123 research outputs found

    Data Collection and Capacity Analysis in Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this dissertation, we study data collection and its achievable network capacity in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Firstly, we investigate the data collection issue in dual-radio multi-channel WSNs under the protocol interference model. We propose a multi-path scheduling algorithm for snapshot data collection, which has a tighter capacity bound than the existing best result, and a novel continuous data collection algorithm with comprehensive capacity analysis. Secondly, considering most existing works for the capacity issue are based on the ideal deterministic network model, we study the data collection problem for practical probabilistic WSNs. We design a cell-based path scheduling algorithm and a zone-based pipeline scheduling algorithm for snapshot and continuous data collection in probabilistic WSNs, respectively. By analysis, we show that the proposed algorithms have competitive capacity performance compared with existing works. Thirdly, most of the existing works studying the data collection capacity issue are for centralized synchronous WSNs. However, wireless networks are more likely to be distributed asynchronous systems. Therefore, we investigate the achievable data collection capacity of realistic distributed asynchronous WSNs and propose a data collection algorithm with fairness consideration. Theoretical analysis of the proposed algorithm shows that its achievable network capacity is order-optimal as centralized and synchronized algorithms do and independent of network size. Finally, for completeness, we study the data aggregation issue for realistic probabilistic WSNs. We propose order-optimal scheduling algorithms for snapshot and continuous data aggregation under the physical interference model

    Quantification of De-anonymization Risks in Social Networks

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    The risks of publishing privacy-sensitive data have received considerable attention recently. Several de-anonymization attacks have been proposed to re-identify individuals even if data anonymization techniques were applied. However, there is no theoretical quantification for relating the data utility that is preserved by the anonymization techniques and the data vulnerability against de-anonymization attacks. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the de-anonymization attacks and provide conditions on the utility of the anonymized data (denoted by anonymized utility) to achieve successful de-anonymization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on quantifying the relationships between anonymized utility and de-anonymization capability. Unlike previous work, our quantification analysis requires no assumptions about the graph model, thus providing a general theoretical guide for developing practical de-anonymization/anonymization techniques. Furthermore, we evaluate state-of-the-art de-anonymization attacks on a real-world Facebook dataset to show the limitations of previous work. By comparing these experimental results and the theoretically achievable de-anonymization capability derived in our analysis, we further demonstrate the ineffectiveness of previous de-anonymization attacks and the potential of more powerful de-anonymization attacks in the future.Comment: Published in International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, 201

    Distributed and Asynchronous Data Collection in Cognitive Radio Networks with Fairness Consideration

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    As a promising communication paradigm, Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) have paved a road for Secondary Users (SUs) to opportunistically exploit unused licensed spectrum without causing unacceptable interference to Primary Users (PUs). In this paper, we study the distributed data collection problem for asynchronous CRNs, which has not been addressed before. We study the Proper Carrier-sensing Range (PCR) for SUs. By working with this PCR, an SU can successfully conduct data transmission without disturbing the activities of PUs and other SUs. Subsequently, based on the PCR, we propose an Asynchronous Distributed Data Collection (ADDC) algorithm with fairness consideration for CRNs. ADDC collects a snapshot of data to the base station in a distributed manner without the time synchronization requirement. The algorithm is scalable and more practical compared with centralized and synchronized algorithms. Through comprehensive theoretical analysis, we show that ADDC is order-optimal in terms of delay and capacity, as long as an SU has a positive probability to access the spectrum. Furthermore, we extend ADDC to deal with the continuous data collection issue, and analyze the delay and capacity performances of ADDC for continuous data collection, which are also proven to be order-optimal. Finally, extensive simulation results indicate that ADDC can effectively accomplish a data collection task and significantly reduce data collection delay. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER

    Efficient Query-Based Attack against ML-Based Android Malware Detection under Zero Knowledge Setting

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    The widespread adoption of the Android operating system has made malicious Android applications an appealing target for attackers. Machine learning-based (ML-based) Android malware detection (AMD) methods are crucial in addressing this problem; however, their vulnerability to adversarial examples raises concerns. Current attacks against ML-based AMD methods demonstrate remarkable performance but rely on strong assumptions that may not be realistic in real-world scenarios, e.g., the knowledge requirements about feature space, model parameters, and training dataset. To address this limitation, we introduce AdvDroidZero, an efficient query-based attack framework against ML-based AMD methods that operates under the zero knowledge setting. Our extensive evaluation shows that AdvDroidZero is effective against various mainstream ML-based AMD methods, in particular, state-of-the-art such methods and real-world antivirus solutions.Comment: To Appear in the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, November, 202