the cutting strips problem, we present a branch-and-price algorithm for it by combining the column generation technique and the branch-and-bound method with LP relaxations. Some theoretical issues and implementation details about the algorithm are discussed, including the solution of the pricing subproblem, the quality of LP relaxations, the branching scheme as well as the column management. Finally, preliminary computational experience is reported

    Planning for PARADISEC

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    PARADISEC is a collaborative digital research resource set up by the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University in 2003, with funding from the Australia Research Council's Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities scheme. Conceived and created in cyberspace, the project locates its digitisation equipment at the University of Sydney, its website at ANU, and metadata database at the University of Melbourne, with researcher contributions from all three Universities. Current planning issues concern provision of appropriate levels of digital rights management and access for the many stakeholder communities located throughout the Asia-Pacific region. This presentation outlines the principles that have guided us in planning and implementation of PARADISEC.Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Australian Research Counci

    Verslaafd: Van Engel tot Kleinman

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    Contains fulltext : 157165.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Farewell address RU, 29 januari 201649 p

    Interpersonal Self-Perception and Memories on Parental Rearing in Alcohol Dependent Patients and Outpatient Controls

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    Contains fulltext : 90322.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The aim of the present study is to explore the relation between interpersonal self-perceptions and memories on parental rearing taking into account the influence of alcohol dependence. Based on interpersonal and object relation theories, the existence and the directions of this relation are hypothesized. A comparative, cross-sectional study was conducted including 126 alcohol dependent inpatients (87 males, 39 females) and 119 healthy control subjects without alcohol-related problems or psychopathology (64 males, 49 females). The interpersonal self-perception was measured with the ICL-R and memories on parental rearing with the EMBU. Results show that memories on parental rearing significantly contribute to interpersonal self-perceptions especially in healthy male subjects and alcohol dependent females. Memories of rearing styles by father are most influential in female and those of mother in male. Limitations of the study are discussed, as well as some clinical implications

    Enkele aspecten van detoxificatie van Opiaten

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    Contains fulltext : 62356.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access

    Psychiatrie en Verslaving: Een Logische Combinatie

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    Improving Professional Attitude through Addiction Medicine Education among Medical Students in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Item does not contain fulltextThis is the dataset of a prospective experimental case-control study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of addiction medicine training on medical students’ attitude towards addiction and perception of addiction. Participants were fourth-year medical students of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. They were recruited in 2014 from three elective blocks: addiction medicine (n=40), healthcare entrepreneurship (n=35) and palliative care (n=33). The addiction medicine block was the intervention and the other two blocks (healthcare entrepreneurship and palliative care) formed the control condition. Participants were not randomly distributed because they could enrol in the block of their preference. The dataset consists of the score of attitude and perception related with addiction of participants from the intervention and control group. The data was collected from two measurements, before (baseline) and after (follow-up) the elective blocks (five weeks of duration). All participants were asked to fill in two questionnaires, the medical condition regard scale (MCRS) and the illness perception questionnaire addiction version (IPQ-A). The MCRS was used to measure the attitude towards addiction among participants. This instrument consists of 11 items on a six-point Likert’s scale (1: strongly disagree to 6: strongly agree). The MCRS produces a one-dimensional scale, named regard scale, which reflects the attitude towards medical condition (addiction). The IPQ-A was used to measure perceptions of addiction. The IPQ-A consists of two domains: perception (37 items) and attribution (15 items). A five-point Likert scale (1: strongly disagree to 5: strongly agree) is used for each item. The IPQ-A has eight subscales for the perception domain and four subscales for the attribution domain. The perception subscales are: emotional representations, demoralization, illness coherence, consequences, timeline chronic, personal control, timeline cyclical, and treatment control. The attribution subscales are psychological attribution, risk factors, smoking/alcohol, and overwork. The effect of addiction medicine training on attitude and perceptions of addiction was evaluated using the repeated measures multivariate analysis of variances. The relationship between the development in attitude towards addiction and the change of illness perceptions of addiction within the intervention group were evaluated using Pearson's correlation analysis

    Verslaafde patiënten: Geen drugs verstrekken, maar behandelen met beproefde psychoactieve medicamenten

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    Contains fulltext : 55949.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)3 p

    De verslaafde dokter

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    Contains fulltext : 76857.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)- Dokters denken soms dat ze niet ziek zullen worden. - Als patiënt krijgen dokters daardoor niet altijd de hulp die ze nodig hebben. - Een geconsulteerde arts geeft niet altijd optimale zorg aan een zieke collega. - Bij verslaving zijn deze wederzijdse barrières voor het geven en ontvangen van adequate hulp extra sterk aanwezig. - Verslaafde artsen zouden snel hulp moeten kunnen krijgen van specialisten in de verslavingsgeneeskunde. In dit artikel wordt een voorstel gedaan voor de organisatie hiervan. - Er moet snel een gezondheidszorgprogramma voor verslaafde dokters worden ontwikkeld.3 p

    'Evidence-based mental health': Toetssteen of leermethode in de verslavingszorg?

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    Contains fulltext : 73260.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)'Evidence-based medicine' (EBM) is de afgelopen jaren belangrijk geworden in de Nederlandse verslavingszorg. Het is een op het eerste gehoor voor zich sprekende term: geneeskunde gebaseerd op wetenschappelijke evidentie. De suggestie zou gewekt kunnen worden dat het om het intrappen van een open deur gaat. Want wie durft er te beweren dat hij of zij geneeskunde, psychologie of verpleegkunde bedrijft die niet op wetenschappelijke evidentie is gebaseerd? Tegelijkertijd lijkt EBM een meer negatieve connotatie te krijgen, namelijk als toetssteen om een waardeoordeel te vellen over het doen en laten van professionals in de verslavingszorg. Wie niet 'evidence-based' werkt, moet op zijn minst bijgeschoold worden in het vak of dient het vak te verlaten. Wat 'evidence-based'-werken inhoudt, blijft in de discussies echter vaak onbesproken.3 p
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