10 research outputs found

    Massive mitochondrial DNA content in diplonemid and kinetoplastid protists

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    The mitochondrial DNA of diplonemid and kinetoplastid protists is known for its suite of bizarre features, including the presence of concatenated circular molecules, extensive trans‐splicing and various forms of RNA editing. Here we report on the existence of another remarkable characteristic: hyper‐inflated DNA content. We estimated the total amount of mitochondrial DNA in four kinetoplastid species (Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanoplasma borreli, Cryptobia helicis, and Perkinsela sp.) and the diplonemid Diplonema papillatum. Staining with 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole and RedDot1 followed by color deconvolution and quantification revealed massive inflation in the total amount of DNA in their organelles. This was further confirmed by electron microscopy. The most extreme case is the ∼260 Mbp of DNA in the mitochondrion of Diplonema, which greatly exceeds that in its nucleus; this is, to our knowledge, the largest amount of DNA described in any organelle. Perkinsela sp. has a total mitochondrial DNA content ~6.6× greater than its nuclear genome. This mass of DNA occupies most of the volume of the Perkinsela cell, despite the fact that it contains only six protein‐coding genes. Why so much DNA? We propose that these bloated mitochondrial DNAs accumulated by a ratchet‐like process. Despite their excessive nature, the synthesis and maintenance of these mtDNAs must incur a relatively low cost, considering that diplonemids are one of the most ubiquitous and speciose protist groups in the ocean

    Massive mitochondrial DNA content in diplonemid and kinetoplastid protists

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    The mitochondrial DNA of diplonemid and kinetoplastid protists is known for its suite of bizarre features, including the presence of concatenated circular molecules, extensive trans‐splicing and various forms of RNA editing. Here we report on the existence of another remarkable characteristic: hyper‐inflated DNA content. We estimated the total amount of mitochondrial DNA in four kinetoplastid species (Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanoplasma borreli, Cryptobia helicis, and Perkinsela sp.) and the diplonemid Diplonema papillatum. Staining with 4′,6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole and RedDot1 followed by color deconvolution and quantification revealed massive inflation in the total amount of DNA in their organelles. This was further confirmed by electron microscopy. The most extreme case is the ∼260 Mbp of DNA in the mitochondrion of Diplonema, which greatly exceeds that in its nucleus; this is, to our knowledge, the largest amount of DNA described in any organelle. Perkinsela sp. has a total mitochondrial DNA content ~6.6× greater than its nuclear genome. This mass of DNA occupies most of the volume of the Perkinsela cell, despite the fact that it contains only six protein‐coding genes. Why so much DNA? We propose that these bloated mitochondrial DNAs accumulated by a ratchet‐like process. Despite their excessive nature, the synthesis and maintenance of these mtDNAs must incur a relatively low cost, considering that diplonemids are one of the most ubiquitous and speciose protist groups in the ocean

    Extensive flagellar remodeling during the complex life cycle of Paratrypanosoma, an early-branching trypanosomatid

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    Paratrypanosoma confusum is a monoxenous kinetoplastid flagellate that constitutes the most basal branch of the highly diverse parasitic trypanosomatids, which include human pathogens Trypanosoma and Leishmania. This makes Paratrypanosoma uniquely informative for the evolution of obligatory parasitism from free-living lifestyle and the evolution of human parasitism in some trypanosomatid lineages. It has typical promastigote morphology but also forms surface-attached haptomonads and amastigotes. Haptomonads form by attachment to a surface via a large bulge at the base of the flagellum, which is then remodeled into a thin attachment pad associated with flagellum shortening. Promastigotes and haptomonads multiply by binary division, and the progeny of a haptomonad can either remain attached or grow a flagellum and resume swimming. Whole genome sequencing and transcriptome profiling, in combination with analysis of the cell ultrastructure, reveal how the cell surface and metabolism are adapted to parasitism and how characteristic cytoskeletal features are conserved. Our data demonstrate that surface attachment by the flagellum and the flagellar pocket, a Leishmania-like flagellum attachment zone, and a Trypanosoma cruzi-like cytostome are ancestral features, while evolution of extant trypanosomatids, including the human parasites, is associated with genome streamlining and diversification of membrane proteins


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    Binding of Bilirubin to Albumin

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