378 research outputs found

    Influence of Doubled CO2 on Ozone via Changes in the Brewer–Dobson Circulation

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    In this short note, the effect of enhanced circulation due to doubling CO2 on ozone is investigated. The difference of Brewer–Dobson circulation (BDC) between the doubled CO2 and control run from an idealized atmospheric general circulation model is added to the BDC climatology derived from National Centers for Environmental Prediction—Department of Energy Reanalysis 2 (NCEP2) from 1979 to 2002. Then it is used to drive the California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Caltech/JPL) two-dimensional chemistry and transport model. The results reveal that the total ozone increases by 7 and 3.5 Dobson units (DU) in the high latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, respectively, and decreases by 4 DU in the Tropics as a result of the increase in BDC associated with doubled CO2. If the change of eddy mixing coefficients after doubling CO2 is also considered, the total ozone will increase by 6.5 and 3 DU in the high latitudes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres after combining both effects from the change in BDC and eddy mixing coefficients

    Effect of Statistical Fluctuation in Monte Carlo Based Photon Beam Dose Calculation on Gamma Index Evaluation

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    The gamma-index test has been commonly adopted to quantify the degree of agreement between a reference dose distribution and an evaluation dose distribution. Monte Carlo (MC) simulation has been widely used for the radiotherapy dose calculation for both clinical and research purposes. The goal of this work is to investigate both theoretically and experimentally the impact of the MC statistical fluctuation on the gamma-index test when the fluctuation exists in the reference, the evaluation, or both dose distributions. To the first order approximation, we theoretically demonstrated in a simplified model that the statistical fluctuation tends to overestimate gamma-index values when existing in the reference dose distribution and underestimate gamma-index values when existing in the evaluation dose distribution given the original gamma-index is relatively large for the statistical fluctuation. Our numerical experiments using clinical photon radiation therapy cases have shown that 1) when performing a gamma-index test between an MC reference dose and a non-MC evaluation dose, the average gamma-index is overestimated and the passing rate decreases with the increase of the noise level in the reference dose; 2) when performing a gamma-index test between a non-MC reference dose and an MC evaluation dose, the average gamma-index is underestimated when they are within the clinically relevant range and the passing rate increases with the increase of the noise level in the evaluation dose; 3) when performing a gamma-index test between an MC reference dose and an MC evaluation dose, the passing rate is overestimated due to the noise in the evaluation dose and underestimated due to the noise in the reference dose. We conclude that the gamma-index test should be used with caution when comparing dose distributions computed with Monte Carlo simulation

    The influence of tropospheric biennial oscillation on mid-tropospheric CO_2

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    Mid-tropospheric CO_2 retrieved from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) was used to investigate CO_2 interannual variability over the Indo-Pacific region. A signal with periodicity around two years was found for the AIRS mid-tropospheric CO_2 for the first time, which is related to the Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO) associated with the strength of the monsoon. During a strong (weak) monsoon year, the Western Walker Circulation is strong (weak), resulting in enhanced (diminished) CO_2 transport from the surface to the mid-troposphere. As a result, there are positive (negative) CO2 anomalies at mid-troposphere over the Indo-Pacific region. We simulated the influence of the TBO on the mid-tropospheric CO_2 over the Indo-Pacific region using the MOZART-2 model, and results were consistent with observations, although we found the TBO signal in the model CO_2 is to be smaller than that in the AIRS observations

    Mars Sample Return: Mars Ascent Vehicle Mission and Technology Requirements

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    A Mars Sample Return mission is the highest priority science mission for the next decade recommended by the recent Decadal Survey of Planetary Science, the key community input process that guides NASAs science missions. A feasibility study was conducted of a potentially simple and low cost approach to Mars Sample Return mission enabled by the use of developing commercial capabilities. Previous studies of MSR have shown that landing an all up sample return mission with a high mass capacity lander is a cost effective approach. The approach proposed is the use of an emerging commercially available capsule to land the launch vehicle system that would return samples to Earth. This paper describes the mission and technology requirements impact on the launch vehicle system design, referred to as the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV)

    VIPER Integrated MDAO Analysis for Conceptual Design of Supersonic X-Plane Vehicles

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    A streamlined Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) process is being developed to provide feedback on conceptual designs and early airspace modeling assessments of unconventional aircraft. This MDAO process has been demonstrated using a Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator (LBFD) like configuration by performing a trade study of various flap sizes. The results of this trade showed that shorter takeoff distances are achieved with increased flap chord and flap deflections. This trend is unlike conventional transport type aircraft which typically show increased required takeoff distances due to the increased drag during its take-off flap configurations. The LBFD like configuration results are attributed to its high engine thrust which overcomes the higher drag associated with these takeoff flap configurations

    Temporal and Spatial Variability of Precipitation from Observations and Models

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) is utilized to explore the temporal and spatial variability of precipitation from GPCP and a CAM5 simulation from 1979 to 2010. In the tropical region, the interannual variability of tropical precipitation is characterized by two dominant modes (El Niño and El Niño Modoki). The first and second modes of tropical GPCP precipitation capture 31.9% and 15.6% of the total variance, respectively. The first mode has positive precipitation anomalies over the western Pacific and negative precipitation anomalies over the central and eastern Pacific. The second mode has positive precipitation anomalies over the central Pacific and negative precipitation anomalies over the western and eastern Pacific. Similar variations are seen in the first two modes of tropical precipitation from a CAM5 simulation, although the magnitudes are slightly weaker than in the observations. Over the Northern Hemisphere (NH) high latitudes, the first mode, capturing 8.3% of the total variance of NH GPCP precipitation, is related to the northern annular mode (NAM). During the positive phase of NAM, there are negative precipitation anomalies over the Arctic and positive precipitation anomalies over the midlatitudes. Over the Southern Hemisphere (SH) high latitudes, the first mode, capturing 13.2% of the total variance of SH GPCP precipitation, is related to the southern annular mode (SAM). During the positive phase of the SAM, there are negative precipitation anomalies over the Antarctic and positive precipitation anomalies over the midlatitudes. The CAM5 precipitation simulation demonstrates similar results to those of the observations. However, they do not capture both the high precipitation anomalies over the northern Pacific Ocean or the position of the positive precipitation anomalies in the SH

    The recycling rate of atmospheric moisture over the past two decades (1988–2009)

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    Numerical models predict that the recycling rate of atmospheric moisture decreases with time at the global scale, in response to global warming. A recent observational study (Wentz et al 2007 Science 317 233–5) did not agree with the results from numerical models. Here, we examine the recycling rate by using the latest data sets for precipitation and water vapor, and suggest a consistent view of the global recycling rate of atmospheric moisture between numerical models and observations. Our analyses show that the recycling rate of atmospheric moisture has also decreased over the global oceans during the past two decades. In addition, we find different temporal variations of the recycling rate in different regions when exploring the spatial pattern of the recycling rate. In particular, the recycling rate has increased in the high-precipitation region around the equator (i.e., the intertropical convergence zone) and decreased in the low-precipitation region located either side of the equator over the past two decades. Further exploration suggests that the temporal variation of precipitation is stronger than that of water vapor, which results in the positive trend of the recycling rate in the high-precipitation region and the negative trend of the recycling rate in the low-precipitation region

    Fast Monte Carlo Simulation for Patient-specific CT/CBCT Imaging Dose Calculation

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    Recently, X-ray imaging dose from computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT (CBCT) scans has become a serious concern. Patient-specific imaging dose calculation has been proposed for the purpose of dose management. While Monte Carlo (MC) dose calculation can be quite accurate for this purpose, it suffers from low computational efficiency. In response to this problem, we have successfully developed a MC dose calculation package, gCTD, on GPU architecture under the NVIDIA CUDA platform for fast and accurate estimation of the x-ray imaging dose received by a patient during a CT or CBCT scan. Techniques have been developed particularly for the GPU architecture to achieve high computational efficiency. Dose calculations using CBCT scanning geometry in a homogeneous water phantom and a heterogeneous Zubal head phantom have shown good agreement between gCTD and EGSnrc, indicating the accuracy of our code. In terms of improved efficiency, it is found that gCTD attains a speed-up of ~400 times in the homogeneous water phantom and ~76.6 times in the Zubal phantom compared to EGSnrc. As for absolute computation time, imaging dose calculation for the Zubal phantom can be accomplished in ~17 sec with the average relative standard deviation of 0.4%. Though our gCTD code has been developed and tested in the context of CBCT scans, with simple modification of geometry it can be used for assessing imaging dose in CT scans as well.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, and 1 tabl