116 research outputs found

    La pesadilla de la parcela

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    Competències del professorat a Europa (3). Anàlisi comparativa de les competències del professorat europeu

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    L'article pretén donar a conèixer els resultats de la investigació sobre el nivell de competències que el professorat considera que posseeix i el nivell en què creu que necessita ser format. Aquest treball s'ha dut a terme mitjançant la col·laboració d'universitats i centres de professors dels diferents països d'Europa que participen en el projecte multilateral europeu COPE que lidera el CEP de Manacor. Sobre la base dels resultats obtinguts mitjançant un qüestionari comú en tots els centres participants, es van detectar certes similituds i diferències notables entre diferents països, que, atesa la seva importància, són d'interès per a la formació del professorat en aquest món educatiu, on la millora contínua de les competències docents té un paper fonamental. Aquest article és la tercera part d'una trilogia publicada en aquesta revista, i representa un punt de partida per dissenyar una àmplia recerca sobre les competències adquirides en l'actualitat pel professorat a Europa i les que aquest mateix col·lectiu estimaria convenient posseir per desenvolupar la seva tasca eficaçment

    Neonatal Resveratrol and Nicotinamide Riboside Supplementations Sex-Dependently Affect Beige Transcriptional Programming of Preadipocytes in Mouse Adipose Tissue

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    Nutritional programming of the thermogenic and fuel oxidation capacity of white adipose tissue (WAT) through dietary interventions in early life is a potential strategy to enhance future metabolic health. We previously showed that mild neonatal supplementations with the polyphenol resveratrol (RSV) and the vitamin B3 form nicotinamide riboside (NR) have sex-dependent, long-term effects on the thermogenic/oxidative phenotype of WAT of mice in adulthood, enhancing this phenotype selectively in male animals. Here, we tested the hypothesis that these dietary interventions may impact the commitment of progenitor cells resident in the developing WAT toward brown-like (beige) adipogenesis. NMRI mice received orally from postnatal day 2–20 (P2–20) a mild dose of RSV or NR, in independent experiments; control littermates received the vehicle. Sex-separated primary cultures were established at P35 from the stromovascular fraction of inguinal WAT (iWAT) and of brown adipose tissue (BAT). Expression of genes related to thermogenesis and oxidative metabolism was assessed in the differentiated cultures, and in vivo in the iWAT depot of young (P35) animals. Neonatal RSV and NR treatments had little impact on the animals’ growth during early postnatal life and the expression of thermogenesis- and oxidative metabolism-related genes in the iWAT depot of young mice. However, the expression of brown/beige adipocyte marker genes was upregulated in the iWAT primary cultures from RSV supplemented and NR supplemented male mice, and downregulated in those from supplemented female mice, as compared to cultures derived from sex-matched control littermates. RSV supplementation had similar sex-dependent effects on the expression of thermogenesis-related genes in the BAT primary cultures. A link between the sex-dependent short-term effects of neonatal RSV and NR supplementations on primary iWAT preadipocyte differentiation observed herein and their previously reported sex-dependent long-term effects on the thermogenic/oxidative capacity of adult iWAT is suggested. The results provide proof-of-concept that the fate of preadipocytes resident in WAT of young animals toward the beige adipogenesis transcriptional program can be modulated by specific food bioactives/micronutrients received in early postnatal life

    Effects of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on the expression of uncoupling proteins in hamsters fed an atherogenic diet

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    It is known that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) feeding decreases body adiposity but the mechanisms involved are not clear. The aim of this study was to analyse whether alterations in uncoupling protein (UCP) expression in white and brown adipose tissues (WAT and BAT, respectively) and in skeletal muscle may be responsible for the effect of trans-10, cis-12 CLA on the size of body fat depots in hamsters. Animals were divided into three groups and fed an atherogenic diet with different amounts of trans-10, cis-12 CLA (0 control, 0·5, or 1 g/100 g diet) for 6 weeks. CLA feeding reduced adipose depot weights, but had no effect on body weight. Leptin mRNA expression decreased in both subcutaneous and perirenal WAT depots, in accordance with lower adiposity, whereas resistin mRNA expression was not changed. Animals fed CLA had lower UCP1 mRNA levels in BAT (both doses of CLA) and in perirenal WAT (the low dose), and lower UCP3 mRNA levels in subcutaneous WAT (the high dose). UCP2 mRNA expression in WAT was not significantly affected by CLA feeding. Animals fed the high dose of CLA showed increased UCP3 and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-I (CPT-I) mRNA expression levels in skeletal muscle. In summary, induction of UCP1 or UCP2 in WAT and BAT is not likely to be responsible for the fat-reduction action of CLA, but the increased expression of UCP3 in skeletal muscle, together with a higher expression of CPT-I, may explain the previously reported effects of dietary CLA in lowering adiposity and increasing fatty acid oxidation by skeletal muscle
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