867 research outputs found

    Letter from the Guest Editor

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    Study of the effects of organic matter on silica diagenesis using a geochemical modeling code

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    Sequence Stratigraphy of Fluvial Facies: A New Type Representative from Wenliu Area, Bohai Bay Basin, China

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    The application of sequence stratigraphy to the fluvial portion of sedimentary basin fills is most challenging, especially where the fluvial deposits under analysis are isolated or far away from coeval shorelines and marine influences. Taking the Wenliu Area as an example, this chapter aims at addressing researches about another type of river. High-resolution stratigraphic analysis of the lower second member of the Shahejie Formation of the W79 Block of Bohai Bay Basin (China) has revealed that the study area, previously interpreted as a shallow water delta system, actually originated in a subaerial setting with a distributional pattern. The base level fluctuations are mainly controlled by the regional tectonic setting. Active subsidence stages tend to make base level rising semi-cycles, while relative stable stages tend to make base level falling semi-cycles

    The Information Content of the NCREIF Index

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    This paper examines the dynamic behavior of the NCREIF index. NCREIF total return and appreciation indexes are smooth and exhibit strong autocorrelation and autoregressive heteroskedasticity. We test the information transmission from the NAREIT index to the NCREIF index. In our VAR analysis, the NAREIT index returns Granger cause the returns of the NCREIF indexes. In our ARCH information transmission analysis, the NCREIF indexes are observed to incorporate information spillover from the NAREIT indexes in both the mean and variance of the index returns. The ARCH dynamics between the NCREIF and NAREIT indexes suggest a nonlinear relation between the two indexes.

    The substructure and halo population of the Double Cluster hh and χ\chi Persei

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    In order to study the stellar population and possible substructures in the outskirts of Double Cluster hh and χ\chi Persei, we investigate using the GAIA DR2 data a sky area of about 7.5 degrees in radius around the Double Cluster cores. We identify member stars using various criteria, including their kinematics (viz, proper motion), individual parallaxes, as well as photometric properties. A total of 2186 member stars in the parameter space were identified as members. Based on the spatial distribution of the member stars, we find an extended halo structure of hh and χ\chi Persei, about 6 - 8 times larger than their core radii. We report the discovery of filamentary substructures extending to about 200 pc away from the Double Cluster. The tangential velocities of these distant substructures suggest that they are more likely to be the remnants of primordial structures, instead of a tidally disrupted stream from the cluster cores. Moreover, the internal kinematic analysis indicates that halo stars seems to be experiencing a dynamic stretching in the RA direction, while the impact of the core components is relatively negligible. This work also suggests that the physical scale and internal motions of young massive star clusters may be more complex than previously thought.Comment: 9 pagges, 9 figures, Accecpted to A&

    Leakage discharge separation in multi-leaks pipe networks based on improved Independent Component Analysis with Reference (ICA-R) algorithm

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    The existing leakage assessment methods are not accurate and timely, making it difficult to meet the needs of water companies. In this paper, a methodology based on Independent Component Analysis with Reference (ICA-R) algorithm was proposed to give an more accurate estimation of leakage discharge in multi-leaks water distribution network without considering the specific individuality of one single leak. The proposed algorithm has been improved is improved to prevent error convergence in multi-leak pipe networks. Then an example EPANET model and a physical experimental platform were built to simulate and evaluate the flow in multi-leak WDNs, and the leakage flow rate is calculated by improved ICA-R algorithm and FastICA algorithm. The simulation results are shown the improved ICA-R algorithm has better performanc