7 research outputs found

    Characterization of <i>FGFR1</i> Locus in sqNSCLC Reveals a Broad and Heterogeneous Amplicon

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    <div><p><i>FGFR1</i> amplification occurs in ~20% of sqNSCLC and trials with FGFR inhibitors have selected <i>FGFR1</i> amplified patients by FISH. Lung cancer cell lines were profiled for sensitivity to AZD4547, a potent, selective inhibitor of FGFRs 1ā€“3. Sensitivity to FGFR inhibition was associated with but not wholly predicted by increased <i>FGFR1</i> gene copy number. Additional biomarker assays evaluating expression of FGFRs and correlation between amplification and expression in clinical tissues are therefore warranted. We validated nanoString for mRNA expression analysis of 194 genes, including FGFRs, from clinical tumour tissue. In a panel of sqNSCLC tumours 14.4% (13/90) were <i>FGFR1</i> amplified by FISH. Although mean <i>FGFR1</i> expression was significantly higher in amplified samples, there was significant overlap in the range of expression levels between the amplified and non-amplified cohorts with several non-amplified samples expressing FGFR1 to levels equivalent to amplified samples. Statistical analysis revealed increased expression of <i>FGFR1</i> neighboring genes on the 8p12 amplicon (<i>BAG4</i>, <i>LSM1</i> and <i>WHSC1L1</i>) in FGFR1 amplified tumours, suggesting a broad rather than focal amplicon and raises the potential for codependencies. High resolution aCGH analysis of pre-clinical and clinical samples supported the presence of a broad and heterogeneous amplicon around the FGFR1 locus. In conclusion, the range of <i>FGFR1</i> expression levels in both <i>FGFR1</i> amplified and non-amplified NSCLC tissues, together with the breadth and intra-patient heterogeneity of the 8p amplicon highlights the need for gene expression analysis of clinical samples to inform the understanding of determinants of response to FGFR inhibitors. In this respect the nanoString platform provides an attractive option for RNA analysis of FFPE clinical samples.</p></div

    Targeting Gain of Function and Resistance Mutations in Abl and KIT by Hybrid Compound Design

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    Mutations in the catalytic domain at the gatekeeper position represent the most prominent drug-resistant variants of kinases and significantly impair the efficacy of targeted cancer therapies. Understanding the mechanisms of drug resistance at the molecular and atomic levels will aid in the design and development of inhibitors that have the potential to overcome these resistance mutations. Herein, by introducing adaptive elements into the inhibitor core structure, we undertake the structure-based development of type II hybrid inhibitors to overcome gatekeeper drug-resistant mutations in cSrc-T338M, as well as clinically relevant tyrosine kinase KIT-T670I and Abl-T315I variants, as essential targets in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) and chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Using protein X-ray crystallography, we confirm the anticipated binding mode in cSrc, which proved to be essential for overcoming the respective resistances. More importantly, the novel compounds effectively inhibit clinically relevant gatekeeper mutants of KIT and Abl in biochemical and cellular studies

    Gene expression profiles of 8p amplicon genes in sqNSCLC tissues.

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    <p>A) Heatmap reflecting nanoString gene expression profiles of <i>FGFR1</i> amplified and non-amplified sqNSCLC tissues as determined by FISH. * indicates non-amplified samples which had gene expression profiles similar to those of the amplified samples. B) Heatmap reflecting nanoString gene expression profiles of sqNSCLC ranked by increasing <i>FGFR1</i> inferred gene copy number as determined by qPCR. * indicates the same samples identified in A. red: 95<sup>th</sup> percentile, green: 5<sup>th</sup> percentile; grey: not detected.</p

    In-depth high resolution array CGH of cell lines identifies a broad amplicon at the <i>FGFR1</i> locus.

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    <p>In-depth high resolution genomic analysis of the <i>FGFR1</i> locus using a custom CGH array was performed on indicated cell lines. The position of <i>FGFR1</i> is indicated by a red line. Corresponding nanoString gene expression profiles for genes in the chromosomal region are shown. red: 95<sup>th</sup> percentile, green: 5<sup>th</sup> percentile; grey: not detected.</p

    Identification of genes with significant expression changes between <i>FGFR1</i> amplified and non-amplified sqNSCLC tissues.

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    <p>A) FGFR1 mRNA expression was assessed by nanoString in <i>FGFR1</i> amplified and non-amplified tissues (as determined by FISH). Normalized log<sub>2</sub> values are shown for each sample. Horizontal line indicates the mean <i>FGFR1</i> expression of all samples. B) Volcano plot identifying genes with statistically significant expression changes between the amplified and non-amplified cohorts. C) nanoString gene expression data is shown for each gene with <i>q</i>-value <0.0001 between amplified and non-amplified cohorts in B. Normalized log<sub>2</sub> values are shown.</p

    In-depth high resolution array CGH of clinical samples confirms the presence of a broad amplicon at the <i>FGFR1</i> locus.

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    <p>In-depth high resolution genomic analysis of the <i>FGFR1</i> locus using a custom CGH array was performed on indicated samples. The position of <i>FGFR1</i> is indicated by a red line. Corresponding nanoString gene expression profiles for genes in the chromosomal region are shown. red: 95<sup>th</sup> percentile, green: 5<sup>th</sup> percentile; grey: not detected.</p

    Characterization of <i>FGFR1</i> amplification, expression and sensitivity to AZD4547 in lung cancer cell lines.

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    <p>A) <i>FGFR1</i> copy number was determined in a lung cell line panel by qPCR. Three different assays targeting 5ā€™, 3ā€™ and middle regions of the gene are shown. Bars: stdev; Table reflects aCGH <i>FGFR1</i> copy number for each cell line. B) Sensitivity to FGFR inhibition by AZD4547 treatment was determined by MTS proliferation assay. Sensitive cells lines were defined by GI<sub>50</sub><200nM. C) Sensitivity to FGFR inhibition by AZD4547 was determined in a long term clonogenic assay in cell lines indicated. Mean colony count was normalised to DMSO control for each cell line. D) Expression of FGFR1 mRNA was determined in AZD4547 sensitive and resistant cell lines by nanoString analysis. E) Expression of FGFR1 protein was determined by western blot in indicated cell lines.</p