30 research outputs found

    Local Care Services : Reflection on the Conditions of their Emergence and Development

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    Local care services are making a comeback in the headlines (with the Borloo plan, CAE report). The development of this market (or markets) and the policies linked with them nonetheless give rise to problems.This article seeks to identify the levers on which current policy can rely to become effective and emphasises the shortcomings that need to be resolved to ensure impetus. It attempts to specify certain macrosociological and macroeconomic conditions, and analyse the conditions specific to demand and the constraints in building efficient supply that may explain the failures of the policies implemented so far.local care services; innovation; supply of services

    Using evaluation to create "provisional stabilities": bridging innovation in Higher Education change process

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    This paper will report on the evaluation experience in two SOCRATES (European Union funding mechanism designed to support innovation in teaching and learning) projects focused on change in Higher Education. The projects were international in scope involving 6 countries and 10 institutions within the last four years. The paper reflects on change in institutions specifically, especially those introduced by the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and it suggests the hypothesis that in such a phase of transition, new rules are not yet established and a state of anomie can occur at the level of courses, departments and institutions. What happens in educational institutions in which rules and practices are well established and validated and a new event radically changes or challenges the traditional practices? Instead of the psycho-social notion of 'resistance to change', we think that the theory of Durkheim and followers which analyses human responses in times of social change may be of use to interpret situations in which change or the will to change creates conflicting systems of rules and practices. The paper will argue for a crucial role for evaluation in negotiating such periods of change.provisional stabilities ; innovation ; Higher Education ; evaluation

    Local Care Services : Reflection on the Conditions of their Emergence and Development

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    International audienceLocal care services are making a comeback in the headlines (with the Borloo plan, CAE report). The development of this market (or markets) and the policies linked with them nonetheless give rise to problems.This article seeks to identify the levers on which current policy can rely to become effective and emphasises the shortcomings that need to be resolved to ensure impetus. It attempts to specify certain macrosociological and macroeconomic conditions, and analyse the conditions specific to demand and the constraints in building efficient supply that may explain the failures of the policies implemented so far

    LEARNETT, projet du programme européen SOCRATES (10 équipes européennes)

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    projet du programme européen SOCRATES (10 équipes européennes

    Différenciation des prestations de services aux entreprises

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    [eng] Attention has been drawn on the continuous development of services and industrial services in particular. Various theoretical problems are raised. Showing the necessity not to conceive the whole of industrial services as a homogenous unity, i.e. following the same logic. The article analyses on the contrary the principal aspects of the differenciation within the service category : according to the ways and means the services are produced, distributed and consumed to the internal needs of the firms ; and to the consequences on employment. [fre] L'attention a été portée sur le développement soutenu des services et en particulier des services aux entreprises. L'analyse de ce fait et son interprétation théorique posent de nombreux problèmes, montrant la nécessité de ne pas prendre l'ensemble des services rendus aux entreprises comme une unité homogène, répondant à une seule logique, l'article analyse les aspects principaux des différenciations internes aux prestations selon les modes opératoires (contenu de la prestation, financement, relation juridique entre le prestataire et le demandeur), selon les besoins internes des entreprises et selon les conséquences sur l'emploi.

    Chronique des services - L'accord international de 1993-94 sur le commerce des services

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    Barcet André, Bonamy Joël. Chronique des services - L'accord international de 1993-94 sur le commerce des services. In: Revue d'économie industrielle, vol. 68, 2e trimestre 1994. pp. 99-106

    Les services : chance et fausses espérances

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    Barcet André, Bonamy Joël. Les services : chance et fausses espérances. In: Revue d'économie industrielle, vol. 64, 2e trimestre 1993. pp. 95-104

    Services et transformation des modes de production

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    Barcet André, Bonamy Joël. Services et transformation des modes de production. In: Revue d’économie industrielle, vol. 43, 1er trimestre 1988. Le dynamisme des services aux entreprises. pp. 206-217

    Les administrations publiques et para-publiques dans l'agglomération lyonnaise

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    Public and para-public administrations group one third of the tertiary jobs in Lyon urban area. Their inclusion in the urban texture is undergoing quick changes : the district equipments are being integrated within multivalent service units. The logic of the land market tends to specialize the town centre into office units {following the same trend as the concentrating pattern of governement centres) and to reject to the outskirts the occupants of large spaces (hospitals, universities...). The creations of jobs, mostly in the fields of education and postal communications, which were very numerous in the late sixties and early seventies are slowly decreasing under the combined evolution of the demand and of the noticeable improvements in productivity. It becomes clear, as a conclusion, that public administration policy, as regards both equipment and employment, follows more and more closely the market laws.Les administrations publiques et para-publiques rassemblent près du tiers des emplois tertiaires de l'agglomération de Lyon. Leur inscription dans l'espace urbain est en voie de mutation rapide : les équipements de quartier sont intégrés au sein d'unités de service polyvalentes. La logique du marché foncier spécialise le centre-ville en équipements de bureaux (appuyant la tendance à la concentration du modèle administratif) et rejette à la périphérie les occupants d'espaces importants (hôpitaux, universités..,). Les créations d'emplois, situés essentiellement dans les secteurs de l'éducation et des P. T. T., très importantes dans les années 1968-1970, sont en diminution lente sous l'effet conjugué de l'évolution de la demande et de fortes améliorations de productivité. Il apparaît en conclusion que, les administrations publiques, dans leurs politiques d'aménagement et d'emploi, obéissent de plus en plus étroitement aux lois du marché.Auvolat Michel, Bonamy Joël. Les administrations publiques et para-publiques dans l'agglomération lyonnaise. In: Revue de géographie de Lyon, vol. 51, n°1, 1976. pp. 35-48

    Eléments pour une théorie de l'intégration biens /services

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    National audienc