37 research outputs found

    Consumo alimentar de crianças e adolescentes submetidos ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas

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    Objective: Describe the dietary intake of children and adolescents submitted to allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Methods: Data from 0 to 19-year-old patients’ medical records who were submitted to the procedure from January 2012 to September 2017 were used. These medical records provided anthropometric, food intake control and symptoms data for three moments: three days before infusion (M1), the infusion day (M2), and 25 days after the cell infusion (M3). This study was approved by the Ethics in Research Committee (17-0267). Results: The patients presented weight loss (p>0.001) and a decrease in body mass index (p>0.001) in M1 versus M2 and M3. The means of calorie intake (p=0.031), protein (p=0.006), lipid (p=0.017), dietary fiber (p=0.035), calcium (p=0.005), iron (p=0.012), and sodium (p=0.022) had a reduction from M1 to M2 and an increase from M2 to M3. There was a decrease in mean intake of carbohydrates and calories per kilo from M1 to M2 and an increase from M2 to M3. The nutritional status was related to temperature above 37ºC (p0,001) e diminuição do índice de massa corporal (p>0,001) no M1 versus M2 e M3. As médias de ingestão calórica (p=0,031), de proteínas (p=0,006), de lipídios (p=0,017), de fibra alimentar (p=0,035), de cálcio (p=0,005), de ferro (p=0,012) e de sódio (p=0,022) tiveram redução de M1 para M2 e aumento de M2 para M3. Houve diminuição na ingestão média de carboidratos e calorias por quilo de M1 para M2 e um aumento de M2 para M3. O estado nutricional foi relacionado à temperatura acima de 37ºC (p<0,001) e à mucosite (p=0,001), em M1 e M2. Houve correlação da ingestão alimentar com a presença de temperatura acima de 37ºC (p=0,019) em M2 e M3. Conclusão: A redução na ingestão e a piora do quadro nutricional prévio dos pacientes parece interferir no transplante alogênico de células tronco hematopoiéticas e em suas complicações, como temperatura corporal acima de 37°C e mucosite

    Influência do condicionamento com altas doses de melfalano no estado nutricional de pacientes com mieloma múltiplo submetidos ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas

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    A validated one-dimensional Boussinesq-non-linear shallow water equations numerical model was used to investigate the interaction of solitary waves with beaches. The numerical model requires two adjustable parameters: the bed friction coefficient and a wave breaking parameter. Excellent agreement was achieved between the numerical predictions of solitary wave transformation and run-up at a plane beach with two sets of high-quality laboratory measurements: one a large number of experiments in a wave flume by Synolakis, the other in the UK Coastal Research Facility. A parameter study investigated the effect of uniform offshore water depth, bed friction and bed slope on solitary wave run-up. A uniform water depth may be associated with a continental shelf region. The non-dimensional run-up was found to be an asymptotic function of non-dimensional wave amplitude at high and low values of initial wave steepness. Both asymptotes scale as (R/ho) ∼ α(Ao/h o)β where R is run-up (defined as the vertical elevation reached by the wave uprush above still water level), Ao is the offshore wave amplitude and ho is the uniform depth offshore of the beach. The empirical coefficients α and β depend on the beach characteristics. The model is then used to simulate the interaction of a full-scale tsunami event with an idealised beach profile representative of a beach in Eastern Kamchatka