111 research outputs found

    The Control Fallacy: Why OA Out-Innovates the Alternative

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    This article examines the relationship between Open Access to the scholarly literature and innovation. It traces the ideas of "end to end" network principles in the Internet and the World Wide Web and applies them to the scholarly biomedical literature. And the article argues for the importance of relieving not just price barriers but permission barriers

    Openness as Infrastructure

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    Openness at the layer of cultural works and data is the key to the data infrastructure we need to accelerate science. This article lays out three key elements of data infrastructure - collaboration, classification, and openness - which draw us inevitably towards the long-claimed, but rarely-achieved, goal of the scientific method: to make claims that are reproducible under similar circumstances by someone other than the claimant, to be reproducible

    Cyberinfrastructure For Knowledge Sharing

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    Knowledge sharing is at the root of scholarship and science. A hypothesis is formulated, research performed, experimental materials designed or acquired, tests run, data obtained and analysed, and finally a publication. The scholar writes a document outlining the work for dissemination in a scholarly journal. If it passes the litmus test of peer review, the research enters the canon of the discipline. Over time, it may become a classic with hundreds of citations. Or, more likely, it will join the vast majority of research, with less than two citations over its lifetime, its asserted contributions to the canon increasingly difficult to find – because, in our current world, citations are the best measure of relevance-based search available. But no matter the fate of an individual publication, the system of publishing is a system of sharing knowledge. We publish as scholars and scientists to share our discoveries with the world (and, of course, to be credited with those discoveries through additional research funding, tenure, and more). And this system has served science extraordinarily well over the more than three hundred years since scholarly journals were birthed in France and England

    The Rise of Citizen Science in Health and Biomedical Research

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    Citizen science models of public participation in scientific research represent a growing area of opportunity for health and biomedical research, as well as new impetus for more collaborative forms of engagement in large-scale research. However, this also surfaces a variety of ethical issues that both fall outside of and build upon the standard human subjects concerns in bioethics. This article provides background on citizen science, examples of current projects in the field, and discussion of established and emerging ethical issues for citizen science in health and biomedical research

    Open Access, Public Access: Policies, Implementation, Developments, and the Future of U.S.-Published Research

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    In February, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a memo directing each US funding agency with over $100 million in annual research expenditure to develop a plan to support public access to the results of research funded by the federal government, including results published in scholarly journals. How has the OSTP memo impacted scholarly publishing so far? What exactly has been achieved so far, and what will it mean for the future of U.S.-published research? This interactive session features a panel of speakers who will be discussing the recent developments and emerging issues from the librarian, funder, researcher, and publisher perspectives. Among the questions to be addressed are: What is the US position on implementing open access? What steps have been taken to implement OSTP objectives? What role do institutional repositories play in open access? How will funder’s open access policies impact universities and researchers? What role are publishers playing in the implementation of open access? How will open access content be linked and measured? Will it affect usage

    Panton Principles, Principles for Open Data in Science

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    La traducció al català ha estat coordinada i revisada per l’Oficina de Difusió del Coneixement, Centre de Recursos per a l’Aprenentatge i la Investigació (CRAI) de la Universitat de Barcelona.Un dels resultats tangibles del Congrés Mundial sobre els Recursos Educatius Oberts que va tenir lloc a la seu parisenca de la UNESCO els proppassats 20-22 de juny és la Declaració sobre recursos educatius oberts. Aquest document, en què s’expliciten els textos internacionals precedents que s’han tingut en consideració en redactar-lo, fa una aposta decidida i irrenunciable a favor de l’obertura i la gratuïtat dels materials d’ensenyament, aprenentatge i investigació, i de manera especial els dels nivells superiors. Entre aquests textos d’àmbit internacional s’inclouen les declaracions de Ciutat del Cap de 2007 i de Dakar de 2009, com també les més recents directrius de la UNESCO i de la Commonwealth of Learning. Són força significatives les recomanacions que la Declaració de París adreça als estats, i també tenen un interès enorme les línies d’actuació política que s’hi proposen a fi d’assolir la màxima obertura dels recursos educatius. L’Oficina de Difusió del Coneixement del CRAI de la UB ha traduït aquesta Declaració amb el desig de contribuir a la divulgació d’aquest objectiu

    The mPower Study, Parkinson Disease Mobile Data Collected Using Researchkit

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    Current measures of health and disease are often insensitive, episodic, and subjective. Further, these measures generally are not designed to provide meaningful feedback to individuals. The impact of high-resolution activity data collected from mobile phones is only beginning to be explored. Here we present data from mPower, a clinical observational study about Parkinson disease conducted purely through an iPhone app interface. The study interrogated aspects of this movement disorder through surveys and frequent sensor-based recordings from participants with and without Parkinson disease. Benefitting from large enrollment and repeated measurements on many individuals, these data may help establish baseline variability of real-world activity measurement collected via mobile phones, and ultimately may lead to quantification of the ebbs-and-flows of Parkinson symptoms. App source code for these data collection modules are available through an open source license for use in studies of other conditions. We hope that releasing data contributed by engaged research participants will seed a new community of analysts working collaboratively on understanding mobile health data to advance human health

    Answering behavioral questions about energy efficiency in buildings

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    We identify behavioral questions that arise with 4 kinds of policy interventions for energy efficiency in buildings: information, incentives, standards, and technological research and development. A general strategy is described for answering such questions by using 6 analytical methods: formal models, analysis of existing data, surveys, ethnographic methods, small-scale experimentation, and evaluation research. We evaluate each method for addressing each behavioral question in policy analyses.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26718/1/0000268.pd
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