31 research outputs found

    Moderately Hard Functions: Definition, Instantiations, and Applications

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    Several cryptographic schemes and applications are based on functions that are both reasonably efficient to compute and moderately hard to invert, including client puzzles for Denial-of-Service protection, password protection via salted hashes, or recent proof-of-work blockchain systems. Despite their wide use, a definition of this concept has not yet been distilled and formalized explicitly. Instead, either the applications are proven directly based on the assumptions underlying the function, or some property of the function is proven, but the security of the application is argued only informally. The goal of this work is to provide a (universal) definition that decouples the efforts of designing new moderately hard functions and of building protocols based on them, serving as an interface between the two. On a technical level, beyond the mentioned definitions, we instantiate the model for four different notions of hardness. We extend the work of Alwen and Serbinenko (STOC 2015) by providing a general tool for proving security for the first notion of memory-hard functions that allows for provably secure applications. The tool allows us to recover all of the graph-theoretic techniques developed for proving security under the older, non-composable, notion of security used by Alwen and Serbinenko. As an application of our definition of moderately hard functions, we prove the security of two different schemes for proofs of effort (PoE). We also formalize and instantiate the concept of a non-interactive proof of effort (niPoE), in which the proof is not bound to a particular communication context but rather any bit-string chosen by the prover

    The Double Ratchet: Security Notions, Proofs, and Modularization for the Signal Protocol

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    Signal is a famous secure messaging protocol used by billions of people, by virtue of many secure text messaging applications including Signal itself, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Google Allo. At its core it uses the concept of double ratcheting, where every message is encrypted and authenticated using a fresh symmetric key; it has many attractive properties, such as forward security, post-compromise security, and immediate (no-delay) decryption, which had never been achieved in combination by prior messaging protocols. While the formal analysis of the Signal protocol, and ratcheting in general, has attracted a lot of recent attention, we argue that none of the existing analyses is fully satisfactory. To address this problem, we give a clean and general definition of secure messaging, which clearly indicates the types of security we expect, including forward security, post-compromise security, and immediate decryption. We are the first to explicitly formalize and model the immediate decryption property, which implies (among other things) that parties seamlessly recover if a given message is permanently lost---a property not achieved by any of the recent provable alternatives to Signal. We build a modular generalized Signal protocol from the following components: (a) continuous key agreement (CKA), a clean primitive we introduce and which can be easily and generically built from public-key encryption (not just Diffie-Hellman as is done in the current Signal protocol) and roughly models public-key ratchets; (b) forward-secure authenticated encryption with associated data (FS-AEAD), which roughly captures symmetric-key ratchets; and (c) a two-input hash function that is a pseudorandom function (resp. generator with input) in its first (resp. second) input, which we term PRF-PRNG. As a result, in addition to instantiating our framework in a way resulting in the existing, widely-used Diffie-Hellman based Signal protocol, we can easily get post-quantum security and not rely on random oracles in the analysis. We further show that our design can be elegantly extended to include other forms of fine-grained state compromise recently studied at CRYPTO\u2718, but without sacrificing the immediate decryption property. However, we argue that the additional security offered by these modifications is unlikely to justify the efficiency hit of using much heavier public-key cryptography in place of symmetric-key cryptography

    Depth-Robust Graphs and Their Cumulative Memory Complexity

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    Data-independent Memory Hard Functions (iMHFS) are finding a growing number of applications in security; especially in the domain of password hashing. An important property of a concrete iMHF is specified by fixing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) GnG_n on nn nodes. The quality of that iMHF is then captured by the following two pebbling complexities of GnG_n: \begin{itemize} \item The parallel cumulative pebbling complexity Ī ccāˆ„(Gn)\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc}(G_n) must be as high as possible (to ensure that the amortized cost of computing the function on dedicated hardware is dominated by the cost of memory). \item The sequential space-time pebbling complexity Ī st(Gn)\Pi_{st}(G_n) should be as close as possible to Ī ccāˆ„(Gn)\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc}(G_n) (to ensure that using many cores in parallel and amortizing over many instances does not give much of an advantage). \end{itemize} In this paper we construct a family of DAGs with best possible parameters in an asymptotic sense, i.e., where Ī ccāˆ„(Gn)=Ī©(n2/logā”(n))\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc}(G_n)=\Omega(n^2/\log(n)) (which matches a known upper bound) and Ī st(Gn)\Pi_{st}(G_n) is within a constant factor of Ī ccāˆ„(Gn)\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc}(G_n). Our analysis relies on a new connection between the pebbling complexity of a DAG and its depth-robustness (DR) -- a well studied combinatorial property. We show that high DR is {\em sufficient} for high Ī ccāˆ„\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc}. Alwen and Blocki (CRYPTO\u2716) showed that high DR is {\em necessary} and so, together, these results fully characterize DAGs with high Ī ccāˆ„\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc} in terms of DR. Complementing these results, we provide new upper and lower bounds on the Ī ccāˆ„\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc} of several important candidate iMHFs from the literature. We give the first lower bounds on the memory hardness of the Catena and Balloon Hashing functions in a parallel model of computation and we give the first lower bounds of any kind for (a version) of Argon2i. Finally we describe a new class of pebbling attacks improving on those of Alwen and Blocki (CRYPTO\u2716). By instantiating these attacks we upperbound the Ī ccāˆ„\Pi^{\parallel}_{cc} of the Password Hashing Competition winner Argon2i and one of the Balloon Hashing functions by O(n1.71)O\left(n^{1.71} \right). We also show an upper bound of O(n1.625)O(n^{1.625}) for the Catena functions and the two remaining Balloon Hashing functions

    Fork-Resilient Continuous Group Key Agreement

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    Continuous Group Key Agreement (CGKA) lets a evolving group of clients agree on a sequence of group keys. An important application of CGKA is scalable asynchronous end-to-end (E2E) encrypted group messaging. A major problem preventing the use of CGKA over unreliable infrastructure are so-called forks. A fork occurs when group members have diverging views of the group\u27s history (and thus its current state); e.g. due to network or server failures. Once communication channels are restored, members resolve a fork by agreeing on the state of the group again. Today\u27s CGKA protocols make fork resolution challenging, as natural resolution strategies seem to conflict with the way the protocols enforce group state agreement and forward secrecy. Meanwhile, secure group messaging protocols which do support fork resolution do not scale nearly as well as CGKA does. In this work, we pave the way to practical scalable E2E messaging over unreliable infrastructure. To that end, we generalize CGKA to Fork Resilient-CGKA which allows clients to process significantly more types of out-of-order network traffic. This is important for many natural fork resolution procedures as they are based, in part, on replaying missed traffic. Next, we give two FR-CGKA constructions: a practical one based on the CGKA underlying the MLS messaging standard and an optimally secure one (albeit with only theoretical efficiency). To further assist with fork resolution, we introduce a simple new abstraction to describe a client\u27s local protocol state. The abstraction describes all and only the information relevant to natural fork resolution, making it easier for higher-level fork resolution procedures to work with and reason about. We define a black-box extension of an FR-CGKA which maintains such a description of a client\u27s internal state. Finally, as a proof of concept, we give a basic fork resolution protocol

    Server-Aided Continuous Group Key Agreement

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    Continuous Group Key Agreement (CGKA) -- or Group Ratcheting -- lies at the heart of a new generation of scalable End-to-End secure (E2E) cryptographic multi-party applications. One of the most important (and first deployed) CGKAs is ITK which underpins the IETF\u27s upcoming Messaging Layer Security E2E secure group messaging standard. To scale beyond the group sizes possible with earlier E2E protocols, a central focus of CGKA protocol design is to minimize bandwidth requirements (i.e. communication complexity). In this work, we advance both the theory and design of CGKA culminating in an extremely bandwidth efficient CGKA. To that end, we first generalize the standard CGKA communication model by introducing server-aided CGKA (saCGKA) which generalizes CGKA and more accurately models how most E2E protocols are deployed in the wild. Next, we introduce the SAIK protocol; a modification of ITK, designed for real-world use, that leverages the new capabilities available to an saCGKA to greatly reduce its communication (and computational) complexity in practical concrete terms. Further, we introduce an intuitive, yet precise, security model for saCGKA. It improves upon existing security models for CGKA in several ways. It more directly captures the intuitive security goals of CGKA. Yet, formally it also relaxes certain requirements allowing us to take advantage of the saCGKA communication model. Finally, it is significantly simpler making it more tractable to work with and easier to build intuition for. As a result, the security proof of SAIK is also simpler and more modular. Finally, we provide empirical data comparing the (at times, quite dramatically improved) complexity profile of SAIK to state-of-the art CGKAs. For example, in a newly created group with 10K members, to change the group state (e.g. add/remove parties) ITK requires each group member download 1.38MB. However, with SAIK, members download no more than 2.7KB

    The Pre-Shared Key Modes of HPKE

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    The Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) standard was recently published as RFC 9180 by the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). The RFC specifies an efficient public key encryption scheme, combining asymmetric and symmetric cryptographic building blocks. Out of HPKEā€™s four modes, two have already been formally analyzed by Alwen et al. (EUROCRYPT 2021). This work considers the remaining two modes: HPKE_PSK and HPKE_AuthPSK . Both of them are ā€œpre-shared keyā€ modes that assume the sender and receiver hold a symmetric pre-shared key. We capture the schemes with two new primitives which we call pre-shared key public-key encryption (pskPKE) and pre-shared key authenticated public-key encryption (pskAPKE). We provide formal security models for pskPKE and pskAPKE and prove (via general composition theorems) that the two modes HPKE_PSK and HPKE_AuthPSK offer active security (in the sense of insider privacy and outsider authenticity) under the Gap Diffie-Hellman assumption. We furthermore explore possible post-quantum secure instantiations of the HPKE standard and propose new solutions based on lattices and isogenies. Moreover, we show how HPKEā€™s basic HPKEPSK and HPKEAuthPSK modes can be used black-box in a simple way to build actively secure post-quantum/classic-hybrid (authenticated) encryption schemes. Our hybrid constructions provide a cheap and easy path towards a practical post-quantum secure drop-in replacement for the basic HPKE modes HPKE_Base and HPKE_Auth

    Modular Design of Secure Group Messaging Protocols and the Security of MLS

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    The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) project is an IETF effort aiming to establish an industry- wide standard for secure group messaging (SGM). Its development is supported by several major secure-messaging providers (with a combined user base in the billions) and a growing body of academic research. MLS has evolved over many iterations to become a complex, non-trivial, yet relatively ad-hoc cryptographic protocol. In an effort to tame its complexity and build confidence in its security, past analyses of MLS have restricted themselves to sub-protocols of MLSā€”most prominently a type of sub-protocol embodying so-called continuous group key agreement (CGKA). However, to date the task of proving or even defining the security of the full MLS protocol has been left open. In this work, we fill in this missing piece. First, we formally capture the security of SGM protocols by defining a corresponding security game, which is parametrized by a safety predicate that characterizes the exact level of security achieved by a construction. Then, we cast MLS as an SGM protocol, showing how to modularly build it from the following three main components (and some additional standard cryptographic primitives) in a black-box fashion: (a) CGKA, (b) forward-secure group AEAD (FS-GAEAD), which is a new primitive and roughly corresponds to an ā€œepochā€ of group messaging, and (c) a so-called PRF-PRNG, which is a two-input hash function that is a pseudorandom function (resp. generator with input) in its first (resp. second) input. Crucially, the security predicate for the SGM security of MLS can be expressed purely as a function of the security predicates of the underlying primitives, which allows to swap out any of the components and immediately obtain a security statement for the resulting SGM construction. Furthermore, we provide instantiations of all component primitives, in particular of CGKA with MLSā€™s TreeKEM sub-protocol (which we prove adaptively secure) and of FS-GAEAD with a novel construction (which has already been adopted by MLS). Along the way we introduce a collection of new techniques, primitives, and results with applications to other SGM protocols and beyond. For example, we extend the Generalized Selective Decryption proof technique (which is central in CGKA literature) and prove adaptive security for another (practical) more secure CGKA protocol called RTreeKEM (Alwen et al., CRYPTO ā€™20). The modularity of our approach immediately yields a corollary characterizing the security of an SGM construction using RTreeKEM

    On the relationship between functional encryption, obfuscation, and fully homomorphic encryption

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    We investigate the relationship between Functional Encryption (FE) and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), demonstrating that, under certain assumptions, a Functional Encryption scheme supporting evaluation on two ciphertexts implies Fully Homomorphic Encryption. We first introduce the notion of Randomized Functional Encryption (RFE), a generalization of Functional Encryption dealing with randomized functionalities of interest in its own right, and show how to construct an RFE from a (standard) semantically secure FE. For this we define the notion of entropically secure FE and use it as an intermediary step in the construction. Finally we show that RFEs constructed in this way can be used to construct FHE schemes thereby establishing a relation between the FHE and FE primitives. We conclude the paper by recasting the construction of RFE schemes in the context of obfuscation.NSF -National Science Foundatio

    Post-Quantum Multi-Recipient Public Key Encryption

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    A multi-message multi-recipient PKE (mmPKE) encrypts a batch of messages, in one go, to a corresponding set of independently chosen receiver public keys. The resulting multi-recipient ciphertext can be then be reduced (by any 3rd party) to a shorter, receiver specific, invidual ciphertext . Finally, to recover the ii-th message in the batch from their indvidual ciphertext the ii-th receiver only needs their own decryption key. A special case of mmPKE is multi-recipient PKE where all receivers are sent the same message. By treating (m)mPKE and their KEM counterparts as a stand-alone primitives we allow for more efficient constructions than trivially composing individual PKE/KEM instances. This is especially valuable in the post-quantum setting, where PKE/KEM ciphertexts and public keys tend to be far larger than their classic counterparts. In this work we describe a collection of new results around batched KEMs and PKE. We provide both classic and post-quantum proofs for all results. Our results are geared towards practical constructions and applications (for example in the domain of PQ-secure group messaging). Concretely, our results include a new non-adaptive to adaptive compiler for CPA-secure mKEMs resulting in public keys roughly half the size of the previous state-of-the-art [Hashimoto et.al., CCS\u2721]. We also prove their FO transform for mKEMs to be secure in the quantum random oracle model. We provide the first mKEM combiner as well as two mmPKE constructions. The first is an arbitrary message-length black-box construction from an mKEM (e.g. one produced by combining a PQ with a classic mKEM). The second is optimized for short messages and achieves hybrid PQ/classic security more directly. When encrypting nn short messages (e.g. as in several recent mmPKE applications) at 256-bits of security the mmPKE ciphertext are 144n144 n bytes shorter than the generic construction. Finally, we provide an optimized implementation of the (CCA secure) mKEM construction based on the NIST PQC winner Kyber and report benchmarks showing a significant speedup for batched encapsulation and up to 79% savings in ciphertext size compared to a naive solution

    Scrypt is Maximally Memory-Hard

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    Memory-hard functions (MHFs) are hash algorithms whose evaluation cost is dominated by memory cost. As memory, unlike computation, costs about the same across different platforms, MHFs cannot be evaluated at significantly lower cost on dedicated hardware like ASICs. MHFs have found widespread applications including password hashing, key derivation, and proofs-of-work. This paper focuses on scrypt, a simple candidate MHF designed by Percival, and described in RFC 7914. It has been used within a number of cryptocurrencies (e.g., Litecoin and Dogecoin) and has been an inspiration for Argon2d, one of the winners of the recent password-hashing competition. Despite its popularity, no rigorous lower bounds on its memory complexity are known. We prove that scrypt is optimally memory hard, i.e., its cumulative memory complexity (cmc) in the parallel random oracle model is Ī©(n2w)\Omega(n^2 w), where ww and nn are the output length and number of invocations of the underlying hash function, respectively. High cmc is a strong security target for MHFs introduced by Alwen and Serbinenko (STOC \u2715) which implies high memory cost even for adversaries who can amortise the cost over many evaluations and evaluate the underlying hash functions many times in parallel. Our proof is the first showing optimal memory hardness for any MHF. Our result improves both quantitatively and qualitatively upon the recent work by Alwen et al. (EUROCRYPT \u2716) who proved a weaker lower bound of Ī©(n2w/logā”2n)\Omega(n^2 w /\log^2 n) for a restricted class of adversaries