1,431 research outputs found

    Chern-Weil theory for line bundles with the family Arakelov metric

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    We prove a result of Chern-Weil type for canonically metrized line bundles on one-parameter families of smooth complex curves. Our result generalizes a result due to J.I. Burgos Gil, J. Kramer and U. K\"uhn that deals with a line bundle of Jacobi forms on the universal elliptic curve over the modular curve with full level structure, equipped with the Petersson metric. Our main tool, as in the work by Burgos Gil, Kramer and K\"uhn, is the notion of a b-divisor.Comment: 34 page

    Finitely Presented Monoids and Algebras defined by Permutation Relations of Abelian Type, II

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    The class of finitely presented algebras A over a field K with a set of generators x_{1},...,x_{n} and defined by homogeneous relations of the form x_{i_1}x_{i_2}...x_{i_l}=x_{sigma(i_1)}x_{sigma(i_2)}...x_{sigma(i_l)}, where l geq 2 is a given integer and sigma runs through a subgroup H of Sym_n, is considered. It is shown that the underlying monoid S_{n,l}(H)= <x_1,x_2,...,x_n|x_{i_1}x_{i_2}...x_{i_l}=x_{sigma(i_1)}x_{sigma(i_2)}...x_{\sigma (i_l)}, sigma in H, i_1,...,i_l in {1,...,n}> is cancellative if and only if H is semiregular and abelian. In this case S_{n,l}(H) is a submonoid of its universal group G. If, furthermore, H is transitive then the periodic elements T(G) of G form a finite abelian subgroup, G is periodic-by-cyclic and it is a central localization of S_{n,l}(H), and the Jacobson radical of the algebra A is determined by the Jacobson radical of the group algebra K[T(G)]. Finally, it is shown that if H is an arbitrary group that is transitive then K[S_{n,l}(H)] is a Noetherian PI-algebra of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension one; if furthermore H is abelian then often K[G] is a principal ideal ring. In case H is not transitive then K[S_{n,l}(H)] is of exponential growth.Comment: 8 page

    Algebras and groups defined by permutation relations of alternating type

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    The class of finitely presented algebras over a field KK with a set of generators a1,...,ana_{1},..., a_{n} and defined by homogeneous relations of the form a1a2...an=aσ(1)aσ(2)...aσ(n)a_{1}a_{2}... a_{n} =a_{\sigma (1)} a_{\sigma (2)} ... a_{\sigma (n)}, where σ\sigma runs through \Alt_{n}, the alternating group, is considered. The associated group, defined by the same (group) presentation, is described. A description of the radical of the algebra is found. It turns out that the radical is a finitely generated ideal that is nilpotent and it is determined by a congruence on the underlying monoid, defined by the same presentation
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